Symbolkeramik is a name given by archaeologists to a type of pottery found at settlements from the Spanish Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age such as the site of Los Millares.
It made use of highly stylized designs including the oculus motif. Another example of these stylized designs are in Morbihan, France. They are commonly known as the Carnac megalith stones. Carnac Stones
Kipfer, PhD, RPA, Barbara Ann. "Archaeology Word Smith". Paul Legan. Retrieved 27 August 2012.
Fleming, Andrew (1969). "The Myth of the Mother-Goddess". World Archaeology (RKP) 1 (2): 251. doi:10.1080/00438243.1969.9979443. ISSN 0043-8243.
"The Carnac Complex, France". Ancient Wisdom. Retrieved 27 August 2012.
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