Statistically close

The variation distance of two distributions X and Y over a finite domain D, (often referred to as statistical difference [1] or statistical distance[2] in cryptography) is defined as

 \Delta(X,Y)=\frac{1}{2} \sum _{\alpha \in D} | \Pr[X=\alpha] - \Pr[Y=\alpha] |.

We say that two probability ensembles \{X_k\}_{k\in\N} and \{Y_k\}_{k\in\N} are statistically close if \Delta(X_k,Y_k) is a negligible function in k.


  1. Goldreich, Oded (2001). Foundations of Cryptography: Basic Tools (1st ed.). Berlin: Cambridge University Press. p. 106. ISBN 0-521-79172-3.
  2. Reyzin, Leo. (Lecture Notes) Extractors and the Leftover Hash Lemma

See also

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