Swedish Olympic Committee

Swedish Olympic Committee

Swedish Olympic Committee logo

Swedish Olympic Committee logo
Country/Region  Sweden
Code SWE
Created 1913
Recognized 1913
Headquarters Stockholm Olympic Stadium
President Mr Hans Vestberg
Secretary General Ms Gunilla Lindberg
Website http://www.sok.se

The Swedish Olympic Committee (SOC) (Swedish: Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté (SOK)) is the Swedish National Olympic Committee (NOC). The Swedish Olympic Committee organize the Swedish participation in the Olympics, choose the participants and run the "Elitprogrammet".

The committee has 35 Olympic national federations members and 12 by the IOC national federations members.


The Swedish Olympic Committee has had the following presidents.[1]

King Gustaf VI Adolf1913–1933
Prince Gustaf Adolf1933–1947
Prince Bertil1947–1997
Carl Gustav Anderberg1997–2000
Stefan Lindeberg2000–2016
Hans Vestberg2016–

Notable names of the International Olympic Committee

Viktor BalckOriginal member1894–1921
Sigfrid EdströmFormer President1942–1952
Gunilla LindbergVice President 2001–2013

See also


  1. "The Swedish Olympic Committee". Swedish Olympic Committee. Retrieved 5 February 2010.

External links

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