List of Slavic mythological figures
Further information: Slavic mythology
This is a list of Slavic deities, spirits and mythological creatures.

Perun – god of thunder and lightning

Veles – god of the earth, waters, and the underworld
Major gods
- Dažbog - Sun god, possibly a culture hero and a source of wealth and power
- Jarilo - God of war, vegetation, fertility and spring; also associated with harvest
- Lada - Goddess of love and marriage, summer and beauty, according to some supreme goddess
- Lelya - Goddess of spring and love
- Morana - Goddess of harvest, witchcraft, winter and death
- Perun - God of thunder and lightning, also is worshiped as supreme god.
- Rod - The birth-giver, creator of all existent. Supreme god, according to some theories
- Svarog - God of fire, sometimes described as a smith god.
- Svetovid - God of war, fertility and abundance
- Triglav - Three-headed god of war
- Veles - God of earth, waters, and the underworld
- Zosia - Goddess of beauty
- Živa - Goddess of love and fertility
- The Zorya - Two guardian goddesses that represent the morning and evening stars, guard over Simargl
Other gods
- Belobog - The God; speculated to be a god of light and sun
- Berstuk - Evil Wendish god of the forest
- Chernobog - The Black God; speculated to be the opposite number of Belobog
- Dodola - Goddess of rain, sometimes believed to be the wife of Perun
- Dogoda - Polish spirit of the west wind, associated with love and gentleness
- Dziewona - Virgin goddess of the hunt; equivalent of the Roman goddess Diana, or Greek goddess Artemis
- Dzydzilelya - Polish goddess of love, marriage, sexuality and fertility
- Flins - Wendish god of death
- Hors - God of the winter sun, healing, survival, and the triumph of health over illness
- Ipabog - God of the hunt
- Juthrbog - Wendish moon god
- Karewit - Wendish protector of the town of Charenza
- Kresnik (deity) - Fire god
- Kupala - God of fertility
- Koliada - Goddess of the sky, responsible for the sunrise
- Lada - Fakeloric goddess of harmony, merriment, youth, love and beauty, constructed by scholars during the Renaissance
- Marowit - Wendish god of nightmares
- Marzyana - Polish goddess of the grain
- Matka Gabia - Polish goddess of the home and hearth
- Mokosh - Goddess connected with female activities such as shearing, spinning and weaving
- Myesyats - God of the moon
- Oynyena Maria - Polish fire goddess who assists Perun
- Oźwiena - Goddess of echo, gossip, fame and glory
- Peklenc - God of the underground and a divine judge
- Percunatel - Polish goddess, purported to be Perun's mother
- Pereplut - Goddess of drink and changing fortunes
- Podaga - Wendish god of weather, fishing, hunting and farming
- Porewit - God of the woods, who protected lost voyagers and punished those who mistreated the forest
- Radegast - God of hospitality, fertility and crops
- Rugiewit - Local personification of Perun, worshipped by members of the Rani in Charenza
- Siebog - God of love and marriage; consort of Živa
- Siliniez - Polish woodland god for whom moss was sacred
- Stribog - God and spirit of the winds, sky and air
- Sudice - The Fates of Polish mythology, who meted out fortune, destiny, judgement and in some cases, fatality, when a child was born
- Sudz - Polish god of destiny and glory
- Tawals - Blessing-bringing god of the meadows and fields
- Varpulis - God of storm winds and companion of Perun
- Vesna - Goddess of spring and nature
- Zeme - Goddess of the earth
- Zirnitra - Dragon god of sorcery
- Zislbog - Wendish moon goddess; also known as Kricco, goddess of the seed
- Żywie - Goddess of health and healing
Spirits and demons
- Ala - Demons of bad weather
- Baba Yaga (Babaroga) - A witch-like character who eats small children and lives in a house which stands on chicken feet
- Bagiennik - Water demons who lived in lakes and rivers
- Bannik - A bathhouse spirit with the ability to predict the future
- Bies - An evil spirit
- Blud - An evil spirit who causes disorientation
- Boginki - Polish spirits who were said to steal babies and replace them with Odmieńce
- Dola - Protective spirits who embody human fate
- Domovoi - Household spirits
- Drekavac - A creature believed to come from the soul of a dead unbaptised child
- German - A male spirit associated with rain and hail
- Kikimora - Female household spirit, sometimes said to be married to the Domovoi
- Koschei - An evil being who cannot be killed because his soul is hidden separate from his body
- Leshy - Woodland spirits who protect wild animals and forests
- Likho - A one-eyed embodiment of evil fate and misfortune
- Polevik - Field spirits who appear either at noon or at sunset
- Polunocnica - "Lady Midnight", a demoness said to frighten children at night
- Pscipolnitsa - "Lady Midday"; a noon demon who roamed the fields and struck down workers with heatstroke
- Poroniec - a malicious spirit who comes from the souls of stillborn fetuses
- Raróg - Creature who turns himself into a whirlwind
- Rusalka - Often-malevolent female ghosts, water nymphs, succubi or mermaid-like demons that dwelled in waterways
- Shishiga - Female creature who harasses people and brings misfortune to drunkards
- Skrzak - A flying imp
- Stuhać - A demonic, mountain-dwelling creature
- Topielec - Malevolent spirits of human souls that died drowning
- Vampir - A revenant that feeds on the blood of the living
- Vila - Fairy-like spirits
- Vodyanoy - A male water spirit
- Vucari - Wolf-humans
- Zduhać - A man with extraordinary supernatural abilities
- Alkonost - A legendary bird with the head and chest of a woman
- Bukavac - A six-legged monster with gnarled horns who lived in lakes and attacked during the night
- Cikavac - A winged animal that would fulfill its owner's wishes and enable its owner to understand the animal language
- Firebird - A magical glowing bird which is both a blessing and bringer of doom to its captor
- Gamayun - A prophetic bird with the head of a woman
- Karzełek - A dwarf who lived in mines and underground workings, and was a guardian of gems, crystals, and precious metals
- Psoglav - A demonic creature described as having a human body with horse legs, and dog's head with iron teeth and a single eye on the forehead
- Psotnik - An elf
- Simargl - The father of Skif, founder of Scythia; often portrayed as a large dog with wings
- Sirin - A creature with the head and chest of a woman and the body of a bird
- Zmey - A dragon-like creature
See also
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