Sowol Poetry Prize

The So-Wol Poetry Prize is one of the most prestigious literary awards in Korea. Established by Moonhaksasangsa, a publishing company, in 1986,[1] the prize aims to commemorate the soul of poetry of Kim Sowol.

The awardees are selected through a two round process, in which published poems are first selected, then evaluated by university professors, literary critics, poets, editors-in-chief of literary magazine, and journalists in literary fields (1st round). The first round also includes the results from enquiries asked of the readers of Moonhaksasang, the literary magazine published by Moonhaksasangsa. Then, as the final round, 10 works of poetry are decided through the discussion among renowned literary critics and poets: one earns the grand prize, the rest are titled as the recommended objet de vertu.[2]

Every year, Moonhaksasangsa publishes the collection of awarded poems.

List of the Awardees and the title of the Poems in chronological order

Prize Year Title Author
1986 <그릇 1> The Bowl 1 Oh, Seyoung
1987 <우리 나라의 숲과 새들> The Forest and Birds of Our Nation Song, Soogwon
1988 <임진강에서> At the Imjin River Chung, Hoseung
1989 <숨길 수 없는 노래> A Telltale Song Lee, Seong-bok
1990 <떠도는 환유> Roaming Metonymy Kim, Seunghee
1991 <山頂墓地> Sanjeongmyoji (A grave is quiet in a mountain) Cho, Chung-kwon
1992 <화엄에 오르다> Ascending Hwaum Kim, Myeongin
1993 <뼈저린 후회> A Lonely Painful Regret Hwang, Jiwoo
1994 <고도를 위하여> For Godo Im, Youngjo
1995 <단추를 채우면서> Fastening Buttons Chun, Yanghee
1996 <키 큰 남자를 보면> On Seeing a Tall Man Moon, Jeonghee
1997 <사람들은 왜 모를까> Why People Do Not Know Kim, Yongtaek
1998 <고래를 기다리며> Waiting for a Whale Ahn, Dohyeon
1999 <사랑으로 나는> By Love, I Kim, Jeonglan
2000 <잘 익은 사과> A Well-ripened Apple Kim, Hyesoon
2001 <백련사 동백숲길에서> On the Road of Camellia Woods of Baekryeon Temple Ko, Jaejong
2002 <지구의 가을> Autumns of Earth Lee, Moonjae
2003 <둥근, 어머니의 두레밥상> Around, Mom’s Doorae Table Chung, ilgeun
2004 <아무르 강가에서> On the Side of Amur River Park, Chungdae
2005 <시간의 동공> The Pupil of Time Park, Jootaek
2006 <그맘때에는> Around that Time Moon Moon, Taejoon
2007 <섶섬이 보이는 방> In the Room Where Island Seop Is Seen Na, Heedeok
2008 <크나큰 잠> A Great Grand Sleep Chung, Kkeutbyeol
2009 <가슴의 환한 고동 외에는> Except the Bright Beat of My Heart Park, Hyungjoon
2010 <공중> In Air Song, Jaehak
2011 <복사꽃 아래 천년> A Thousand Year Under the Peach Blossoms Bae, Hanbong
2012 <길 위의 식사> A Meal On the Road Lee, Jaemoo
2013 <북천-까마귀> Bukcheon-Crow Yoo, Hongjoon[3]


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