Sơn Tinh – Thủy Tinh

Sơn Tinh – Thủy Tinh ("the God of the Mountain and the God of the Water," SơnTinh 山精- ThủyTinh 水精) is one of the famous Vietnamese myths. This myth explains the practice of tidal irrigation and devastating floods in tropical and monsoon land.[1][2]

Sơn Tinh is also one of the Four Immortals.


The 18th king of the Hồng Bàng Dynasty had a very beautiful daughter named Mỵ Nương. When she grew up and became a woman, the King was looking to arrange her for marriage. The King wanted to find an outstanding son-in-law who was not only handsome but also talented for his beloved daughter. So the King proclaimed a contest for anyone who could prove his worthiness. Many princes, famous writers, great artists, wealthy businessmen, and men with many talents from everywhere had come to try their best. Among them were two extraordinary men: Sơn Tinh, the Lord of the Mountain, and Thủy Tinh, the Lord of the Water.[3] The King asked both of them to present their powers. Sơn Tinh just waved his hand, many trees grew up to make a forest. He just said a word and many mountains rose up. Thủy Tinh also got the same power. When he waved his hand, the wind began to blow. When he spoke a word, the sea level rose.[4]

Because both Sơn Tinh and Thủy Tinh met all the criteria to become Mỵ Nương's husband, it was difficult for the king to choose one between them. Finally, the king decided that who was the first to bring wedding gifts on the next day would marry the princess. The wedding gifts included a nine-tusk elephant, a nine-spur cock and a nine-mane horse. Early on the next morning, Sơn Tinh was the first one arrived and able to take Mỵ Nương back to Tản Viên Mountain, where he lived. Thủy Tinh came in a few minutes later. Realizing that Mỵ Nương had gone, he was very angry and furious. He and his servants ran after Sơn Tinh to take My Nuong back. He called heavy rain, strong wind and thunder, and also rose up the sea levels to defeat Sơn Tinh. However, as the sea levels rose up, Sơn Tinh used his magic to rise up the mountain as well. Everyone had to suffer the anger of Thủy Tinh because the flood, that he caused, destroyed all the lands and houses. Son Tinh also created dikes to protect people and their properties. The battle between the two Gods lasted from day to day. Finally, Thủy Tinh withdrew his water. However, he had never given up the idea of taking revenge to get Mỵ Nương back. Thus every year, people have to suffer flood as a consequence of Thủy Tinh's eternal bitterness and vengefulness.

Literature and music


  1. Son Tinh and Thuy Tinh
  2. Marie-Carine Lall, Edward Vickers Education As a Political Tool in Asia 2009 - Page 143
  3. The Oxford Companion to World Mythology - Page 395 David Adams Leeming - 2005 "Son Tinh is impressed by Thuy Tinh's world and he is given a gift of an old book that he discovers has the power to turn dreams into reality. When the king, Hung Vuong, holds a contest for the hand of his daughter My Nuong, both Son Tinh .."
  4. The legend of Sơn Tinh and Thủy Tinh - Asia Finest Discussion Forum
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