Symbols of Alberta

Alberta is one of Canada's provinces, and has established several official emblems that reflect the province's history, its natural and diverse landscapes, and its people.[1]

Official emblems of Alberta

Symbol Image Adopted Remarks
Coat of arms Coat of arms of Alberta
July 30, 1980 Granted to Alberta by Royal Warrant[1]
Motto Fortis et liber
Strong and free
July 30, 1980 Granted with other elements of the coat of arms;[1] A reference to the fifth line of O Canada.
Provincial shield Provincial shield of Alberta
September 2013 The shield of the coat of arms was adopted as a separate official emblem known as the provincial shield in September 2013.[1]
Colours Blue and gold          The colours can be found on the flag and on other provincial insignia
Flag Flag of Alberta
June 1, 1968
Tree Lodgepole pine
(Pinus contorta latifolia)
May 30, 1984 due to the efforts of the Junior Forest Warden Association of Alberta. It was used in the early 1900s for the production of railway ties, and is as a resource for the production of poles, posts, pulp and plywood in Alberta's forestry industry.
Floral Wild rose
(Rosa acicularis)
1930[2] It grows in almost all regions of the province.
Grass Rough fescue
(Festuca scabrella)
April 30, 2003, due to the efforts of the Prairie Conservation Forum.
Stone Petrified wood
1977, due to the efforts of the Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs. Of Cretaceous and Paleocene ages, it is often found in gravel pits in Alberta.
Mammal Bighorn sheep
(Ovis canadensis)
August 18, 1989 It is primarily found in the Canadian Rockies.
Fish Bull trout
(Salvelinus confluentus)
May 2, 1995 Catch and release policy regulates all bull trout fishing in Alberta.
Bird Great horned owl
(Bubo virginianus)
May 3, 1977 by a province-wide children’s vote[2] It is found throughout Alberta in forests and grasslands.[3]
Tartan Green, gold, blue, pink and black
1961 due to the efforts of the Edmonton Rehabilitation Society for the Handicapped. For forests, wheat fields, skies and lakes, wild rose and coal and petroleum respectively.
Alberta Dress Tartan Alberta Tartan with large sections of white, a symbol of Alberta’s clean and bright snowy days.
2000 It can be worn for dancing, special occasions and formal attire.
Anthem "Alberta" May 2001 Written by Mary Kieftenbeld.
Logo The provincial signature 2009
2009 Introduced as part of Brand Alberta.
Logo The provincial wordmark 1972
1972[4] Used by Executive Council of Alberta as well as the Legislative Assembly of Alberta on all official documents. It uses a specific typeface, and is also showcased on signs such as highway markers. Still in use.
Logo The provincial wordmark 1960s
Mace The Mace of Alberta
It replaced the old version on February 9, 1956. It is the symbol of the authority of the Legislative Assembly. It is a ceremonial staff carried by the Sergeant-at-Arms into the Chamber.[6] It was designed by L.B. Blain in Edmonton, and built by English silversmith Joseph Fray in Birmingham.

Other symbols

While not officially adopted as emblems by the provincial government of Alberta, these places and things are popularly associated with (hence could be considered symbols of) the province.

Symbol Image Remarks
Building Alberta Legislative Building
It is the seat of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta.
Gemstone Ammolite[7]
Fungus Leccinum boreale (red cap mushroom)
It will not be law unless an amendment is introduced to the Emblems of Alberta Act, as proposed in 2009.[8]

See also


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