Structure of the Argentine Army
Argentine Army |
![]() "Nació con la Patria en Mayo de 1810" (Born with the Motherland in May 1810) |
Components |
History |
Personnel |
The Structure of the Argentine Army is made up of administrative branches and the field organisation of three divisions and the parachute brigade which is part of the Rapid Deployment Force.
The current active force of the Argentine Army includes a total of ten brigades (brigadas). There are:
- 2x Armored brigades (1st, 2nd)
- 1x parachute brigade, the 4th Parachute Brigade (Argentina)
- 3x Mountain infantry brigades (5th, 6th, 8th) (Note: 5th Brig. is equipped like a Mechanized Brigade)
- 3x Mechanized brigades (9th, 10th, 11th)
- the 12th Jungle Brigade (Argentina)
In addition to the brigades, there is also a number of specialized formations, amongst them:
- the 601st Anti-aircraft Artillery Group.
- An Argentine Army Aviation group, which administers and operates almost all of the Army's aircraft except for those detached to the brigade level.
- The Buenos Aires Military Garrison, which serves for ceremonial purposes.
- the Special Operations Forces Group
The "regiment" and "group" designators actually denote battalion-sized units ("regiment" being used for infantry and cavalry units and "group" used for artillery units).
1990s reorganization
Since the restoration of democracy in 1983, the Argentine Army were reduced both in number and budget but became more professional, especially after conscription was abolished. Some units were dissolved and other moved, e.g.,
- I Corps (Buenos Aires) dissolved
- 10th Infantry Brigade (Buenos Aires) moved to La Pampa
- In accordance to the friendship policy toward Brazil
- 7th Jungle Infantry Brigade, dissolved
- 3rd Motorized Brigade, dissolved

- Army Headquarters
- Army General Staff
- Army Education Command
- Army Interdants Command
- Army Armaments and Arensals Command
- Army Sanitary and Health Command
- Rapid Deployment Force
- 4th Paratroopers Brigade (Córdoba)
- 4th Paratroopers Brigade HQ (Córdoba)
- 2nd Paratroopers Regiment "General Balcarce" (Córdoba) (Also known as the 2nd Infantry Regiment)
- 14th Paratroopers Regiment (Córdoba)
- 4th Paratrooper Artillery Group (Córdoba)
- 4th Paratrooper Cavalry Scout Troop (Córdoba)
- 4th Paratrooper Engineer Company (Córdoba)
- 4th Paratrooper Signal Company (Córdoba)
- 4th Paratrooper Support Company (Córdoba)
- Logistic & Support Base "Córdoba" (Córdoba)
- 10th Mechanized Infantry Brigade "Lieutenant General Nicolás Levalle" (Santa Rosa)
- 10th Mechanized Infantry Brigade HQ (Santa Rosa)
- 13th Light Cavalry Regiment "Lieutenant General Juan Esteban Pedernera" (General Pico)
- 3rd Mechanized Infantry Regiment "General Belgrano" (Pigüé)
- 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment "General Viamonte" (Toay)
- 12th Mechanized Infantry Regiment "General Arenales" (Toay)
- 10th Artillery Group "Lieutenant General Bartolomé Mitre" (Junín
- 10th Mechanized Engineer Company (Santa Rosa)
- 10th Mechanized Signal Company (Santa Rosa)
- 10th Intelligence Company (Santa Rosa)
- Logistic & Support Base "Pigüé" (Pigüé)
- Special Operations Group
- 601st Air Assault Regiment (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Commando Company (Campo de Mayo)
- 602nd Commando Company (Córdoba)
- 4th Paratroopers Brigade (Córdoba)
- 1st Army Division "Lieutenant General Juan Carlos Sanchez" (Curuzú Cuatiá)
- 1st Division HQ (Curuzú Cuatia)
- 1st Engineer Battalion (Santo Tomé)
- 121st Amphibious Engineer Battalion (Santo Tomé)
- 121st Signal Battalion (Mercedes)
- 121st Ammunition Company (Crespo)
- 121st Army Aviation Section (Rosario)
- 2nd Armored Brigade "General Justo José de Urquiza" (Paraná)
- 2nd Armored Brigade HQ (Paraná)
- 1st Tank Cavalry Regiment "Colonel Brandsen" (Villaguay)
- 6th Tank Cavalry Regiment "Blandengues" (Concordia)
- 7th Tank Cavalry Regiment "Coraceros Coronel Ramón Estomba(Colonel Ramon Estomba's Cuirassiers)" (Chajarí)
- 12th Tank Cavalry Regiment "Zelaya Dragoons" (Gualeguaychú)
- 5th Mechanized Infantry Regiment (Villaguay)
- 2nd Armored Artillery Group "Marshal Francisco Solano López"(Rosario del Tala)
- 2nd Armored Engineer Battalion (Concepción)
- 2nd Armored Signal Company (Paraná)
- 2nd Intelligence Company (Santa Fe)
- Logistic & Support Base "Paraná" (Paraná)
- 2nd Army Aviation Section (Paraná)
- 12th Jungle Brigade "General Manuel Obligado" (Posadas)
- 12th Mountain Brigade HQ (Posadas)
- 9th Jungle Infantry Regiment (Puerto Iguazú)
- 29th Jungle Infantry Regiment "Colonel Ignacio José Javier Warnes" (Formosa)
- 30th Jungle Infantry Regiment (Apóstoles)
- 3rd Artillery Group (Paso de los Libres)
- 12th Jungle Engineer Battalion (Goya)
- 12th Jungle Infantry Company (San Javier)
- 18th Jungle Infantry Company (Bernardo de Irigoyen)
- 12th Jungle Signal Company (Posadas)
- 12th Intelligence Company (Posadas)
- 12th Medical Company (Posadas)
- Logistic & Support Base "Resistencia" (Resistencia)
- 12th Army Aviation Section (Posadas)
- 2nd Army Division "Army of the North" (Córdoba)
- 2nd Division HQ (Córdoba)
- 161st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion (San Luis)
- 141st Signal Battalion (Córdoba)
- 141st Ammunition Company (Holmberg)
- 141st Army Aviation Section (Córdoba)
- 5th Mountain Infantry Brigade "General Manuel Belgrano" (Salta)
- 5th Mountain Infantry Brigade HQ (Salta)
- 5th Light Cavalry Regiment "General Güemes" (Salta)
- 15th Mountain Infantry Regiment "General Francisco Ortiz de Ocampo" (La Rioja)
- 20th Mountain Infantry Regiment "Cazadores de Los Andes(Andes Rifles)" (San Salvador de Jujuy)
- 28th Jungle Infantry Regiment "Lieutenant Colonel Juana Azurduy" (Tartagal)
- 5th Mountain Artillery Group "Captain Felipe Antonio Pereyra de Lucena" (San Salvador de Jujuy)
- 15th Artillery Group "Colonel Francisco Bolognesi" (Salta)
- 5th Mountain Engineer Battalion (Salta)
- 17th Mountain Ranger Company (Tartagal)
- 5th Construction Engineer Company (La Rioja)
- 5th Mountain Signal Company (Salta)
- 5th Intelligence Company "Major Humberto Viola" (Salta)
- Logistic & Support Base "Salta" (Salta)
- 6th Mountain Infantry Brigade""Major General Conrado Excelso Villegas" (Neuquén)
- 6th Mountain Infantry Brigade HQ (Neuquén)
- 4th Light Cavalry Regiment "Coraceros General Lavalle(General Lavalle's Cuirassiers)" (San Martín de los Andes)
- 10th Mountain Infantry Regiment "Lieutenant General Racedo" (Zapala)
- 21st Mountain Infantry Regiment "Lieutenant General Rufino Ortega" (Las Lajas)
- 26th Mountain Infantry Regiment "Colonel Benjamín Moritán" (Junín de los Andes)
- 6th Mountain Artillery Group (Junín de los Andes)
- 16th Artillery Group (Zapala)
- 6th Mountain Engineer Battalion (Neuquén)
- 6th Mountain Ranger Company (Primeros Pinos)
- 6th Mountain Signal Company (Neuquén)
- 6th Intelligence Company (Neuquén)
- Logistic & Support Base "Neuquén" (Neuquén)
- 6th Army Aviation Section (Neuquén)
- 8th Mountain Infantry Brigade "Brigadier General Toribio de Luzuriaga" (Mendoza)
- 8th Mountain Infantry Brigade HQ (Mendoza)
- 15th Light Cavalry Regiment "Libertador Simón Bolívar" (Campo de los Andes)
- 11th Mountain Infantry Regiment "General Las Heras" (Tupungato)
- 16th Mountain Infantry Regiment "Cazadores de Los Andes(Andes Rifles)" (Uspallata)
- 22nd Mountain Infantry Regiment "Lieutenant Colonel Juan Manuel Cabot" (El Marquesado)
- 7th Artillery Group (San Luis)
- 8th Mountain Artillery Group (Uspallata)
- 8th Mountain Engineer Battalion (La Consulta)
- 8th Mountain Ranger Company "First Lieutenant Ibañez" (Puente del Inca)
- 8th Mountain Signal Company (Mendoza)
- 8th Intelligence Company (Mendoza)
- Logistic & Support Base "Mendoza" (Mendoza)
- 8th Army Aviation Section (Mendoza)
- 3rd Army Division "Lieutenant General Julio Argentino Roca" (Bahía Blanca)
- 3rd Division HQ (Bahía Blanca)
- 181st Signal Battalion (Bahía Blanca)
- 181st Intelligence Battalion (Bahía Blanca)
- 181st Ammunition Company (Bahía Blanca)
- 181st Army Aviation Section (Bahía Blanca)
- 1st Armored Brigade Brigadier Martin Rodriguez (Tandil)
- 1st Armored Brigade HQ (Tandil)
- 2nd Tank Cavalry Regiment "Lanceros General Paz (General Paz's Lancers)" (Olavarría)
- 8th Tank Cavalry Regiment "Cazadores General Necochea (General Necochea's Own Horse Rifles)" (Magdalena)
- 10th Tank Cavalry Regiment "Húsares de Pueyrredón (Pueyrredon Hussars)" (Azul)
- 7th Mechanized Infantry Regiment "Coronel Conde" (Arana)
- 1st Armored Artillery Group "Colonel Chilavert" (Azul)
- 1st Armored Cavalry Scout Troop (Arana)
- 1st Armored Engineer Company (Olavarría)
- 1st Armored Signal Company (Tandil)
- 1st Intelligence Company (Tandil)
- Logistic & Support Base "Tandil" (Tandil)
- 9th Mechanized Infantry Brigade "Colonel Luis Jorge Fontana" (Comodoro Rivadavia)
- 9th Mechanized Infantry Brigade HQ (Comodoro Rivadavia)
- 3rd Light Cavalry Regiment "Coraceros General Pacheco (General Pacheco's Cuirassiers)" (Esquel)
- 9th Tank Cavalry Regiment "General José Gervasio Artigas" (Puerto Deseado)
- 8th Mechanized Infantry Regiment "General O'Higgins" (Comodoro Rivadavia)
- 25th Mechanized Infantry Regiment (Colonia Sarmiento)
- 9th Armored Artillery Group (Colonia Sarmiento)
- 9th Engineer Battalion (Rio Mayo)
- 9th Mechanized Signal Company (Comodoro Rivadavia)
- 9th Intelligence Company (Comodoro Rivadavia)
- Logistic & Support Base "Comodoro Rivadavia" (Comodoro Rivadavia)
- 9th Army Aviation Section (Comodoro Rivadavia)
- 11th Mechanized Infantry Brigade "Brigadier General Juan Manuel de Rosas" (Río Gallegos)
- 11th Mechanized Infantry Brigade HQ (Río Gallegos)
- 11th Tank Cavalry Regiment (Puerto Santa Cruz)
- 24th Mechanized Infantry Regiment (Río Gallegos)
- 35th Mechanized Infantry Regiment (Rospentek)
- 11th Armored Artillery Group (Comandante Luis Py)
- 11th Engineer Battalion (Comandante Luis Py)
- 11th Armored Cavalry Scout Troop "Colonel Juan Pascual Pringles" (Rospentek)
- 11th Mechanized Signal Company (Río Gallegos)
- 11th Intelligence Company (Río Gallegos)
- Logistic & Support Base "Río Gallegos" (Río Gallegos)
- 11th Army Aviation Section (Río Gallegos)
- Buenos Aires Garrison Command "Colonel Dr. Roque Sáenz Peña" (Buenos Aires)
- 1st Infantry Regiment "Patricios" (Air Assault airborne infantry) (Buenos Aires)
- Mounted Grenadier Regiment "General San Martín" (Buenos Aires)-Presidential Mounted Escort Regiment since 1823-1829 and from 1907 onward.
- 1st Artillery Regiment "Brigadier General Tomas de Iriarte" (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Military police Coy. (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Engineer Battalion (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group (Camet-Mar del Plata)
- 601st Anti-Aircraft Group "Lieutenant General Pablo Riccheri" (Camet-Mar del Plata)
- 602nd Mixed Anti-Aircraft Group (Camet-Mar del Plata)
- 601st Maintenance Group (Camet-Mar del Plata)
- 601st Army Aviation Group (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Assault Helicopter Battalion (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Aviation Maintenance Battalion (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Intelligence Support Aviation Squadron (Campo de Mayo)
- 602nd Attack/Scout Aviation Squadron (Campo de Mayo)
- 603rd General Support Aviation Squadron (Campo de Mayo)
- 604th Support Aviation Squadron (Campo de Mayo)
- 601st Signal Group (City Bell)
- 601st Signal Battalion (City Bell)
- 601st Electronic Warfare Battalion (City Bell)
- 601st Maintenance Battalion (City Bell)
- 601st Equipment Group (Boulogne sur Mer)
- 601st Equipment Battalion (Boulogne sur Mer)
- 602nd Equipment Battalion (Boulogne sur Mer)
- 603rd Equipment Battalion (Fray Luis Beltran)
- 604th Equipment Battalion (Holmberg)
- 4th Mechanized Infantry (Training) Regiment (Monte Caseros)
- 601st Material Battalion (El Palomar)
- 602nd Signal Battalion (Buenos Aires)
- 601st Signal Company (Campo de Mayo)
Please see list of Argentine Army units in the links detailed in next section (especially "SAORBATS").
External links
- (Spanish) Official website
- (Spanish) Organization and equipment