

Shattuckite from the type locality in Bisbee. Size: 6.0×4.9×2.9 cm.
Category Inosilicate
(repeating unit)
Strunz classification 9.DB.40
Crystal system Orthorhombic
Color Dark and light blue, turquoise
Crystal habit Commonly spherulitic aggregates of acicular crystals
Crystal symmetry Orthorhombic - dipyramidal
H-M symbol (2/m 2/m 2/m)
Space group: Pcab
Cleavage perfect along [010] and [100]
Fracture uneven
Mohs scale hardness 3.5
Luster Dull to silky
Streak Blue
Diaphaneity Translucent to opaque
Specific gravity 4.1 (rather heavy for a non-metallic mineral)
Optical properties Biaxial (+)
Refractive index nα = 1.753, nβ = 1.782, nγ = 1.815
Pleochroism X = very pale blue; Y = pale blue; Z = deep blue
References [1][2][3]

Shattuckite is a copper silicate hydroxide mineral with formula Cu5(SiO3)4(OH)2. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic – dipyramidal crystal system and usually occurs in a granular massive form and also as fibrous acicular crystals. It is closely allied to plancheite in structure and appearance.

Shattuckite is a relatively rare copper silicate mineral. It was first discovered in 1915 in the copper mines of Bisbee, Arizona, specifically the Shattuck Mine (hence the name). It is a secondary mineral that forms from the alteration of other secondary minerals. At the Shattuck Mine, it forms pseudomorphs after malachite. A pseudomorph is an atom by atom replacement of a crystal structure by another crystal structure, but with little alteration of the outward shape of the original crystal.



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  1. ↑ Shattuckite. Retrieved on 2011-10-10.
  2. ↑ Shattuckite. (2011-09-08). Retrieved on 2011-10-10.
  3. ↑ Shattuckite. Handbook of Mineralogy. (PDF) . Retrieved on 2011-10-10.

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