
A typical sign for the Stammtisch is a special ashtray
An enamel Stammtisch sign in a bar in Munich
The pennant of a usual wikipedia Stammtisch (at Duisburg)

A Stammtisch (German for "regulars' table",[1] [ˈʃtamtɪʃ]) is an informal group meeting held on a regular basis, and also the usually large, often round table around which the group meets. A Stammtisch is not a structured meeting, but rather a friendly get-together.

Traditionally, the meeting table is marked with a somewhat elaborate sign reserving it for regulars. Historically, such a meeting might involve socialising, card playing (such as skat), and often political or philosophical discussions. The words "Stammtischpolitik" (Stammtisch politics) and "Stammtischniveau" (Stammtisch level), describe the simplified nature of Stammtisch discussions, and have an established metaphorical usage in describing simplified political and social discussions beyond the Stammtisch itself.[2]



Especially in rural areas and smaller villages, being part of the Stammtisch was often related to a certain social status. In the second half of the 19th century a Stammtisch typically consisted of local dignitaries such as the mayor, doctor, pharmacist, teacher, forester or wealthy farmers. Inviting a stranger to take a seat at the Stammtisch was a sign of extraordinary appreciation. This was similarly the case with types of regulars’ tables in cafes consisting of writers and artists.

This culture is still to be found in the Iberian area ( Spain, Portugal, Latin America and Brazil) in the form of "Tertulias". In Great Britain and Ireland many pubs fulfilled this function by offering separate back rooms (in case there was no doorkeeper). In the United States a group of regulars (such as in the T.V. series Cheers) would be a close equivalent.

Today's meaning

Today a Stammtisch is not connected to a specific social status. It is now all about community, intimacy and common interests.

Socio-cultural aspects

The Stammtisch in the countryside

Here the Stammtisch is still one of the main places for social interaction. Especially the lack of varied leisure time facilities and local media leads to the Stammtisch being an important center to socialise: Local relationships are being managed and news exchanged. A Stammtisch does not just take place in the evenings but also after the Sunday Mass, called "Frühschoppen" (English: "Morning Half-Pint"). Sometimes a Stammtisch is the organizer of local events such as fairs.

The Stammtisch in the city

In urban areas especially in the late 90s different kinds of Stammtisch groups have been established acting like a loose, informal club of people sharing similar interests on a specific topic. They are meant for socialising, exchange of experience and networking (e.g. Stammtisch for parents). Networking organisations such as clubs for marketers or entrepreneurs often call their regular events, which are also open to non members, a Stammtisch.

Stammtisch - famous historical examples

The Stammtisch in literature

Stammtisch: in German TV

The word 'Stammtisch' in English

Although not used popularly, the word itself is an idiomatic expression which does not have an English equivalent. The nearest would be 'group of regulars'. Thus the word has already two established plural versions in English:

See also


  1. Grimms Wörterbuch, stammtisch bis stammverschiedenheit (Bd. 17, Sp. 671 bis 672)
  2. "All too often are woman-specific (medical) complaints treated on a Stammtisch-level" „Viel zu oft werden frauenspezifische Beschwerden noch auf Stammtisch— niveau wahrgenommen.“ Prof. Anke Rohde, Leiterin der Abteilung Gynäkologische Psychosomatik der Uniklinik Bonn - from: Homöopathie ganz weiblich: Die sanfte Methode für umfassendes Wohlbefinden, Anja Maria Engelsing, P.11
  3. de:Lutter & Wegner
  4. Velhagen & Klasings Monatshefte - Volume 23, Issue 2 - Page 66
  5. Spreegöttin mit Berliner Bär: Historische Miniaturen - Page 175
  6. de:Schall und Rauch
  7. Narren, Henker, Komödianten: Geschichte und Funktion des ... - Page 31
  8. Das Kabarett, der Spiegel des politischen Geschehens - Page 43
  9. Das literarische Berlin im 20. Jahrhundert: - Page 68
  10. The Beer Drinker's Guide to Munich - Page 47
  11. Ideas Are Weapons: The History and Uses of Ideas - Page 358
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