Spatial acceleration

In physics the study of rigid body motion provides for several ways of defining the acceleration state of a rigid body. The classical definition of acceleration entails following a single particle/point along the rigid body and observing its changes of velocity. In this article the notion of spatial acceleration is explored, which entails looking at a fixed (unmoving) point in space and observing the changes of velocity of whatever particle/point happens to coincide with the observation point. This is similar to the acceleration definition fluid dynamics where typically one can measure velocity and/or accelerations on a fixed locate inside a testing apparatus.


Consider a moving rigid body and the velocity of a particle/point P along the body being a function of the position and velocity of a center particle/point C and the angular velocity \vec \omega.

The linear velocity vector \vec v_P at P is expressed in terms of the velocity vector \vec v_C at C as:

\vec v_P = \vec v_C + \vec \omega \times (\vec r_P-\vec r_C)

where \vec \omega is the angular velocity vector.

The material acceleration at P is:

\vec a_P = \frac{{\rm d} \vec v_P}{{\rm d} t}

\vec a_P = \vec a_C + \vec \alpha \times (\vec r_P-\vec r_C) + \vec \omega \times (\vec v_P-\vec v_C)

where \vec \alpha is the angular acceleration vector.

The spatial acceleration \vec \psi_P at P is expressed in terms of the spatial acceleration \vec \psi_C at C as:

\vec \psi_P = \frac{\partial \vec v_P}{\partial t}

 \vec{\psi}_{P} = \vec{\psi}_{C}+\vec{\alpha}\times(\vec{r}_{P}-\vec{r}_{C})

which is similar to the velocity transformation above.

In general the spatial acceleration \vec \psi_P of a particle point P that is moving with linear velocity \vec v_P is derived from the material acceleration \vec a_P at P as:



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