Soranus (mythology)

Soranus was a Sabine god adopted into ancient Roman religion. He was worshipped on Mt. Soracte in Etruria. The area was sacred to underworld gods, such as Dis Pater.[1]

The worshippers of Apollo Soranus, after his cult had been subsumed by Apollo, were called Hirpi Sorani ("wolves of Soranus", from Sabine hirpus "wolf"). They were firewalkers and carried about the entrails of the victims during ceremonies.[2]

Soranus was identified with Dis, the Roman god of the underworld, or with Apollo,[3] a Greek god adopted by the Romans, and had a female partner, Feronia, whose sanctuary was located next to his.[4]


  1. Servius' commentary to Aeneid, XI. 785
  2. Servius' commentary to Aeneid, XI. 785; Pliny, Naturalis Historia, VII. 2; Silius Italicus, Punica, V. 175; Strabo, Geography, chapter V
  3. Virgil, Aeneid, XI. 786
  4. Strabo, Geography, chapter V

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