Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations

Full name Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations
Native name Sveriges Akademikers Centralorganisation
Members 556,000
Affiliation ITUC, ETUC
Office location Stockholm, Sweden
Country Sweden
Website www.saco.se

The Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Swedish: Sveriges Akademikers Centralorganisation, SACO) is a confederation of 26 independent professional associations in Sweden. It gathers some 556,000 members, all of whom are academics or graduate professionals with a university or college degree. The members include economists, lawyers, architects, graduate engineers, doctors, scientists, teachers and many others. A growing share of Swedish union members are affiliated to a SACO union: 17% in 1950 and 35% in 2012 (pensioners and students excluded).[1]

The organization does not form affiliations with political parties.


  1. Association of Architects (Sveriges Arkitekter)
  2. Association of Graduate Engineers (Sveriges Ingenjörer)
  3. Association of Graduates in Business Administration and Economics (Civilekonomerna)
  4. Association of Graduates in Documentation, Information and Culture (DIK-förbundet)
  5. Association of Graduates in Forestry (Skogsakademikerna)
  6. Association of Graduates in Law, Economics and Personnel Management (Jusek)
  7. Swedish Association of Graduates in Public Administration and Social Work (Akademikerförbundet SSR)
  8. Association of Head Teachers and Directors of Education (Sveriges Skolledarförbund)
  9. Association of Military Officers (Officersförbundet)
  10. Association of Military Officers in the Reserve (Sveriges Reservofficersförbund)
  11. Association of Occupational Therapists (Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter)
  12. Association of Registered Physiotherapists (Legitimerade sjukgymnasters Riksförbund)
  13. Association of Scientists (Naturvetarna)
  14. Association of University Teachers (Sveriges Universitetslärarförbund)
  15. Association of Church of Sweden Employees (Kyrkans Akademikerförbund)
  16. National Union of Teachers in Sweden (Lärarnas Riksförbund)
  17. SRAT (associations of professional employees)
  18. SACO Association for Traffic and Railway (SACO-förbundet Trafik och Järnväg)
  19. Swedish Dental Association (Sveriges Tandläkarförbund)
  20. Swedish Medical Association (Sveriges Läkarförbund)
  21. Swedish Pharmaceutical Association (Sveriges Farmacevtförbund)
  22. Swedish Psychological Association (Sveriges Psykologförbund)
  23. Swedish Ship Officers' Association (Sveriges Fartygsbefälsförening)
  24. Swedish Veterinary Association (Sveriges Veterinärförbund)


  1. Anders Kjellberg Union density and specialist/professional unions in Sweden, Lund University: Studies in Social Policy, Industrial Relations, Working Life and Mobility. Research Reports 2013:2, p. 8

See also

External links

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