Symphony of Dialogue

Symphony of Dialogue (2009) by the Turkish composer Evrim Demirel reflects the composer's influences on both contemporary Western and traditional Turkish music. The piece based on the dialogue of diverse cultures; it embraces Christianity, Judaism and Islam in one work of art and conveys their peaceful messages through the music. The novelty of the “Symphony of Dialogue” is having a traditional Qur'an singer in a western way of composed music.

“Symphony of Dialogue” is a pure message of peace and love through the music, which is entirely humanistic in its nature.


Musical voyage starts on a steady sustained chord which appears throughout the piece. Stationary chord is interrupted by the timpani hits amplified with the piano. Interruptions evolve new textures and drag the piece into the more anxious musical territories. Steady and unsteady musical structures interact each other through the piece and the singers endeavor to keep music in a more restful atmosphere.


3 Flutes
(FL. I also Alto flute, FL. III also Piccolo)
2 Oboes
English Horn
2 Clarinets in B flat and E flat
Bass Clarinet
2 Bassoons

4 Horns
3 Trumpets in C
3 Trombones
Bass Trombone

Bass Drum
2 Congas
2 Cymbals (Large)
2 Vibraphones
2 Harps*

Soprano solo
Tenor solo (preferably a traditional Qur'an singer)
Baritone solo

Violins I, II
Double basses


A symbolic expression from the birth to the death of the human being is moulded the form of the work. First tenor solo salutes people by singing a masnavi poem “ Merhaba” which is a part of Mawlid written by Süleyman Çelebi, refers to the observance of the birth of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. Then soprano delivers the message from the Bible that says “ I become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal if I have no love”. Restful messages of the religions continues through the voice of the baritone who vocalize a Psalm from the Old Testament that expresses, “love will follow me all the days of my life”. Eventually three vocalists conclude the music with a poem by Yunus Emre.

“Let us be lovers and the loved ones,”
“The earth shall be left to no one.”


33 Min.


The piece commissioned by "Het Nederlands Fonds voor Podiumkunsten" and premiered by [Symfonieorkest De Philarmonie] conducted by Daan Admiraal in Muziekgebouw aan't IJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. "Symphony of Dialogue" is dedicated to Daan Admiraal

Vocal parts

Texts taken from New Testament, Old Testament, Qur'an as well as The Means of Salvation, (Vesîletü'n-Necât) or known as Mawlid by Süleyman Çelebi. Citation of “Tekbir” have been used from traditional Islamic culture as it is composed by Buhurizade Itri

Poem called “Hak cihana doludur“ by Yunus Emre together with English version translated by Talât Sait Halman

Texts from New Testament used in Latin, from Old Testament used in Hebrew, from Qur'an used in Arabic, from Mawlid in Turkish. During the piece fives languages take part including: Turkish, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic and English in the final.

Original texts
English translations

Mawlid / Süleyman Çelebi

Yâradılmış cümle oldu şâdümân
Gam gidûp âlem yenîden buldu cân
Cümle zerrat-ı cihân idûb nidâ
Çağrışûben dediler kim merhabâ
Merhabâ ey âli sultân merhabâ
Merhabâ ey kân-ı irfan merhabâ
Merhabâ ey sırr-ı fürkân merhabâ
Merhabâ ey derde dermân merhabâ

Mawlid / Süleyman Çelebi

All the creation were joyful!
Grief disappeared and the universe found again its spirit
All the particles of the cosmos exclaimed
And they began to say “greetings
Greetings, o exalted king greetings
Greetings, o source of wisdom, greetings
Greetings, o secret of discernment, greetings
Greetings, hey cure for all ills, greetings!

New Testament / 1 Corinthians 13:1

si linguis hominum loquar et angelorum
caritatem autem non habeam factus
sum velut aes sonans aut cymbalum tinniens

New Testament / 1 Corinthians 13:1

If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,
but do not have love,
I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

Old Testament / Psalm 23:1

Adonay ro`iy lo' 'echsâr
bin'othdeshe' yarbiytsêniy `al-mêy menuchoth yenahalêniy
naphshiy yeshobhêbhyanchêniy bhema`gelêy-tsedheq lema`an shemo
gam kiy-'êlêkh beghêy'tsalmâveth lo'-'iyrâ' râ` kiy-'attâh
`immâdhiy shibhthekha umish`antekhahêmmâh yenachamuni
'akh thobh vâchesedh yirdephuniykol-yemêy
chayyây veshabhtiy bebhêyth-Adonay le'orekh yâmiym

Old Testament / Psalm 23:1

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

New Testament \ Luke 6:27

Dilígite inimícos véstros, benefácite his qui odérunt vos.

New Testament \ Luke 6:27

Love your enemies, and be good to everyone who hates you.

Tekbir / Traditional Islam

Allahu ekber, Allahu ekber, La ilahe illallahu vallahu ekber, Allahu ekber ve lillahil hamd.

Tekbir / Traditional Islam

God is the greatest and the only one.

Old Testament \ Daniel 9:9

ladonāy elohēnu hārachamīm wehaselīchot;

Old Testament \ Daniel 9:9

The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him;

New Testament \ Luke 6:35

Verúmtamen dilígite inimícos véstros: benefácite.

New Testament \ Luke 6:35

Love your enemies and be good to them.

Old Testament \ Isaiah 14:7

nāchā shāketā
kol hāārets pātsechu rinā

Old Testament \ Isaiah 14:7

Now all the world is at peace;
its people are celebrating with joyful songs.

Ezan \ Islamic call to prayer

Allâhu Ekber Allâhu Ekber
Eşhedü en lâ ilâhe illâllah

Ezan \ Islamic call to prayer

God is the greatest
I bear witness that there is no deity except God

Al-Baqara \ Qur'an

Ya Eyyuhellezine amenudhulu fissilmi kaffaten
Vela fettebiu huduvatisseydan
innehulekum aduvvun mubin

Al-Baqara \ Qur'an

O you who believe! Enter into peace at all
and do not follow the footsteps of Shaitan (evil); :
surely he is your open enemy.

Hak Cihana Doludur \ Yunus Emre

Hak cihana doludur
Kimseler Hakk'ı bilmez
Onu sen senden iste
O senden ayrı olmaz
Gelin tansık edelim
İşin kolayın tutalim
Sevelim sevilelim
Dünyaya kimse kalmaz

Hak cihana doludur / Yunus Emre translated by Prof. Dr. "Talât Sait Halman"

God permeates the whole wide world,
Yet his truth is revealed to none.
You better seek him in yourself,
You and He aren’t apart – you’re one
Come, let us all be friends for once,
Let us make life easy on us,
Let us be lovers and loved ones,
The earth shall be left to no one.
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