Civilization III: Play the World

Civilization III: Play the World
Developer(s) Firaxis Games
Series Civilization
Engine Custom
Platform(s) Microsoft Windows
Release date(s) October 31, 2002
Genre(s) Turn-based strategy
Mode(s) Single player, multiplayer

Civilization III: Play the World (PTW), released in October 2002, is the first expansion pack for the award winning game Civilization III. Play the World added more civilizations, a new multiplayer feature, new Wonders of the World, new units and new game modes, including: elimination, regicide, and capture the flag.


One of the major features of Play the World was a turnless game mode, a new concept never used in the previous versions of the Civilization series. The game mode allowed a sort of mixture between turn based and real time gameplay. Although the concept was good on paper, it never actually worked very well and many online players experienced Out of sync issues along with others. Little support from Firaxis and the sundry other issues resulted in the gamemode not returning in Civilization IV.

Play the World can also be found on Civilization III: Gold which includes the original Civilization III and Play the World. Civilization III: Play the World is also found on the Civilization III: Conquests expansion.


Play the World was generally poorly received. The main feature, multiplayer, was extremely buggy and slow. Most issues were worked out in the second expansion Conquests which led many to regard Conquests as the expansion that Play the World was supposed to have been. However, the new civilizations were generally well received.

New civilizations in Play the World

Civilization Qualities Starting Advances Special Unit Leader Capital
Arabia Religious, Expansionist Ceremonial burial, Pottery Ansar Warrior Abu Bakr Mecca
Carthage Commercial (in Conquest, Seafaring),
Alphabet, Masonry Numidian Mercenary Hannibal Barca Carthage
Celts Religious (in Conquest, Agricultural),
Ceremonial burial, Warrior code Gallic Swordsman Brennus Entremont
Korea Commercial, Scientific Alphabet, Bronze working Hwacha Wang Kon Seoul
Mongolia Militaristic, Expansionist Warrior code, Masonry Keshik Temujin Karakorum
Ottomans Industrious, Scientific Masonry, Bronze working Sipahi Osman I Istanbul
Scandinavia Militaristic,
Expansionist (in Conquest, Seafaring)
Warrior code, Pottery Viking Berserk Ragnar Lodbrok Trondheim
Spain Religious,
Commercial (in Conquest, Seafaring)
Ceremonial burial, Alphabet Conquistador Isabella I Madrid

External links

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