Shroud of Turin Research Project

The Shroud of Turin Research Project (often abbreviated as STURP) refers to a team of scientists which performed a set of experiments and analyses on the Shroud of Turin during the late 1970s and early 1980s. STURP issued its final report in 1981.
The origins of the group go back to the experiments of physicist John P. Jackson, thermodynamicist Eric Jumper and photographer William Mottern in 1976. Using the ideas invented in aerospace science for building three dimensional models from images of Mars, Eric Jumper built initial devices to test the photographs of the Shroud of Turin. These were the first experiments relating to the shroud performed by scientists.[1]
In March 1977, Jackson, Jumper and Mottern invited a few other scientists to join them to form a team for the analysis of the Shroud. The first meeting took place in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The group had no official sponsorship and the scientists funded their own activities. They also managed to arrange gifts and loans of technical equipment whose value was estimated at over $2 million.
Nuclear physicist Tom D'Muhala headed STURP. Apart from Jackson, Jumper and Motten the team included thermal chemist Raymond N. Rogers, and Ron London and Roger Morris, all from Los Alamos National Laboratory. Other team members included Don Lynn of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, biophysicist John Heller, photographers Vern Miller and Barrie Schwortz, optical physicist Sam Pellicori and electric power experts John D. German and Rudy Dichtl, as well as forensic pathologist Robert Bucklin. STURP included no experts on medieval art, archaeology or textiles.
To commemorate the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the shroud in Turin, it was displayed to the public in Turin from 27 August to 8 October 1978, with about 3 million visitors attending the exposition under bullet-proof glass. For the next 5 days after the exposition the STURP team analyzed the shroud around the clock at the royal palace adjoining Turin Cathedral, some scientists sleeping while others worked. A team of European scientists headed by Luigi Gonella supervised the activities.[2] The team gathered sticky tape samples of material from several points on the surface of the shroud.[3]
STURP team members continued their research after access to the shroud and published many of theirs results in scientific journals and proceedings.[4][5] In 1981, in its final report, STURP wrote:[6]
"We can conclude for now that the Shroud image is that of a real human form of a scourged, crucified man. It is not the product of an artist. The blood stains are composed of hemoglobin and also give a positive test for serum albumin. The image is an ongoing mystery and until further chemical studies are made, perhaps by this group of scientists, or perhaps by some scientists in the future, the problem remains unsolved."
Members of the S.Tu.R.P. in 1978
- Joseph S. Accetta , Lockheed Corporation (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Allan Adler , Western Connecticut State University .
- Steven Baumgart , U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Ernest H. Brooks II , Brooks Institute of Photography (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Robert Bucklin , Harris County,Texas, Medical Examiner's Office (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Donald Devan , Oceanographic Services Inc. (à Turin en 1978).
- Robert Dinegar , Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Rudolph J. Dichtl , University of Colorado (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Thomas F. D'Muhala , Nuclear Technology Corporation (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Jim Drusik , Los Angeles County Museum .
- Mark Evans , Brooks Institute of Photography (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Rev. Dr. Joseph Gambescia, M.D. , St. Agnes Medical Center .
- John D. German , U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Roger & Marty Gilbert , Oriel Corporation (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Thomas Haverty , Rocky Mountain Thermograph (Turin researcher in 1978).
- John Heller , New England Institute .
- John P. Jackson , U.S. Air Force Academy (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Donald & Joan Janney , Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Eric J. Jumper , U.S. Air Force Academy (Turin researcher in 1978).
- J. Ronald London , Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Jean Lorre , Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Donald J. Lynn , Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Vernon D. Miller , Brooks Institute of Photography (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Roger A. Morris , Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Robert W. Mottern , Sandia Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Samuel Pellicori , Santa Barbara Research Center (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Ray Rogers , Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Larry Schwalbe , Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories .
- Barrie M. Schwortz , Barrie Schwortz Studios (Turin researcher in 1978).
- Diane Soran , Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories .
- Kenneth E. Stevenson , IBM (Turin researcher in 1978).
- ↑ Bernard Ruffin, 1999, The Shroud of Turin ISBN 0-87973-617-8-page 79
- ↑ Bernard Ruffin, 1999, The Shroud of Turin ISBN 0-87973-617-8-page 80-83
- ↑ The orphaned manuscript: a gathering of publications on the Shroud of Turin by Alan D. Adler 2002 ISBN 88-7402-003-1 pages 93–94
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- ↑ A Chemist's Perspective On The Shroud of Turin by Raymond N. Rogers, 2008 ISBN 978-0-615-23928-6
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