Somerset High School (Bellflower, California)
Somerset High School is a continuation school located in Bellflower, CA, as part of the Bellflower Unified School District (BUSD).
The address for the school is 9242 E. Laurel Street, Bellflower, CA.
As of 2004, Somerset had 17 regular educations teachers and 16 classrooms serving 353 students from the communities of Lakewood and Bellflower. Average class size is 12.7 students.
Race | Percentage of population |
African-American | 12.7 |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 0.52 |
Asian | 1.04 |
Filipino | 1.56 |
Hispanic or Latino | 62.97 |
Pacific Islander | 2.34 |
White (Not Hispanic) | 13.31 |
Multiple or No Response | 5.48 |
Subject | School | District | State |
English-Language Arts | 5 | 50 | 52 |
Mathematics | 0 | 47 | 48 |
Science | 5 | 56 | 54 |
History-Social Science | 4 | 43 | 44 |
This school serves students that were referred from the other high schools in the district. Special services on this campus are a regional occupation program center and a child care facility for children of teen mothers.
- "Somerset High School". Bellflower Unified School District. Retrieved June 10, 2005.
- "Somerset High School Accountability Report Card for 2003-2004". Bellflower Unified School District. Retrieved June 10, 2005.
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