Shlomo HaKohen of Greece
Shlomo Hacohen of Greece may refer to two people:
- Rabbi Shlomo Hacohen author of responsa, published Salonika-Venice 1586-1730.
- Another Shlomo Hacohen, possibly ca. 1800, mekubal and posek, known for his commentary to the kabbalistic works of Isaac Luria. This Shlomo's son, Yehudah HaKohen also published a kabbalistic work Ashmoret HaBoker (1853), and a halakhic work Oholei Yehudah (1843), on the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides.
External links
- יפה שעה - שלמה ב"ר יהודה הכהן, (re)printed 1813, Yofeh Sha'ah to the Idrah Rabbah.
- שו"ת שעות דרבנן - כהן, שלמה בן יהודה, (re)printed 1843, halakhic responsa of Shlomo HaKohen ben Yehudah.
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