Statue of peace

Statue of Peace in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Japan in Korea

Statue of Peace (Korean: 평화의 소녀상) ,also known as Comfort Woman Status,is a symbol of the victimes of sexual slavery by the japanese imperial military during World War II. Statue of Peace erected in the sense of calling for troubleshooting. Statue of Peace is sometimes called as Pyeonghwabi in Korean pronunciation

Statue of Peace in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Japan in Korea

Wednesday demonstration started in 1992 and after 20 years, December 14, 2011, The idea for the Statue of Peace was first proposed by Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan. At the first time Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan proposed to elect memorial stone in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Japan in Korea for memorizing pain of Comfort women as the victimes of sexual slavery by the japanese imperial military. This propose is realized at 1000 th meeting of Wednesday demonstration, November 14, 2011, in front of the Embassy of the Republic of Japan in Korea. Yeongjong Kim who is head of Jongno-gu has provided design ideas and works of art in the form of a girl instead of a memorial stone. Statue of Peace was built by Unseong Kim and Seogyeong Kim couple.The statue is about 130cm and is dressed in a skirt and blouse, and an appearance in the girl with small hands and short hair sitting and staring at the Embassy of Japan.

Statue of Peace in Bergen County, New Jersey

Bergen County government has carved an article entitled "World War II Memorial, and hundreds of thousands of women and girls in South Korea, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Indonesia, from forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese imperialists military"

See also

External links

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