Steam mill

For the village in the Forest of Dean, west Gloucestershire, England, see Steam Mills.
A type of steam mill in Yaroslavl, Russia, with a body of water and a high chimney
Steam engine that used to be a part of a steam mill. Zaslawye, Belarus

A steam mill is a type of grinding mill using a stationary steam engine to power its mechanism.

Reference to Marx

For Karl Marx, what defined feudalism was that the power of the ruling class (the aristocracy) rested on their control of arable land, leading to a class society based upon the exploitation of the peasants who farm these lands, typically under serfdom. Some interpret Marx as advocating technological determinism, with such statements as "The windmill gives you society with the feudal lord: the steam-mill, society with the industrial capitalist",[1] but others argue that he was not.[2]

See also


  1. Quote from The Poverty of Philosophy (1847), chapter 2.
  2. Technological or Media Determinism, Daniel Chandler

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Steam mills.

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