Simon Rockower Award

The Simon Rockower Award[1] is an award given for "Excellence in Jewish Journalism". The award is sponsored by the American Jewish Press Association.

The award was originated in 1979 by the children of Simon Rockower.

List of Categories/Divisions

Category 1: The Louis Rapoport Award for Excellence in Commentary
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and magazines
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation

Category 2: Award for Excellence in Single Commentary
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and magazines
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation

Category 3: Award for Excellence in Editorial Writing
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and magazines
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation

Category 4: The Boris Smolar Award for Excellence in Comprehensive Coverage or Investigative Reporting
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation

Category 5: Excellence in News Reporting
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation

Category 6: Excellence in Feature Writing
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation
Division C. Magazines/ Special Sections and Supplements

Category 7: Excellence in Arts and Criticism News and Features
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation and magazines
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation

Category 8: The David Frank Award for Excellence in Personality Profiles
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation
Division C. Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements

Category 9: Excellence in Overall Graphic Design
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation
Division C. Magazines

Category 10: Excellence in Special Sections or Supplements
Division A. Newspapers over 15,000 circulation
Division B. Newspapers under 15,000 circulation
Division C. Magazines

Category 11: Excellence in Photography
Division A. All Newspapers
Division B. Magazines

Category 12: The Noah Bee Award for Excellence in Illustration and/or Editorial Cartooning
Division A. Cartoons. All Newspapers/Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements
Division B. Illustrations. All Newspapers/Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements

Category 13: Jerusalem Foundation Excellence in Jerusalem Reporting
All Newspapers and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements

Category 14: Hadassah Award for Excellence in Writing about Women
All Newspapers and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements

Category 15: American Technion Society for Excellence in Writing about Scientific and Technological Innovation Out of Israel
All Newspapers and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements

Category 16: Micro-Circulation Award for Excellence
All Newspapers with a circulation of 3,000 and under

Category 17: Celebrate 350: Jewish Life in America Award
All Newspapers and Magazines/Special Sections and Supplements


  1. "Simon Rockower Awards". Retrieved 2008-11-05.
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