Sharp map

In differential geometry, the sharp map is the mapping that converts coordinate 1-forms into corresponding coordinate basis vectors.


Let M be a manifold and \,\Gamma (TM) denote the space of all sections of its tangent bundle. Fix a nondegenerate (0,2)-tensor field g \in \Gamma(T^*M^{\otimes 2}) , i.e., a metric tensor or a symplectic form. The definition

X^\flat := i_X g = g(X,.)

yields a linear map sometimes called the flat map

 \flat : \Gamma(TM) \to \Gamma(T^*M)

which is an isomorphism, since g is non-degenerate. Its inverse

\sharp := \flat^{-1} : \Gamma(T^*M) \to \Gamma(TM)

is called the sharp map.

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