Social Evolution & History

Social Evolution & History  
Abbreviated title (ISO 4)
Soc. Evol. Hist.
Discipline History, anthropology, sociology, philosophy
Language English
Publication details
Publication history
Frequency Biannual
ISSN 1681-4363
OCLC no. 50573883

Social Evolution & History is a peer-reviewed academic journal focused on the development of human societies in the past, present, and future. In addition to original research articles, Social Evolution & History includes critical notes and a book review section. It is published in English twice a year, in March and September, by Uchitel Publishing House. The editors-in-chief are Dmitri Bondarenko, Leonid Grinin, and Andrey Korotayev.

Special issues

Social Evolution & History has published several special issues devoted to questions in social evolution:


The journal is presented in the Russian Scientific electronic library database and Russian Science Citation Index.[1]

See also


External links

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