Slash (logging)

In forestry, slash, or slashings are coarse and fine woody debris generated during logging operations or through wind, snow or other natural forest disturbances.[1] Slash generated during logging operations may increase fire hazard and some North American states have passed laws requiring that logging slash be treated.[2] Logging slash can be chipped and used for the production of electricity or heat in cogeneration power plants.[3]

In parts of the world where logging takes place on soft ground the branches and tops of trees can be used as part of the timber harvesting process to provide a track for forest machines to travel upon.[4] Utilizing slash in this manner mitigates ground damage.

See also


  1. "Slash". The Dictionary of Forestry. Society of American Foresters.
  2. South Dakota Code
  3. California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
  4. Managing Brash on Conifer Clearfell Sites, Forestry Commission

External links

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