Stasi Decorations and Memorabilia

Stasi Decorations and Memorabilia

Stasi Decorations and Memorabilia, by Ralph Pickard is a two volume in-depth analysis of the socialist political culture of the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). It provides a rare insight to this clandestine organization using never seen before artifacts such as medals, certificates and objects to document the Stasi culture of awards and recognition.(1,2)


Volume I, published in 2007, was well received in the academic and collectors community. A review by the Central Intelligence Agency's Studies in Intelligence in September 2008 stated that, "Ralph Pickard has taken a step in the direction of preserving a piece of the East German heraldic record with his new reference work." (3) David Nickles, Ph.D. observed that, "Given the tremendous growth of interest in cultural history during recent years, I hope and expect that historians will appreciate the extent to which a book like this, with its emphasis on decorations and memorabilia, sheds light on the political culture of the German Democratic Republic."(4)

Additionally, the editor of Military Trader stated in his review (March 2008 Volume 15, Issue 3); "Researchers, historians and collectors with an interest in the Cold War or East Germany's security organization will appreciate the data in the book. A large portion of the book provides detailed information on the different award documents and timelines of when these documents were in use."(5)

Volume II, published in early 2012, has been well received by both the East German collecting and academic communities. Colonel (Ret) Friedrich Jeschonnek, a book reviewer for Hardthöhenkurier magazine stated that there is a lot of literature on the STASI that has focused on secret operations and structure. However, there has been very little known that has focused on the STASI culture which has been revealed in the photos, certificates and documents that have now been illustrated by both volume I and II (Issue 3/2012). He further stated, for those who are concerned with the history of the GDR, the inner workings of the Secret Police and Phaleristics of the armed forces, both Volumes I and II are a must.(6)

Hayden Peake, a book reviewer, wrote in the September 2012 Volume 56 issue of Studies in Intelligence that both volume I and II are invaluable for those concerned in knowing more about the STASI history and culture.(7)


Volume I

Volume II


    1. Pickard, Ralph (2007). STASI Decorations and Memorabilia, A Collector's Guide. Frontline Historical Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9797199-0-5.
    2. Pickard, Ralph (2012). STASI Decorations and Memorabilia Volume II. Frontline Historical Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9797199-2-9.
    3. Peake, Hayden B., The Intelligence Officer's Bookshelf, Studies in Intelligence, September 2008 Volume 52, Number 3, Page 52
    5. Adams-Graf, John, Military Trader Editor, Military Trader Magazine - Review, March 2008 Volume 15, Issue 3, Page 10 - Books in Brief section
    6. Jeschonnek, Friedrich, Oberst a.D., Hardthöhenkurier Magazine - Review, Issue 3/2012, page 145
    7. Peake, Hayden B., The Intelligence Officer's Bookshelf, Studies in Intelligence, September 2012 Volume 56, Number 3, Pages 99-100
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