Shorty Awards
The Shorty Awards | |
![]() | |
Awarded for | "The best producers of short content" |
Country | United States |
Presented by | Sawhorse Media |
First awarded | February 11, 2009 |
Official website | |
The Shorty Awards, also known as the Shortys, is an annual awards event, recognizing the people and organizations producing real-time short form content across Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, and the rest of the social web.
The awards are organized by the co-founders of the Brooklyn-based startup company Sawhorse Media.[1] Greg Galant is CEO and Co-founder and Lee Semel is CTO and Co-founder of Sawhorse Media.[2] Since their creation in 2008, the awards have expanded beyond Twitter to recognize content creation on other social networking sites, including YouTube, Tumblr, Instagram, Vine, Snapchat, and Facebook.
Twitter users nominate six finalists in each award category, and a panel of expert and celebrity judges choose winners. An awards ceremony is held each spring and streamed live on the official website. Each award recognizes the entire body of work of the content creator, rather than an individual tweet or post. A 2012 Forbes magazine article about the awards commented: "The Shortys recognize that social media is about more than who can get the most followers ... we are creating millions of pieces of new writing that will define our generation. ... These writings ... are creating our history of record."[3]
First Annual Shorty Awards
The awards were created in 2008 by tech entrepreneurs Greg Galant, Adam Varga, and Lee Semel of Sawhorse Media.[4][5] They invited Twitter account holders to nominate the best twitterers in general categories such as humor, news, food, and design.[6] Winners were chosen by more than 30,000 twitterers during the voting period.[4] The founders of Twitter first heard about the awards after the contest had gotten underway, and expressed support for it.[4]
The first Shorty Awards ceremony was held on February 11, 2009, at the Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn, New York. Approximately 300 people attended the event.[7] The event was hosted by CNN anchor Rick Sanchez and featured in-person guest appearances by prominent Twitter users MC Hammer and Gary Vaynerchuk and a video appearance by Shaquille O'Neal.[8][9] The awards, which were voted on by Twitter users, were distributed in 26 categories.[4] At the ceremony, the true identity of advertising category winner @PeggyOlson was revealed to be Carri Bugbee, owner of the public relations company Big Deal PR in Portland, Oregon.[10]
First Annual Winners by category
Category | Winner |
Best in Advertising[11] | Peggy Olson, @PeggyOlson[12] |
Best in Apps[13] | brightkit, @brightkit |
Best Brand[14] | Action Wipes, @MarthaVan |
Best in Business[15] | Paw Luxury, @PawLuxury |
Best in Design[16] | Yiying Lu, @yiyinglu |
Best in Education[17] | RubyLearning, @RubyLearning |
Best in Entertainment[18] | Flashlight Worthy Books, @FLWBooks |
Best in Finance[19] | StockTwits, @StockTwits |
Best in Food[20] | Foodimentary, @foodimentary |
Best in Green[21] | Green Moms Carnival, @greenmoms |
Best in Health[22] | Debra Wendler, @ADHDParenting |
Best in Humor[23] | Charles Trippy, @charlestrippy |
Best in Music[24] | Hunter Burgan, @tranquilmammoth |
Best in News[25] | BNO News, @BreakingNewsOn |
Best in Nonprofits[26] | Athletes for a Cure, @athletes4acure |
Best Personal[27] | Arleen Boyd, @AlohaArleen |
Best in Photography[28] | Kyle Reese, @Twipphoto |
Best in Politics[29] | Justin Hart, @justin_hart |
Best in Science[30] | NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, @MarsPhoenix |
Best in Social Media[31] | Dan Zarrella, @danzarrella |
Best in Sports[32] | Jackie, @girlwithnoname |
Best in Startups[33] | Hanniversary, @hanniversary |
Best in Tech[34] | Twitter Tips, @Twitter_Tips |
Best in Travel[35] | Cruise Source, @cruisesource |
Best in Video Games[36] | Justin McElroy, @justinmcelroy |
Best in Weird[37] | Martin Sargent, @martinsargent |
Second Annual Shorty Awards
Voting for the second Shorty Awards opened on January 5, 2010, in 26 official categories. A Real-Time Photo of the Year category was added to the list of official categories for the first time, recognizing the best photo posted to services such as Twitpic, Yfrog, or Facebook.[38][39]
The second Shorty Awards competition introduced a panel of judges called the Real-Time Academy of Short Form Arts & Sciences whose members were Craig Newmark, David Pogue, Kurt Andersen, Caterina Fake, Joi Ito, Frank Moss, Alberto Ibargüen, Sreenath Sreenivasan, MC Hammer, Alyssa Milano and Jimmy Wales. After public nominations determined the finalists, the Academy decided on the winners.
Winners were announced at a ceremony held in the Times Center in The New York Times building in Manhattan, and were streamed online. The ceremony was hosted by CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, who presented awards in the official categories as well as the newly added Real-Time Photo of the Year and a special humanitarian award.[40]
Second Annual Winners by category
- Advertising: Frank Adman, @FrankAdman[38]
- Apps: TweetDeck, @TweetDeck
- Art: deviantART, @deviantART
- Brand (Tie): Whole Foods, @WholeFoods
- Brand (Tie): Sesame Street, @sesamestreet
- Celebrity: Nathan Fillion, @NathanFillion
- Cultural Institution (Tie): Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden, @lewisginter
- Cultural Institution (Tie): Reduced Shakespeare Company, @reduced
- Customer Service: Bonnie Smalley, @ComcastBonnie
- Design: Smashing Magazine, @smashingmag
- Entertainment: True Blood HBO, @TrueBloodHBO
- Finance: The Suze Orman Show, @SuzeOrmanShow
- Food: Foodimentary, @Foodimentary
- Government: Cory Booker, @CoryBooker
- Health: Rachael Dunlop, @DrRachie
- Humor (Tie): Mrs. Stephen Fry, @MrsStephenFry
- Humor (Tie): David Thorne, @27bslash6
- Innovation: Betty Draper, @BettyDraper
- Literature: Arjun Basu, @arjunbasu
- Journalist (Tie): William Bonner, @realwbonner
- Journalist (Tie): Rachel Maddow, @maddow
- Music (Tie): Ivete Sangalo, @ivetesangalo
- Music (Tie): Ted Leo, @tedleo
- News: The Diane Rehm Show, @drshow
- Nonprofit: TWLOHA, @TWLOHA
- Politics: The Nation, @thenation
- Science: Jen Scheer, @flyingjenny
- Sports: Bill Simmons, @sportsguy33
- Tech: Soldier Knows Best, @SoldierKnowBest
- Travel: Twitchhiker, @twitchhiker
- Weird: The Llama, @DoWhatITellYou
Special Awards
Real-Time Photo of the Year: Janis Krums, @jkrums for "Plane on the Hudson"
- Special Humanitarian Award: Carel Pedre, @carelpedre
Third Annual Shorty Awards
The nomination period for the third annual Shorty Awards opened in January, 2011, and ran through February 11, 2011, except for new categories that had extended nomination deadlines.[41] There were 30 official categories, and five special categories. In addition to Real-Time Photo of the Year, for the first time the awards accepted nominations for Foursquare Mayor of the Year, Foursquare Location of the Year, Microblog of the Year on Tumblr, and a Connecting People award. The awards also introduced new Shorty Industry Awards to recognize the best uses of social media by brands and agencies. A Marketing Jury within the Real-Time Academy of Short Form Arts & Sciences judges the Shorty Industry Awards and determines the winners from among the paid entries.[42] Winners were announced at a ceremony on March 28, 2011, hosted by Aasif Mandvi in the Times Center.[43][44] Other Shorty Awards presenters were scheduled to include Kiefer Sutherland, Jerry Stiller, Anne Meara, Stephen Wallem, Miss USA Rima Fakih, and Miss Teen USA Kamie Crawford.[44]
Third Annual Winners by category
- Actor: Neil Patrick Harris, @ActuallyNPH[45][46]
- Actress: Stana Katic, @Stana_Katic
- Apps: COLOURlovers, @colourlovers
- Art: One Stop Poetry, @Onestoppoetry
- Author (Tie): Shawn Stewart, @treatwomenright
- Author (Tie): John Green, @realjohngreen
- Celebrity: Kim Jae-joong, @mjjeje
- Charity: The Trevor Project, @trevorproject
- Comedian (in conjunction with the New York Comedy Festival): Harrison Greenbaum, @harrisoncomedy[47]
- Cultural Institution (Tie): Tyneside Cinema, @tynesidecinema
- Cultural Institution (Tie): Science Gallery, @ScienceGallery
- Customer Service: Research In Motion, @BlackBerryHelp
- Design: Codeorama, @Codeorama
- Entertainment: Barney Stinson, @Broslife
- Fashion: Ann Li, @AnnLouieLi
- Fan Page: Ke$ha Time, @keshastime ; Hey Britney @heybritney
- Finance: Slow Money, @SlowMoney
- Food: Epic Meal Time, @epicmealtime
- Gaming: Adam Montoya, @SeaNanners
- Government: Cory Booker, @CoryBooker
- Green: Mud Baron, @Cocoxochitl
- Humor: The Dark Lord, @Lord_Voldemort7
- Innovation: Rene Silva Santos, @Rene_Silva_RJ
- Journalist: West Wing Report, @westwingreport
- Music: The Jonas Brothers, @JonasBrothers
- News (Tie): Lei Seca RJ, @LeiSecaRJ
- News (Tie): The Young Turks, @TheYoungTurks
- Nurse (Tie): Ronivin Pagtakhan, @ronnievinn
- Nurse (Tie): Matthew Browning, @MatthewBrowning
- Politics (Tie): Marina Silva, @silva_marina
- Politics (Tie): The Bloggess, @TheBloggess
- Science: MythBusters, @MythBusters
- Social Media Expert: Facts About Boys, @FactsAboutBoys
- Sports: New Orleans Saints, @Official_Saints
- Tech: Soldier Knows Best, @SoldierKnowBest
- Television (Tie): Attack of the Show, @aots
- Television (Tie): Sesame Street, @sesamestreet
- Travel: JD Andrews, @earthXplorer
- Weird (Tie): Alli Trippy @AlliTrippy
- Weird (Tie): OMG I do this, too, @omgidothistoo
Special Awards
Connecting People: Shannon Miller, @shannonmmiller
- Real-Time Photo of the Year: Douglas H. Wheelock, @Astro_Wheels for "Moon From Space"
- Foursquare Location of the Year: SXSW
- Foursquare Mayor of the Year: Baratunde Thurston @baratunde
- Microblog of the Year on Tumblr: The Daily What
Fourth Annual Shorty Awards
The Fourth Annual Shorty Awards were hosted by The Daily Show's Samantha Bee and Jason Jones. They were held in The Times Center in NYC on March 26, 2012.
Fourth Annual Winners by category
- Activism: Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC)[48]
- Actor: Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion)
- Actress: Tara Strong (@tarastrong)[49]
- Apps: Instagram (@Instagram)
- Band: Jonas Brothers (@JonasBrothers)
- Celebrity: Justin Bieber (@justinbieber)
- Charity: Random Acts (@therandomactorg)
- Comedian: Jim Norton (@JimNorton), Matt Walker (@funnymatt)
- Director: Alfredo Flores (@AlfredoFlores), Katherine Brooks (@thekatbrooks)
- FakeAccount: The Fake ESPN (@TheFakeESPN), Dilma Rousseff (@diimabr)
- Fansite: Sherlockology (@Sherlockology)
- Fashion: Luke Reichle (@redcarpetluke)
- Finance: Goldman Sachs Elevator Gossip (@GSElevator)
- Food: Epic Meal Time (@EpicMealTime), Mud Baron (@Cocoxochitl)
- Gaming: The Sims 3 (@TheSims3)
- Government: NASA (@NASA)
- Green: Jerry James Stone (@jerryjamesstone)
- Humor: Ryan Higa (@TheRealRyanHiga), Christian Beadles (@LittlecBeadles)
- Journalist: Andy Carvin (@acarvin)
- LifeSavingHero: FDNY (@FDNY)
- Music: Justin Bieber (@justinbieber)
- Photography: Adam Bouska (@bouska)
- Science: Nature News & Comment (@NatureNews)
- SocialFitness: Christopher Brisley (@TakeAChallenge)
- Sportsteam: Liverpool Football Club (@LFC)
- Travel: Charles Trippy (@charlestrippy)
- TVShow: Attack of the Show (@aots)
- VideoBlogger: Fafa the Groundhog (@FafaGroundhog)
- Weather: Andy Gabrielson (@FindTheTornado)
- Webshow: Awkward Black Girl (@awkwardblkgrl)
- YouTubeStar: Curtis Paradis (@CurtisParadis)
- Best Music in Social Media: Demi Lovato (@ddlovato)
- Best Branded YouTube Channel: The Visionaire Group: KungFu Panda 2 YouTube Brand Channel
- Best Integration of Social Media with Live Television: Viacom (MTV Networks): VMA Twitter Tracker
- Best Location-Based Marketing: Walgreens: Check-ins That Make a Difference
- Best Overall Brand Presence on Facebook: Nickelodeon: SpongeBob GayPants
- Best Overall Brand Presence on Tumblr: BBC America: Doctor Who Tumblr
- Best Overall Brand Presence on Twitter: Bob Maron: @CharlieSheen
- Best Social Commerce: Viking Range Corporation: Leanne Gault
- Best Social Media Campaign for Film: Paramount Pictures: Super 8 Movie - Super 8 Secret
- Best Social Media Campaign for Gaming: Promethium Marketing: Discover Your Legacy - Assassin’s Creed: Revelations
- Best Social Media Campaign for Television: USA Network: Psych HashTag Killer
- Best Social Media Manager: Stephanie Schierholz (@NASA)
- Best Use of a Hashtag on Twitter: Bob Maron: @CharlieSheen
- Best Use of Facebook in a Campaign: HBO: True Blood “Immortalize Yourself” Facebook Application
- Best Use of Foursquare in a Campaign: Walgreens: Check-ins That Make a Difference
- Best Use of Game Mechanics (Gamification) in a Social Media Campaign: Nickelodeon’s ‘Kids’ Choice Awards 2011’
- Best Use of Social Media for a Consumer Product or Service: 360i: Dentyne Safe Breath Alliance
- Best Use of Social Media for Customer Service: Research in Motion: Support At The Scale of BlackBerry
- Best Use of Social Media for News: CNN Worldwide: The Global Networks of CNN Dominate on Social Media
- Best Use of Social Media for Sports: Major League Baseball: MLB Fan Cave
- Best Use of Social Media in a Mobile Campaign: Viacom (MTV Networks): VMA Twitter Tracker for iOS for Verizon
- Best Use of Social Media in an Awards Show: Viacom (MTV Networks): 2011 VMAs (Twitter/Tumblr + Twitter Tracker)
- Best Use of Social Media In Real Life (“IRL”): Wieden + Kennedy & Digital Kitchen: Dodge Journey - The Search Engine for the Real World
- Best Use of Twitter Ad Platform: Edelman: Volkswagen’s All-New 2012 Beetle Launch
- Best Use of the Twitter in a Campaign: 9/11 Commemoration
- Best Use of Video in a Social Media Campaign: CNN Worldwide: The Royal Wedding of William & Kate; Group SJR: TED - Ideas Worth Spreading
- Best Viral Campaign: BuzzFeed: Schick Xtreme 3 Razorbombing, Walgreens: Check-ins That Make a Difference
- Boldest Social Media Campaign of 2011: VH-1: Do Something Awards: Give a Shit!
Special awards
- The Shorty Vox Populi Award: Agnes Monica (@agnezmo)
- Quora Answer of the Year (Tie): Matan Shelomi for answering,“If you injure a bug, should you kill it or let it live?”
- Quora Answer of the Year (Tie): Justin Freeman for answering, “What’s the best way to escape the police in a high-speed car chase?”
- Foursquare Mayor of the Year: Michael Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg)
- Real-Time Photo of the Year (Tie): Stefanie Gordon (@Stefmara) for tweeting a photo of Space Shuttle Endeavour from a commercial airliner
- Real-Time Photo of the Year (Tie): Louise Macabitas for the photo “Police Pepper-Spraying UC Davis Students.”
- Microblog of the Year on Tumblr: We Are the 99 Percent, created by Christopher Key
Fifth Annual Shorty Awards
The Fifth Annual Shorty Awards were hosted by Felicia Day and held on April 8, 2013 in The Times Center in NYC.
Fifth Annual Winners by category
- Award for Actress: (tie) Selena Gomez
- Award for Actress: (tie) Tara Strong
- Award for Actor: Misha Collins
- Award for Band: One Direction
- Award for Best Singer: Greyson Chance
- Award for Celebrity: Justin Bieber
- Award for Charity: Random Acts
- Award for Comedian: Rafinha Bastos
- Award for Fake Account: Charles_HRH
- Award for Fansite: (tie) Sherlockology
- Award for Fansite: (tie) 0ne-directi0n-updates
- Award for Food: (tie) RosannaPansino
- Award for Food: (tie) MissAngelaDavis
- Award for Gaming: (tie) Monark
- Award for Gaming: (tie) PewDiePie
- Award for GIF Maker: (tie) T. Kyle MacMahon
- Award for GIF Maker: (tie) Ryan Broderick
- Award for Ireland: (tie) Bry
- Award for Ireland: (tie) Niall Horan
- Award for Non-Human: Jason Filiatrault
- Award for Social Fitness: Cassey Ho
- Award for Video Blogger: maspoxavida
- Award for Web Show: Bravest Warriors
- Award for YouTube Star: Cauê Moura
- Best Large Social Media Agency: 360i
- Best Location-Based Marketing: VH1 Save The Music
- Best Mid-Sized Social Media Agency: (tie) Deep Focus
- Best Mid-Sized Social Media Agency: (tie) Carrot Creative
- Best Mid-Sized Social Media Agency: (tie) Suite Spot LLC
- Best Overall Brand Presence on Tumblr: The Daily Show Election Center
- Best Social Media Manager: Andy Cohen
- Best Social Media Presence of a CEO: Ian Schafer
- Best Use of Social Media for Video Games: (tie) Benn Achilleas
- Best Use of Social Media for Video Games: (tie) Martin Moore
- Best Use of Facebook for Marketing: PandaQuest: Be the Next Chengdu Pambassador
- Best Use of Promoted Tweet, Trend, or Account: (tie) Joe Pierce
- Best Use of Promoted Tweet, Trend, or Account: (tie) Jordan Jacobson
- Best Use of Promoted Tweet, Trend, or Account: (tie) Rachel Ford
- Best Use of Promoted Tweet, Trend, or Account: (tie) Angelika Husmann
- Best Use of Promoted Tweet, Trend, or Account: (tie) Jeanette Brown-Green
- Best Use of Promoted Tweet, Trend, or Account: (tie) Jason Dolenga
- Best Viral Campaign: Old Spice Muscle Music
- Celebrity Fashion Award: (tie) Selena Gomez
- Celebrity Fashion Award: (tie) Sophia Abrahão
- Foursquare Mayor of the Year: NASA
- GIFStar Award: Michelle Obama
- Keep Good Going Award: Kathy Zucker
- Quora of the Year: Kenyatta Leal
- Real-Time Photo of the Year: Benjamin Lowy
- Shorty Special Lifetime Achievement Award: Jimmy Kimmel
- Tumblr of the Year: Texts from Hillary
Sixth Annual Shorty Awards
The 6th Annual Shorty Awards took place on April 7, 2014 at the New York Times Center and was hosted by comedian Natasha Leggero. The competition brought together even more social media stars as the voting platform grew immensely. 2.4 million tweeted nominations were made across categories to honor the top users on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Instagram, YouTube and more.
Sixth Annual Winners by category
- Activism: Against Suicide (@AgainstSuicide)[50]
- Actor: Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8)
- Actress: Retta (@unfoRETTAble)
- Apps: Digg (@digg)
- Art:Rachel Ryle (@rachelryle)
- Athlete: Billie Jean King (@BillieJeanKing)
- Author:Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself)
- Band: Fifth Harmony (@FifthHarmony)
- Barnes & Noble College’s #BNCollege:Boston University’s College of Communication (@comugrad)
- Blogger: Terrance Gaines, @BrothaTech
- Brazil: (tie) Midia NINJA (@midianinja), Porta dos Fundos (@portadosfundos)
- Celebrity: Ian McKellen (@IanMcKellen)
- Charity: Nature Conservancy (@nature_org)
- Comedian: Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt)
- Cox BLUE’s #BusinessInfluencer: Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki)
- Director: Paul Feig (@paulfeig)
- Education:Paulo Pirula, @Pirulla25
- FakeAccount: Modern Seinfeld (@SeinfeldToday)
- Fansite: News for TV Majors (@N4TVM)
- Fashion: Man Repeller (@ManRepeller)
- Food: Jamie Oliver (@jamieoliver)
- Gaming: Polygon (@Polygon)
- GIF Maker:Trent Nelson (@trenthead)
- GIF of the Year:Matrix Cat[51]
- Government: NASA Goddard (@NASAGoddard)
- Green: Sustainable Cities (@sustaincities)
- A&E’s Instagram Video of the Year:I Look Good by Paul Zedrich[52]
- Instagrammer:Dukk Deuce (@Dukk2); New York Life’s #KeepGoodGoing:Dr. Jen Arnold (@JenArnoldMD)
- Kickstarter of the Year: The Veronica Mars Movie Project
- Muckrack's Journalist: Sarah Jones (@SarahJReports)
- Maker: DIY (@DIY)
- Museum: Museum Nerd, @museumnerd
- Music: Questlove (@questlove)
- Newsworthy Photo of the Year: Pope Francis Introduction by Roberto Luigi [53]
- NonHuman: Cancellation Bear (@TheCancelBear)
- Photography: (tie) David Guttenfelder (@dguttenfelder), Liz Eswein (@newyorkcityliz)
- Podcaster:This American Life (@ThisAmerLife)
- Science: (tie) Black Girls Code (BlackGirlsCode), Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson)
- Small Business: The Brooklyn Circus (@TheBKcircus)
- Social Fitness: Tyler Graham (@_Tyler_Graham_)
- Sports Team: Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers)
- Teen Activism:Buddy Project (@ProjectBuddy)
- Tumblr of the Year: Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls at the Party
- TV Show: Scandal (@ScandalABC)
- UK:Ryan McHenry (@RyanWMcHenry)
- Video Blogger: Jullien Gordon (@JullienGordon)
- Vine of the Year:My reflection is cooler than me by Chad Jaxon Perez[54]
- Univision's Vineographer:Cupcake Dude, (@TheDudeBakes), Pinot (@Pinot)
- Webshow: Comedians in Cars Getting CoffeeSeinfeld (@JerrySeinfeld)
- Weird: Buck Wolf, @wolfb
- YouTubeStar: Kid Fury (@KidFury)
- Industry Winners
- Best Brand on Twitter: American Express
- Best Brand on Vine: (tie) Oreo - 360i, GE, Mashable
- Best Brand on Instagram: GoPro
- Best Brand on Pinterest: Whole Foods Market
- Best Brand on Snapchat: Wet Seal - ICED Media
- Best Brand on Tumblr: Doctor Who & BBC America
- Best Brand on YouTube: WWE
- Best Facebook Page: GoPro
- Unmetric’s Best Facebook Campaign: Turning the Internet Red, Human Rights Campaign
- Best Facebook Contest: (tie) This Is SportsCenter, Briggs and Stratton’s Mower Mouth Contest by Lindsay, Stone & Briggs
- Best Branded Mobile App: The WWE App
- Best Branded Real-Time Response to a Major Event or Cultural Phenomenon: United Nation’s #theworldneedsmore - Leo Burnett New York
- Best Contest: Wheat Thins Flavor Protection - AKQA New York
- Best Fortune 500 Brand on Social Media: American Express
- Best Integration of Social Media with Live Television: (tie) The Voice: Instant Save - NBC, Talpa, Warner Horizon, One Three Media, Telescope
- Best Listicle: 27 Worst Moments Of John Oliver’s First 6 Minutes Hosting The Daily Show - Comedy Central
- Best Mobile Campaign: Join the Realm: Mobile, HBO - Definition 6
- Best News Twitter Account: Al Jazeera America
- Best Social Good Campaign: #SFBatKid, Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation - Clever Girls Collective
- Best Social Integration with a TV Commercial: & Leo Burnett
- Best Social Media Campaign for Film: The Wolverine - Way to Blue & Jump! Creative
- Best Tumblr Campaign: “The Signal” Lexus - Team One
- Best Twitter Campaign: #SFBatKid, Greater Bay Area Make-A-Wish Foundation - Clever Girls Collective
- Best Use of a Hashtag on Twitter: The Voice: Instant Save - NBC, Talpa, Warner Horizon, One Three Media, Telescope
- Best Use of Animated GIFs: The Purge - Universal Pictures and Brigade Marketing
- Best Use of Gamification: Dodge: Hands On Ron Burgundy Game - Wieden+Kennedy
- Best Use of Humor: Halloween Treats Gone Wrong, P&G / Oral B - Publicis Kaplan Thaler
- Best Use of Social Media by One Brand Responding to Another Brand: Snack Attack, America Honda Motor Co., Inc. - RPA Advertising
- Best Use of Social Media for a Consumer Brand: WestJet Christmas Miracle: Real -Time Giving
- Best Use of Social Media for Auto Industry: Nissan - Versa Note Amazon Partnership - TBWA\Chiat\Day
- Best Use of Social Media for B2B: Jobsite and Seven
- Best Use of Social Media for Consumer Electronics: The Most Retweeted Brand Tweet Ever, Nokia - Wunderman
- Best Use of Social Media for Customer Service: Samsung Mobile US Digital Marketing Team - Edelman
- Best Use of Social Media for Fashion: Maui Jim - Moxie
- Best Use of Social Media for Financial Services: Tweet & Shoot We Are Tennis by BNP Paribas - We Are Social
- Best Use of Social Media for Food & Beverage: Say It With Bacon, Kraft Foods (Oscar Mayer) - 360i
- Best Use of Social Media for Healthcare: Break Dengue - ZN
- Best Use of Social Media for Luxury Goods: Need For Tweed, Harris Tweed Hebrides - Leo Burnett New York
- Best Use of Social Media For Music: Avicii x You - Universal Music, House of Radon, Seventy Agency, At Night Management
- Best Use of Social Media for News: Goodbye DOMA, Hello Marriage Equality: msnbc’s Google+ Hangout
- Best Use of Social Media for Retail or E-Commerce: - Conversocial
- Best Use of Social Media for Sports: WWE WrestleMania 29
- Best Use of Social Media for Telecom: O2 Be more dog - VCCP
- Best Use of Social Media for Television: @MTVFR hacked Twitter with #TeenWolfFr - Darewin
- Best Use of Social Media for Travel: WestJet Christmas Miracle: Real -Time Giving
- Best Use of Social Media for Video Games: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
- Best Use of Social Media In Real Life: United Nation’s #theworldneedsmore - Leo Burnett New York
- Best Use of Video in a Social Media Campaign: Virgin America Remixes the Safety Video
- Best Viral Campaign: WestJet Christmas Miracle: Real -Time Giving
- Most creative use of technology for a campaign: Tweet & Shoot We Are Tennis by BNP Paribas - We are Social
- Best Small Agency (1-20): Clever Girls Collective
- Best Mid-Sized Agency (21-100): Carrot Creative
- Best Large Agency (over 100): 360i
Seventh Annual Shorty Awards
The Seventh Annual Shorty Awards was hosted by comedian Rachel Dratch and took place on April 20, 2015 at The Times Center in NYC. The Real-Time Academy, the judging body of the Shortys, tripled in size for the 7th annual Awards and included additions such as Alton Brown, Mamrie Hart, Nikki Glaser, OK Go, Shiza Shahid, The Fine Bros, Debbie Sterling, Dan Savage, Deena Varshavskaya, Palmer Luckey, and more. Panic! at the Disco was the musical guest at the ceremony. On-stage presenters included Kevin Jonas, Bill Nye, Bella Thorne, Wyclef Jean, Emily Kinney, Tyler Oakley, and more.
Seventh Annual Winners by category
Arts and entertainment
- Best Actor: Chris Pratt @prattprattpratt
- Best Actress: Bella Thorne @bellathorne
- Best Band: HAIM @HAIMtheband
- Best Celebrity: Conan O’Brien @ConanOBrien
- Best Comedian: Hannibal Buress @hannibalburess
- Best Musician: (tie) Questlove Gomez @questlove
- Best Musician: (tie) Lorde @lordemusic
- Best Singer: Taylor Swift @taylorswift13
- Best TV Show: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon @FallonTonight
- Best Vine Artist (tie) Ian Padgham @origiful
- Best Vine Artist (tie) Alicia Herber @leeshespieces
- Best Vine Comedian:Brandon Bowen @BrandonRayBowen
- Best Vine Musician: Shawn Mendes @ShawnMendes
- Best Vine Star of the Year presented by Univision: Thomas Sanders @foster_dawg
- Best Web Show: SourceFed @sourcefed
- Best YouTube Comedian:Jenna Marbles @Jenna_Marbles
- Best YouTube Guru presented by FYI:Michelle Phan @MichellePhan
- Best YouTube Musician:Pentatonix @PTXofficial
- Best WebTv star of the year presented by mtv new media(viacom) and Awesomenesstv inc thedremcelrath @thedremcelrath
- Best YouTube Star of the Year presented by A&E:Smosh @smosh
Creative and design
- Best Artist: Katie Rodgers @paperfashion
- Best Director: Alfredo Flores @alfredoflores
- Best in DIY: Bethany Mota @bethanymota
- Best in Fashion: Nicole Warne @garypeppergirl
- Best GIF of the Year:Tiger Cub & Boy
- Best Instagrammer: C+C Mini Factory @CCMiniFactory
- Best Photographer: Nat Geo Photography @NatGeoPhotos
- Best Pinner: HonestlyWTF @HonestlyWTF
- Best Snapchatter: Jerome Jarre @jeromejarre
- Best Vine of the Year: (tie) The 9 Month Vine by Ian Padgham @origiful
- Best Vine of the Year: (tie) The Evolution of Sharing by Maris Jones @themarisjones
News and media
- Best Athlete: Lauren Fleshman @laurenfleshman
- Best Author: Susan Orlean @susanorlean
- Best Blogger: Maria Popova @brainpicker
- Best in Food: Alton Brown @altonbrown
- Best in Healthy Living: Kris Carr @Kris_Carr
- Best Journalist: Wesley Lowery @WesleyLowery
- Best Newsworthy Photo of the Year: Ebola in Liberia by Daniel Berehulak @berehulak
- Best in Science: Bill Nye @billnye
- Best Tumblr Blog of The Year: If They Gunned Me Down
- Best in Weird: Saved You A Click @SavedYouAClick
Tech and innovation
- BN Student presented by Barnes & Noble College:Alexia Raye @AlexiaRaye
- Business Blogger presented by Cox Business:Jeff Barrett @BarrettAll
- Emoji of the Year: Poop Face
- Fake Account: Bored Elon Musk @BoredElonMusk
- Fansite: Taylor Swift Web @TaySwiftdotcom
- Gamer: Felix Kjellberg @pewdiepie
- Non-Human: Congress Edits @congressedits
- Parent: Marala Scott @MaralaScott
- Podcast: Serial @serial
- Top Breakout reddit Community: Serious Eats
Global issues
- Activist: Katie Meyler @katiemeyler
- Brazil: Marina Silva @silva_marina
- Charity: The Gates Foundation @gatesfoundation
- Green: Climate Desk @ClimateDesk
Eighth Annual Shorty Awards
The eighth annual Shortys were held in NYC on April 11, 2016.
Eighth Annual Winners by category
By Industry
- Auto: The Greatest Interception Ever-Volvo Car USA
- Business to Business: #BallotBriefcase on Snapchat-PwC
- Consumer Brand: Lucy The Robot-Atomic 212 Sydney, Double Robotics
- Education: John Jay College Insta-Challenge-VGD, John Jay College
- Entertainment: Peanutize me!-Ludomade, 20th Century Fox
- Family & Parenting: Plum Organics®: Parenting Unfiltered-Something Massive, Plum Organics
- Fashion, Beauty & Luxury: Carol's Daughter #BornandMade-Love Social, Carol's Daughter
- Financial Services: Meet Halfway-CP+B LA, PayPal, Airbnb
- Food & Beverage: Lovin' The Super Bowl-DDB Chicago, McDonald's
- Games: HUNT the TRUTH Audio Series-Ayzenberg Group, Xbox/343 Industries
LEGO Dimensions: The Ultimate Social Media Collaboration- Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- Government & Politics: The Royal Navy Engineers Recruitment Campaign-e3, The Royal Navy
- Health & Fitness: #CignaRunTogether at #DisneylandHalf Marathon Weekend-Cigna
- Home & Decor: The First Ever Pinterest Yard Sale-Deutsch, Krylon
- Hospitality: Two Bellmen-Marriott International, Marriott Content Studio, SubstanceOverHype, Platform Media Group
- Live Events: 2015 iHeartRadio Music Festival-iHeartRadio
- News: The New Yorker on Social Media-The New Yorker
- Non-Profit: Crossroads Community Street Fare Social Campaign-Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, Crossroads Community Services
Love Has No Labels-R/GA, Ad Council
- Pets & Animals: RuffLife-breensmith, Friends of Animals
- Retail & E-Commerce: Live The Fresh Blade Shave-Dollar Shave Club
- Sports: #MyPlayoffsMoment-National Hockey League and Camp Jefferson
- Technology: Lucy The Robot-Atomic 212 Sydney, Double Robotics
- Television: Netflix Narcos Original Series Social Media Campaign-Mistress, Netflix
- Travel & Tourism: BLAH Airlines-Eleven Inc, Virgin America
- Wine, Beer & Spirits: Hockey Heaven-Rethink, Molson Canadian
My Tales of Whisky Yule Log-Diamond Docs on behalf of Diageo submitted by Hunter PR
Arts & Entertainment
- Actor: Dwayne Johnson
- Actress: Taraji P. Henson
- Celebrity: Jimmy Fallon
- Comedian: Kevin Hart
- Dance: Misty Copeland
- Musician: Adele
- Singer: Troye Sivan
- TV Show: The Late Late Show with James Corden
Content and Media
- Animated GIFs: Hulu: The Perfect GIF-Good People, Hulu
- Contest or Promotion: Mr. Robot: Debt Deletion-ISL, NBCUniversal
- Data Visualization: #Cokenomics-Mistress, Netflix
- Emojis: Emoji Ordering-CP+B, Domino's
- Hashtag: #GayIsOK-Lush Cosmetics + AllOut
- Live Streaming Video: Mr. Robot: Debt Deletion-ISL, NBCUniversal
- Meme: Straight Outta Somewhere-PMG, Beats by Dre
- Photography and Graphics: High-Five. Give $5. Save Big Cats.-National Geographic
- Video: Wish Writer-Carat and J. Walter Thompson, Macy's
- Virtual Reality: Discovery VR-Discovery Communications
Agency of the Year
- Large Agency of the Year: R/GA
- Mid-Size Agency of the Year: DDB Chicago
- Small Agency of the Year: Atomic 212 Sydney
Strategy & Engagement
- Customer Service: Tale of tiger's big adventure highlights airport's commitment to customer service-Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
- Integration with Live Television: The Voice-NBC Entertainment
- Gamification: #CatchDrogon-360i, HBO/ Game of Thrones
- Humor: Mustang Speed Dating-Team Detroit, Ford Motor Company
- Online Community: @SummerBreak, a single summer told over multiple platforms
AT&T, Fullscreen, The Chernin Group, Astronauts Wanted
- Physical & Digital: WestJet Christmas Miracle: 12,000 mini miracles-studio m, WestJet
- Real Time Response: Adopt A Life Partner-DigitasLBi New York, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC
- Media Buying Strategy: Lucy The Robot-Atomic 212 Sydney, Double Robotics
- Social Media Tool: #EveryDayCare – Whirlpool, DigitasLBi and Crowdtap-DigitasLBi, Crowdtap, Whirlpool
- Creative use of Technology: Netflix socks-Deeplocal, Netflix
Team Internet
- Vine Artist: Zach King
- Vine Comedian: MeechOnMars and Mikaela Long
- Vine Musician: Us The Duo
- Web Series: Good Mythical Morning
- YouTube Comedian: Roman Atwood
- YouTube Ensemble: Prank vs Prank
- YouTube Guru: Sprinkle of Glitter
- YouTube Musician: Lindsey Stirling
- Snapchatter of the Year: DJ Khaled
- Viner of the Year: King Bach
- YouTuber of the Year: Casey Neistat
By Campaign
- Influencer & Celebrity Campaign: My Tales of Whisky Yule Log-Diamond Docs on behalf of Diageo submitted by Hunter PR
- Integrated Campaign: Love Has No Labels-R/GA, Ad Council
- Mobile Campaign: Taco Bell Mobile Ordering Application-DigitasLBi, Taco Bell
- Multi-Platform Campaign: #NewWords - (,
- Endless Table: Havas Worldwide Chicago, Reynolds-Social Good Campaign
"Love Has No Labels" Diversity & Inclusion Campaign-The Ad Council Connor's Cure-WWE
Creative & Design
- Blogger: Momma's Gone City
- Art: Matija Erceg
- DIY: ThreadBanger
- Fashion: Christian Siriano
- Instagrammer of the Year: Baddie Winkle
By use of Platform
- Facebook: Silent Ads-CP+B,
- Instagram: Beats By Dre Straight Outta Compton-R/GA's Hustle, Beats By Dr. Dre
- Pinterest: The First Ever Pinterest Yard Sale-Deutsch, Krylon
- Snapchat: Call of Duty: Hack in Black-Edelman & AKQA, Activision
- Twitter: Lovin' The Super Bowl-DDB Chicago, McDonald's
- Vine: Disney Vine-Disney Interactive
- YouTube: Do You Adventure?-NORTH, CLIF Bar
- Emerging Platform: Mr. Robot: Debt Deletion-ISL, NBCUniversal
News & Media
- Animal: JiffPom
- Author: J.K. Rowling and Sarah Dessen
- Food: Hannah Hart
- Healthy Living: Jessamyn Stanley
- Parenting: SACCONEJOLYs
- Sports: Stephen Curry
- Journalist: Katie Couric
- Parody Account: Emo Kylo Ren
By Overall Presence
- Facebook Presence: AJ+: 2.2 Billion Facebook Video Views in 2015-AJ+
- Instagram Presence: Airbnb Instagram: @airbnb-Airbnb
- Tumblr Presence: The Real Cost: Reaching youth at risk of experimenting with cigarettes-FCB Garfinkel, FDA Center of Tobacco Products
- Twitter Presence: Casper: The Tweeting Mattress-Casper
- YouTube Presence: Last Week Tonight-HBO
- Tech & Innovation: Activism-Janet Mock
- Education: Khan Academy
- Gaming: Rooster Teeth's Let's Play
- Science: I Fucking Love Science
- Weird: Bill Wurtz
- Podcast: Ear Biscuits
- Periscoper of the Year: Season & Snare
- YouNower of the Year: Merrell Twins
- GIF of the Year-Pizza Rat
- Instagram Photo of the Year-Peace for Paris
- Tumblr Blog of the Year-Photoshop Your Dreams
- Vine of the Year-Why the fuck you lyin'
See also
- ↑ "Shorty Award Winners Unveiled in New York City", John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- ↑ "Sawhorse Media Team"
- ↑ Dube, Jon. "Why The Shorty Awards Matter", Forbes, March 26, 2012, accessed February 20, 2013
- 1 2 3 4 Holmes, Elizabeth: "Surviving the Drama of the Twitter Awards", The Wall Street Journal
- ↑ Neisser, Drew: "How the Shorty Awards Became the Oscars of Social Media", Fast Company
- ↑ Stone, Brad: "From the Twittersphere: Trophies for the Best Tweets", The New York Times Bits Blog
- ↑ Otterman, Sharon: "The Scene at the Shorty Twitter Awards: Chatter", The New York Times
- ↑ Vilensky, Mike: "The Media Is Twittering Away Its Short Time on Earth", New York Magazine
- ↑ Capistrano, Daniela: "MC Hammer, AFI's Hunter Burgan Celebrate Twitter Mania At Shorty Awards", MTV News
- ↑ Turnquist, Kristi: "Portland's Carri Bugbee plays Peggy Olson of 'Mad Men' on Twitter", The Oregonian
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - advertising leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ , First Annual Shorty Awards Site, Archived
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - apps leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - brand leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - business leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - design leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - education leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - entertainment leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - finance leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - food leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - green leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - health leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - humor leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - music leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - news leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - nonprofits leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - personal leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - photography leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - politics leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - science leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - The best producers of short content on Twitter". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - sports leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - startups leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - tech leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - travel leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - videogames leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- ↑ "The Shorty Awards - weird leaderboard". Retrieved 2016-02-15.
- 1 2 , Second Annual Shorty Awards Site, Archived
- ↑ Bunz, Mercedes: "'Twitter Oscars' open for public votes", The Guardian
- ↑ Ciarallo, Joe: "In Second Year, Shorty Awards Get A Bit More Formal", Mediabistro
- ↑ Matheson, Whitney: "The Shorty Awards call for (brief) nominations", USA Today
- ↑ Haile-Mariam, Sara: "Shorty Awards Extend Submission Date in Honor of Social Media Week", Social Media Week
- ↑ "Events: The 3rd Annual Shorty Awards", New York Daily News
- 1 2 D'Zurilla, Christie: "Kiefer Sutherland enlisted as Shorty Awards presenter", Los Angeles Times
- ↑ , Shorty Awards Site
- ↑ , 2011 Shorty Awards on
- ↑ "#EmergingComedian finalists on how Twitter has changed their careers". Official Shorty Awards Website. 2011-11-15. Retrieved 2011-12-20.
- ↑ "Congratulations to the Winners of the 4th Annual Shorty Awards!".
- ↑ "Shorty Award winners Cassey Ho and Tara Strong on Fox News Live".
- ↑ "And the winners of the 6th Annual Shorty Awards are… - Shorty Awards Blog".
- ↑ "Matrix Cat was nominated for a Shorty Award".
- ↑ "When your hair & outfit is on point your like..... #bitchilookgood #zonavy #fab #fabulous #gay #gayboy #gpoy was nominated for a Shorty Award".
- ↑ "Pope Francis Introduction by Roberto Luigi was nominated for a Shorty Award".
- ↑ "My reflection is cooler than me #MirrorLandContest #MindBlown #GasPedal #TwerkTeam was nominated for a Shorty Award".
External links
- Official Shorty Awards Site
- First Annual Shorty Awards Site
- Second Annual Shorty Awards Site
- The Real-Time Academy of Short Form Arts & Sciences
- Sawhorse Media