St Thomas' Anglican Church, Narellan

Narellan Anglican Church is an Anglican church in the outer south-western Sydney suburb of Spring Farm that meets each Sunday at 9:30am and 5pm. It is located at 172 Richardson Road, Spring Farm.
The lands for the original church building and cemetery were marked out by Surveyor Hoddle in 1827 but little was done until the 1830s probably due to the size of the town and lack of community support. On 10 November 1839 the first church building was officially opened. This building was to serve the Anglican community at Narellan until 1884 and became known as the School Church. Built by the Reverend Thomas Hassall, it was used as a schoolroom on weekdays and a church on Sunday.
The present church building in Spring Farm was completed in 2005, and church continues to gather twice weekly at this new site. The former parish church, designed by Edmund Blacket, is no longer owned by the Anglican Church. The Revd Dr John Bunyan, a Fellow and Past President of the Anglican Historical Society (Diocese of Sydney) notes that it has become The Old St Thomas Chapel and has been beautifully restored by its private owners. It is used for Christian and civil ceremonies, and for many years now, on Good Friday afternoon it has hosted Evensong (from the Book of Common Prayer) at 2 pm. The historic pioneers' graveyard was also sold by the Anglican Church and is now Muslim-owned though access to Christian family graves is permitted.
See also