
Ahom dynasty
1 Sukaphaa 12281268
2 Suteuphaa 12681281
3 Subinphaa 12811293
4 Sukhaangphaa 12931332
5 Sukhrangpha 13321364
Interregnum 13641369
6 Sutuphaa 13691376
Interregnum 13761380
7 Tyao Khamti 13801389
Interregnum 13891397
8 Sudangphaa 13971407
9 Sujangphaa 14071422
10 Suphakphaa 14221439
11 Susenphaa 14391488
12 Suhenphaa 14881493
13 Supimphaa 14931497
14 Suhungmung 14971539
15 Suklenmung 15391552
16 Sukhaamphaa 15521603
17 Susenghphaa 16031641
18 Suramphaa 16411644
19 Sutingphaa 16441648
20 Sutamla 16481663
21 Supangmung 16631670
22 Sunyatphaa 16701672
23 Suklamphaa 16721674
24 Suhung 16741675
25 Gobar Roja 16751675
26 Sujinphaa 16751677
27 Sudoiphaa 16771679
28 Sulikphaa 16791681
29 Supaatphaa 16811696
30 Sukhrungphaa 16961714
31 Sutanphaa 17141744
32 Sunenphaa 17441751
33 Suremphaa 17511769
34 Sunyeophaa 17691780
35 Suhitpangphaa 17801795
36 Suklingphaa 17951811
37 Sudingphaa 18111818
38 Purandar Singha 18181819
39 Sudingphaa 18191821
40 Jogeswar Singha 18211822
41 Purandar Singha 18331838

Sukhrangpha was the king of Ahom kingdom from 1332 CE to 1364 CE. He had to face the revolt led by his youngest brother Chao Pulai or Tai Sulai (there are confusion in Ahom historians whether Chao Pulai and Tai Sulai were same or different personality. Eventually he came in terms with Chao Pulai (or Tai Sulai) by appointing him as Charing Raja, a newly created official post to administer the region of Charing. Later the post of Charing Raja was usually conferred to the heir apparent to the throne. It can be compared with the title of Prince of Wales of England, where the heir apparent to the throne was conferred with this title.

Ancestry and Accession

Sukhranphaa was the eldest son of Ahom king Sukhaangphaa’s four sons. After the death of his father, Sukhrangpha ascended the throne as the king of Ahom kingdom.[1]


At the onset of his reign, Sukhrangpha faced a serious threat from his youngest brother Chao Pulai (or Tai Sulai). Chao Pulai hatched a conspiracy to overthrow the regime of Sukhrangpha. The plot was detected, and Chao Pulai, being the son of Kamata princess Bhajani[2] (some account says Rajani) fled to Kamata kingdom. The king of Kamata being the uncle of Chao Pulai came to his aid. Chao Pulai gathered his supporters and along with troops sent by his uncle, the king of Kamata, marched against Sukhranphaa. Sukhrangpha was alarmed with these developments. He already received intelligence that his regime was unpopular among certain sections of people and also he was not sure regarding the loyalty of his troops. Sukhrangpha, therefore, avoided confrontation and reconciled with Chao Pulai.[3] He appointed Chao Pula as the Charing Raja, a newly created post to administer Charing, the tract around Joypur on the right bank of the Burhidihing river.[4] During Ahom period in Assam, the heirs apparent to the throne were appointed as Charing Raja. The objective of this appointment was to let the prince gain some experience of administration, before finally ascending the throne.[5] According to some historical accounts, the conspiracy of Chao Pulai was instigated by Chaopang Banduk Borgohain, while others say that it was him, who had poisoned the king’s mind against Chao Pulai.[6] But all agree that Chaopang Banduk Borgohain was the one to suffer, as he was dismissed from his office. His ultimate fate differ in different account, as some stated that Sukhrangpha had him executed for his crime[7] while another account stated that Chaopang Banduk Borgohain escaped being put to death under the king’s orders by concealing himself until the affair had blown over and later he was subsequently forgiven and taken back into favour.[8] The remaining period of Sukhrangpha’s reign was peaceful and without any major events. Eminent Assamese historian Gunaviram Barua stated in his documents that Sukhranphaa expanded his kingdom towards the bank of Brahmaputra river by defeating the neighbouring tribal chieftains, who were unable to face his prowess.[9]


Sukhrangpha died in 1364 CE after a reign of thirty two years. Accounts differ regarding the events followed by his death. While earlier accounts claimed that after the death of Sukhrangpha, his brother Sutuphaa ascended the throne,[10][11][12] later historians Padmeshwar Gogoi and S. L. Baruah claimed that Sukhrangpha’s death was followed by a period of interregnum from 1364 CE to 1369 CE, before the nobles finally installed Sukhrangpha’s brother Sutuphaa on the throne. Dr. Romesh Buragohain wrote about the reason for the first interregnum as Sukhrangpha died with leaving a male heir to succeed him, the nobles took advantage of it and instead of inviting Sutuphaa to the throne, they went for an interregnum.[13]


  1. Gait E.A. A History of Assam 2nd edition 1926 Thacker, Spink & Co Calcutta page 81
  2. Barbaruah Hiteswar Ahomar-Din or A History of Assam under the Ahoms 1st edition 1981 Publication Board of Assam Guwahati page 31
  3. Gait E.A. A History of Assam 2nd edition 1926 Thacker, Spink & Co Calcutta page 81
  4. Barbaruah Hiteswar Ahomar-Din or A History of Assam under the Ahoms 1st edition 1981 Publication Board of Assam Guwahati page 31
  5. It should be noted that even though the official post of Charing Raja was created by Sukhrangpha, the town of Charing or Charing nagar was established by Ahom king Suhungmung or Dihingia Raja. Therefore all the Charing Raja appointed during the reign of Sukhrangpha to Suhungmung, use to administer the Charing region, from the Capital. After establishment of Charing nagar, during the reign of Suhungmung, the Charing Raja’s headquarters moves from Capital to Charing nagar. Ahomar Din or History of Assam under the Ahoms, Hiteswar Barbaruah, 1st edition 1981, Assam Publication Board, page 31
  6. Gait E.A. A History of Assam 2nd edition 1926 Thacker, Spink & Co Calcutta page 81
  7. Barbaruah Hiteswar Ahomar-Din or A History of Assam under the Ahoms 1st edition 1981 Publication Board of Assam Guwahati page 31
  8. Gait E.A. A History of Assam 2nd edition 1926 Thacker, Spink & Co Calcutta page 81
  9. Barua Gunaviram Assam Buranji or A History of Assam 4th edition 2008 Publication Board of Assam Guwahati page 55
  10. Barbaruah Hiteswar Ahomar-Din or A History of Assam under the Ahoms 1st edition 1981 Publication Board of Assam Guwahati page 32
  11. Barua Gunaviram Assam Buranji or A History of Assam 4th edition 2008 Publication Board of Assam Guwahati page 55
  12. Gait E.A. A History of Assam 2nd edition 1926 Thacker, Spink & Co Calcutta page 81
  13. Buragohain Dr. Romesh AHOM STATE FORMATION IN MEDIAEVAL ASSAM (1228-1714) Kritagya Publication 1st Edition 2007 Guwahati page 139


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