Sida acuta

common wireweed
Scientific classification
Genus: Sida
Species: S. acuta
Binomial name
Sida acuta

Sida carpinifolia L.f.[2]

Sida acuta, the common wireweed,[3] is a species of flowering plant in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It is believed to have originated in Central America, but today has a pantropical distribution and is considered a weed in some areas.[4]

Plant- Undershrub, with mucilagenous juice, aerial, erect, cylindrical, branched, solid, green.

Leaves- Alternate, simple, lanceolate to linear, rarely ovate to oblong, obtuse at the base, acute at the apex, coarsely and remotely serrate; petiole much shorter than the blade; stipulate, stipules free-lateral, unequally paired at the node, reticulate venation.

Inflorescence- Cymose

Flower- Small, axillary, 2-3 in a cluster; pedicels jointed at the middle, epicalyx absent, complete,

bisexual, regular, actinomorphic, hypogynus, pentamerous, yellow.

Calyx- Sepals 5, gamosepalous, campanulate, slightly accrescent, persistent, valvate.

Corolla- Petals 5, polypetalous but slightly connate below and jointed with the staminal column,twisted.

Androecium- Stamens many,monadelphous, arranged on the staminal column; staminal column is shorter than the petals,divided above into numerous filaments, anthers monothecus, reniform, basifixed, filament short, extrorse.

Gynoecium- Carples 5 , syncarpous, ovary superior,penta or multilocular with axile placentation, one ovule in each locule; style 1, passing through the staminal tube; stigma globular,correspond to the number of carples.

Fruit- A schizocarpic mericarp, seed 1 in each mericarp.

Classification and Identification(Bentham and Hooker's system)-

Class- Dicotyledonae

I) Reticulate venation.

II) Flower pentamerous.

Sub Class- Polypetalae

I) Petals free.

Series- Thalamiflorae.

I) Flower hypogynus; ovary superior.

Order- Malvales

I) Stamens indefinite, monadelphous.

II) Ovary 5 carpellary, placentation axile.

Family- Malvaceae

I) Plant- Mucilagenous.

II) Leaves- Simple with free lateral stipule.

III) Flower- Bisexual,; petals 5, twisted; monadelphous stamen, anther one celled, reniformed.

Genus- Sida

I) Staminal column without teeth at apex.

II) Flowers without epicalyx.

III) Ovule 1 in each locule; seed 1 in each mericarp.

Species- S.acuta

I) Leaf base obtuse, apex acute.

Vernacular name[6]-

Sanskrit- Bala; Bengali- Kureta/ Berela[7](in Tripura) ; Hindi- Kareta/ Kharenti ; Oriya- Siobala ; Gujrati- Bala/ Jangli menthi ; Marathi- Chikana ; Malayalam- Malatanni ; Tamil- Malaidangi ; Telegu- Nelabenda ; Kannada- Vishakaddi ; Sinhala- Gasbevila ; Burmese- Katsaynai


  1. "Sida acuta Burm. f.". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 1997-05-02. Retrieved 29 March 2009.
  2. "Sida carpinifolia L. f.". ITIS Standard Reports. Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 29 March 2009.
  3. "Sida acuta". Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. Retrieved 12 November 2015.
  4. Parsons, William Thomas; Eric George Cuthbertson (2001). Noxious weeds of Australia (2 ed.). CSIRO Publishing. pp. 508–509. ISBN 978-0-643-06514-7.

5. S. acuta Burm.f.(Fl. ind. 147. 1768) emend. K.Schum. Fl. Bras. 12: 326. 1891. 1: 15. t. 2. 1785; Sub. sp. acuta. Cav. Diss. Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3; 171. 1832; Prain. Beng. Pl. I: 259. 1903; Heinig, Enum. 90. 1907; Gamble, Fl. Pres. Madras 90. 1915; Haines, Bot. Bih. Or. 61. 1925; Borss. in Blumea 14 (1: 187. 1966) S.carpinifolia sensu Masters in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 323. 1874. non L. f. ; Kanjilal et al. Fl. Assam 1(1) : 140. 1934; S.carpinifolia var. acuta (Burm. f) Kurz in Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. II. 45(2) : 119. 1876; S. scoparia Lour. Fl. Cochinch. 114. 1790; S. lanceolata Retz. Obs. Bot. 4: 28. 1786; Roxb. Fl. Ind. 3: 175. 1832; S. stauntoniana DC. Prodr. 1: 460. 1824; S.paucifolia DC. Prodr. 1: 472. 1824; S. acuta var. intermedia Hu,Fl. China(Fam.153) : 19. 1955; Deb. D.B . Fl. Tripura 1: 306. 1981.

6. Mukherjee H (1981) " Plant Groups" [9 ed]. New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd. pp. 1111. ISBN 81-7381-094-X.

7.Deb D.B (1981) " The Flora Of Tripura State" [vol. I] . pp. 306. Today & Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers. 24-B15, Desh Bandhu Gupta Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005

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