Super Ray

Super Ray is a comic book character created by Ray Hueston, a character in the HBO series Bored to Death. He received his powers while one day walking down the street after eating some bad food, he fell through a subway grate and hit his penis on the third rail. In the TV show, Super Ray's alter ego is the author, Ray Hueston,[1] but the real comic is written by Jonathan Ames and Dean Haspiel.


Super Ray's powers include (but are not limited to) super strength, super breath and the power to fight with his enlarged penis.

Reception in the TV show

In the TV show, initially the comic was not met with approval and was rejected from publication. After meeting the editor to Edition magazine, one issue of the comic was published and had huge success. With his new success, there was the prospect of making a live action movie with Kevin Bacon starring as Super Ray aka ray grizzy aka raymond greene. However, after meeting with Kevin, Ray Hueston decided not to let him play the part.


  1. "HBO: Bored to Death: Extras: The Birth of Super Ray". HBO. HBO Extras. Retrieved 27 May 2012.

External links

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