Svetlana Forsova
Forsowa Svetlana (Svetlana Forsow, Russian: Светлана Форсова, Ukrainian: Світлана Форсова) is a Russian journalist from Korenovsk, city in Kuban region of Russian Federation. Svetlana Forsowa has written a number of articles and a few books dedicated to the history and culture of the Kuban region and its Cossack people, its prominent people and interesting places.

Forsow is of mixed Russian and Ukrainian (Ukrainorussian) Cossack origin. Her father, Myhail Trofim's son Forsow (Forsov) is of Russian Don Cossack origin, his forefathers are from registry cossacks of Russian Empire and Imperial Army. Her mother, Eufrosinia Fedor's daughter née Vorobkalo is of Ukrainian Cossack origin, but in imperial registries of Russian Empire her forefathers had been written not as registry cossacks but as registry Christians (крестьяне).
Forsow was born in typical Soviet family of the time. Father, Myhail Forsow fought in World War II against the Nazis, and returned home after the war. His brother Peter (1921-1943), uncle of Svetlana was killed during World War II. Mother of Svetlana many years worked as a librarian in different regional libraries and was known in professional circles.
- Светлана Форсова. "Уроки невыдуманной истории" - "Экоинвест", Краснодар, 2009. 180 с.
- Светлана Форсова. "Страницы истории Кореновского района" - "Принт Терра", Краснодар, 2011. 200 с.