Syrja Vlora

Syrja Bey Vlora
Born 1860
Vlorë, Ottoman Empire
Died 1940
Occupation Politician
Known for Albanian Declaration of Independence

Syrja Vlora, usually referred as Syrja Bey Vlora, was one of the active figures of the Albanian Declaration of Independence in 1912,[1] and one of the delegates of the Assembly of Vlorë.[2]


Syrja Bej Vlora was born in Vlorë, back then Ottoman Empire, in 1860. He was a member of the well known Vlora family, historically successful through the ranks of Ottoman administration and military. His was the son of Mustafa Pashë Vlora, and brother of the Grand Vezir Avlonyalı Ferid Paşa (1851-1914). Vlora was also related to Ismail Qemali, both being political rivals at the same time.
Syrja Vlora was married to the sister of Essad Toptani.[3]

Before the new Albanian state, he had served as General Director of the Customs of the Ottoman Empire, and a representative in the Ottoman Parliament from 1908.
After the Declaration of Independence of Albania in 1912 in his home town, where he was a delegate of Përmet region, he held minor political positions, known mainly as the Albanian Ambassador in Vienna in 1914.[3]
He was the father of the Albanian politician and scholar Ekrem Bey Vlora. Together they had propagandized the Albanian independence in Austria during the pre-Independence European tour of Ismail Qemali.[4]

He died in 1940.


  1. "History of Albanian People" Albanian Academy of Science.ISBN 99927-1-623-1
  2. Michael Schmidt-Neke (16 November 1987), Entstehung und Ausbau der Königsdiktatur in Albanien (1912-1939): Regierungsbildungen, Herrschaftsweise und Machteliten in einem jungen Balkanstaat, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, p. 320, ISBN 978-3486543216
  3. 1 2 Syrja bej Vlora, rrëfehen kujtimet [Syrja Bey Vlora, the memories get narrated] (in Albanian), Gazeta Metropol, 2013, retrieved 2014-01-26
  4. Veli Bej Këlcyra, firmëtari i panjohur i pavarësisë (in Albanian), Gazeta Tema, 2012-05-19, retrieved 2014-01-26, Ai ishte i pari i Oxhakut të Vlorës, babai i Eqrem Bej Vlorës dhe kushëriri i Ismail bej Vlorës. Së bashku me të birin e tij, Eqrem bej Vlorën, ata kishin negociuar në Vjenë për pavarësinë e Shqipërisë me austro-hungarezët, ku më pas Syrja Bej Vlora shkoi si ambasador i Shqipërisë.[He was the first of the Vlora Oxhak (family), father of Ekrem Bey Vlora cousin of Ismail Qemali. Together with his son, Ekrem Bey Vlora, they had negotiated the Independence of Albania in Vienna, where he would be sent later as Ambassador.]

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