Solemn Promise, Motto and Rules of Young Pioneers

Solemn Promise, Motto and Rules of Young Pioneers. There were at least one pre-1967 revision, 1967 revision and 1986 revision of them.

The Solemn Promise

On the day a child joined the Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union, he or she would have to recite the following Solemn Promise in front of a group of other Pioneers (1986 revision is presented below). After reciting, the new member had the Pioneer's scarlet tie tied by an older Pioneer, and thus, becoming a full-fledged member of the organization.

I, (last name, first name), joining the ranks of the Vladimir Ilyich Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization, in the presence of my comrades solemnly promise: to passionately love and cherish my Motherland, to live as the great Lenin bade us to, as the Communist Party teaches us to, as require the laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union.

(Russian: Я, (фамилия, имя), вступая в ряды Всесоюзной пионерской организации имени Владимира Ильича Ленина, перед лицом своих товарищей торжественно обещаю: горячо любить и беречь свою Родину, жить, как завещал великий Ленин, как учит Коммунистическая партия, как требуют Законы пионеров Советского Союза)

The Motto

The motto of the Young Pioneers of the Soviet Union consisted of two parts, the summons and the answer or response (1986 revision is presented below).

Summons - Pioneer, to fight for the cause of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, be prepared! (Russian: Пионер, к борьбе за дело Коммунистической партии Советского Союза будь готов!).

Response - Always prepared! (Russian: Всегда готов!).

This, like other rituals and customs of the organization, reflected its origin in the Scouts movement (their motto is "Be Prepared").

The Rules

The latest revision of official Rules of the Young Pioneers of the Soviet Union was in 1986, it is presented below. The Rules often appeared on many children's items, such as school notebooks.


English translation

See also

External links

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