
Stuckenia pectinata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Alismatales
Family: Potamogetonaceae
Genus: Stuckenia
Börner, 1912

See text.

Stuckenia is a genus of flowering plants. It contains 32 species, subspecies, varieties, forms, and cultivars found in the nearly worldwide seas. Pondweed is a common name for plants in this genus.[1]


These herbs present rhizomes but not turions; the tubers can be absent or present. The main difference between "Stuckenia" and "Potamogeton" is that the stipule joins the leaf base, when it is pulled the sheath and stipule comes away, similar to a grass sheath and ligule.


  • Stuckenia aldanensis
  • Stuckenia amblyophylla
  • Stuckenia arctovaginata
  • Stuckenia austrosibirica
  • Stuckenia borealis
  • Stuckenia bottnica
  • Stuckenia carbonata
  • Stuckenia chakassiensis
  • Stuckenia clavata
  • Stuckenia fennica
  • Stuckenia filiformis (Slenderleaf-pondweed)
  • Stuckenia gibbosa
  • Stuckenia helvetica
  • Stuckenia interior
  • Stuckenia macrocarpa
  • Stuckenia marina
  • Stuckenia matyrensis
  • Stuckenia meinshausenii
  • Stuckenia mirabilis
  • Stuckenia mongolica
  • Stuckenia omoloica
  • Stuckenia palaeofiliformis
  • Stuckenia pamirica
  • Stuckenia pectinata (Fennel pondweed, sago pondweed)
  • Stuckenia praepectinata
  • Stuckenia praevaginata
  • Stuckenia pseudorostrata
  • Stuckenia punensis
  • Stuckenia sakmarensis
  • Stuckenia striata (Broadleaf pondweed)
  • Stuckenia subretusa
  • Stuckenia suecica
  • Stuckenia tenuicarpa
  • Stuckenia vaginata (Sheathed pondweed)
  • Stuckenia vaginatoides
  • Stuckenia zosteracea


  1. "Stuckenia". Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. Retrieved 4 December 2015.
  • Börner, C. 1912. Botanisch-systematische Notizen. Abhandl. Naturwiss. Vereine. Bremen 21: 245--282.
  • Doweld, A. B. 2015. On the nomenclature of fossil Stuckenia (Potamogetonaceae). Phytotaxa 236: 86-90.
  • Holub, J. 1997. Stuckenia :* Börner 1912---”the correct name for Coleogeton (Potamogetonaceae). ) Preslia 69: 361--366.
  • Les, D. H. and R. R. Haynes. 1996. Coleogeton (Potamogetonaceae), a new genus of pondweeds. Novon 6: 389--391.
  • Moore, E. 1913. The potamogetons in relation to pond culture. Bull Bureau Fish. 33: 251--291.
  • Reveal, J. L. 1977. Potamogetonaceae. In: A. Cronquist et al. 1972+. Intermountain Flora. Vascular Plants of the :* Intermountain West, U.S.A. 4+ vols. New York and London. Vol. 6, pp. 24--42.
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