Stavropol State Agrarian University

Stavropol State Agrarian University
Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет
Type Agricultural
Established 1930
Rector Trukhachev Vladimir Ivanovich
Location Stavropol, Russia, Russia

Stavropol State Agrarian University is a state institution of higher education in Stavropol, Northern Caucasus. The previous title of the University is Stavropol State Agricultural Academy.


1930 – as a result of Moscow Zootechnic Institute’s reorganization four education institutions were established: Moscow Zootechnic Institute of horse breeding based on the Horse Breeding Faculty, Moscow Cattle Institute, Moscow Sheep-breeding Institute and Moscow Veterinarian Institute. Moscow Sheep-breeding institute had been working in Moscow for two years and then was moved completely in Northern Caucasus to put the main production base – fine-wooled sheep-breeding - closer.

1933 – Krasnodar Sheep-breeding Institute and Taganrog Institute Department of dairy&meat cattle breeding joined the Institute. It was renamed as Northern Caucasian Zootechnic Institute.

1940 - All-Soviet Union Sheep Breeding Research Institute of People's Commissariat for Agriculture.

1970 – Institution Preparation Department was established. Admission was performed by agricultural ventures’, agrarian production leaders’ and joiners’ specialities.

1976 – the Institute was awarded with Order of the Red Banner of Labour for merits of highly skilled agrarian specialists’ training, for development and implement of scientific achievements into agrarian performance.

1994 - State Higher Education Committee made a decision to transform the Institution into the Stavropol State Agricultural Academy.

2001 – the Academy was renamed as Stavropol State Agrarian University.


Chief officers of the Northern Caucasian Zootechnic Institute

1930–1934 – Viktor Viktorovitch Viktor

1934–1937 – Yan Yanovitch Virs

1937–1938 – Aleksey Ivanovitch Mikhalin

Chief officer of Voroshilov Zooveterinarian Institute

1938–1941 – Gerasim Khrisanfovitch Alafinov

Chief officers of the Stavropol State Agricultural Institute

1942–1955 – Feodosiy Vasilyevitch Kozel

1955–1961 – Ignatiy Prokofyevitch Salmin

Rectors of the Stavropol Agrarian Institute

1961–1968 – Aleksandr Ivanovitch Zhukov

1968–1984 – Viktor Ivanovitch Lisunov

1984–1999 – Viktor Yakovlevitch Nikitin, Honoured Scientist of RSFSR, member of International Agrarian Education Academy, member of International Higher School Academy, member of International IT Academy, Honoured Citizen of Stavropol Region

Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University

Since 1999 – Vladimir Ivanovitch Trukhachev. Doctor of Science in Agriculture, Doctor of Science, Economics, professor; associate of Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Honored Scientist of Russian Federation; Honored Worker in higher professional education of Russian Federation; Honoured Worker in science and technology of Russian Federation; Honoured Worker in Russian agricultural sector; member of the international Academy of Agricultural Sciences; member of Russian Academy of natural sciences; member of International Academy of Higher Education; member of International Academy of scientific discovery and invention authors; member of International Academy of security and law order problems; Stavropol Hero of Labour; member of All-Russian Excellence Organization.


According to the license the University has a right to perform an education activity including 126 programs of HPE (specialist, bachelor, master's degree program), where 18.500 students are studying. University structure consists of 9 faculties, 51 chairs, 90 innovation labs and centers, techno-park “UniverAgro”, publishing complex “AGRUS”, 32 minor innovation ventures, horse physical culture school, vivarium, research library. The number of Stavropol State Agrarian University staff is 1405 men including 698 teachers. 92,1% of teaching staff has a science-degree, and the average age of staff is 39. Stavropol State Agrarian University has 66 countries-members, 136 strategic partners, 51 branch chairs on the basis of employers. Every year 235 contracts on creative collaboration are signed. SSAU is the member of Great University Charter since 2008. 56 international programs and projects are being implemented. Stavropol State Agrarian University is the unique institution of higher education awarded with the title of Prize winner of RF Government. The finalist of European competition “EFQM Excellence Award”. The SSAU staff became the first Russian finalist of the EFQM Excellence Award competition in 2008, and the first organization-winner of European competition EFQM “Excellence award-2010”. In 2012 the University became the winner of the international reward “International Diamond Prize for Excellence in Quality” (European Society Quality Research).


Faculty of Agronomy

Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine

Faculty of Plants Protection

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism

Faculty of Technological Management

Accounting and finance faculty

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Electrification in Agriculture

Specialities and programs

• Agroengineering (specialties: "Technical systems in agribusiness", "Technical support in agriculture", "Technological equipment for the storage and processing of agricultural products", " Electrical equipment and electrical technology in agriculture")

• Agroengineering (master’s programs: "Technologies and means of mechanization in agriculture", " Electrical equipment and electrical technology in agriculture")

• Agronomy (specialties: "Agriculture", "Plant protection", "Horticulture")

• Agronomy (master’s program: "Resource-saving technologies in adaptive and landscape agriculture")

• Business Informatics (specialty: "Enterprise architecture")

• Veterinary Medicine ("Veterinarian", specialization: "Veterinary pharmacy")

• Animal health examination (specialty: "Veterinary-sanitary inspection of animal products")

• State and municipal management (specialties: "Regional management", "Municipal management")

• Land management and cadastre (specialties: "Land registry", "Urban cadastre", "Evaluation and monitoring of land", "Real estate cadastre")

• Zootechnics (specialties: "Production technology of livestock products", "Animal nutrition and feeding technology", "Breeding, selection and genetics of animals")

• Zootechnics (master’s program: "Feeding of farm and domestic animals", "Breeding, selection and genetics of farm animals")

• Information Systems and Technologies (specialty "Information systems and technologies in the business")

• Landscape Architecture

• Management (specialties "Industrial management", "Human resources management", "Small businesses management")

• Management (master's program "Human resources management", "Innovation management", "International business", "Financial management")

• Applied Computer Science (master’s program "Systems of corporate management")

• Food products from plant materials (specialty: "Technology of fermentation and wine industry")

• Service (specialty: " Service of hotel and restaurant, travel, sports and entertainment complexes")

• Technology of agricultural products production and processing (specialties: "Technology of crop products production and processing", "Technology of livestock products production and processing", "Storage and processing of agricultural products")

• Tourism (specialty: "Travel agency activities")

• Finance and Credit (master’s program: "Corporate Finance", "Bank Management", "Business Insurance")

• Ecology and management of natural resources (specialty: "Management of natural resources")

• Ecology and management of natural resources (master’s program: "Agroecological monitoring")

• Economics (specialty: "World Economy", "Economics of enterprises and organizations", "Finance and Credit", "Accounting and Auditing", "Taxes and tax assessment")

• Economics (master's programs: "Economics of the firm and industrial markets", "International Economics", "Economic and Social Policy," "State and regional management," "Banks and Banking", "Accounting and Auditing", "Auditing and control of the business "," Financial analyst "," Management Accounting and Controlling "," Budget Accounting and Reporting ", "Accounting and Finance", "Accounting and taxation management")

• Operation of transport and technological machines and systems

• Power and Electrical Engineering (specialty: "Power", "Electrical equipment and electrical equipment companies, organizations and institutions")

• Power and Electrical Engineering (master’s program: "Optimization of developing power systems")

Notable University graduates

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich - the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (1990), the President of the USSR (1990–1991).

Zerenkov Valery Georgievich. - Governor of the Stavropol Territory (since 2012).

Bely Yuri Vasilevich - Chairman of the fifth convocation Duma of the Stavropol Territory (since 2011).

Trukhachev Vladimir Ivanovich - Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Velikdan Nicholay Timofeevich - Deputy Chairman of the Stavropol Territory Government.

Dzhatdoev Andrey Khasanovich - Head of Stavropol Administration.

Timofeeva Olga Viktorovna - Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (since 2011).

Martychev Alexander Vasilevich - Agriculture Minister of the Stavropol Territory (since 2012)

Nagaev Alexander Alexandrovich – Vice-chief of the Agriculture Minister of the Stavropol Territory (since 2013).

Ridny Sergey Dmitrievich - Vice-chief of the Agriculture Minister of the Stavropol Territory (since 2013).

Karabut Alexander Pavlovich - Minister of Social Welfare of the Stavropol Territory (since 2005).

Kuznetsov Eugeniy Semenovich. - Governor of the Stavropol Territory (1991–1995).

Khubiev Vladimir Islamovich – the head of the Karachayevo-Cherkessian Republic (1990–1999).

Mikhaylenko Vitaliy Islamovich – the head of the Caucasian Mineral Waters Administration – the first deputy chairman of the Stavropol Territory Government (1998–2008).

Aboneev Vasily Vasilevich - Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Ishchenko Alexander Nikolaevich - Professor, prize winner of the Russian Federation Government in the field of science and technology.

Moroz Vasily Andreevich - Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the RAAS, honored livestock specialist of RSFSR.


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