Staffan Jacobson

Lars Staffan Jacobson, born June 9, 1948, is a Swedish art historian and author.

During the latter part of the 1960s he became politically active.[1] According to Jacobson he first became active in the Third World movement, then the Peace movement and since then for libertarian socialism.[2] In 1990 he published a book on graffiti art, Spraykonst and the same year he won the Swedish-American Foundation's (Sverige-Amerikastiftelsens) research scholarship in the USA.[3] In 1996 his doctoral thesis Den spraymålade bilden (The Spray-painted Picture) was released. During the 2000s he published books on different subjects, some autobiographical.

Selected bibliography

See also


  1. Sydsvenskan, "Docent ville ge graffitin konststatus.", 14 april 2001
  2. Fria Tidningen, "Direktdemokrati - inte politikervälde", 16 juni 2006.
  3. Suzanne Bonnier, VD Sverige-Amerika Stiftelsen, in letter 23/4 1990.

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