
Two T -colorings of a graph for T = {0, 1, 4}

In graph theory, a T-Coloring of a graph G = (V, E), given the set T of nonnegative integers containing 0, is a function c: V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N} that maps each vertex of G to a positive integer (color) such that (u,w) \in E(G) \Rightarrow  \left | c(u) - c(w) \right | \notin T.[1] In simple words, the absolute value of the difference between two colors of adjacent vertices must not belong to fixed set T. The concept was introduced by William K. Hale.[2] If T = {0} it reduces to common vertex coloring.

The complementary coloring of T-coloring c, denoted \overline{c} is defined for each vertex v of G by
\overline{c}(v) = s +1-c(v)
where s is the largest color assigned to a vertex of G by the c function.[1]

T-chromatic number

The T-chromatic number \chi_{T}(G) is the minimum number of colors that can be used in a T-coloring of G. The T-chromatic number is equal to the chromatic number. \chi_{T}(G)=\chi(G).[3]


Every T-coloring of G is also a vertex coloring of G, so \chi_{T}(G)\geq \chi(G). Suppose that \chi(G)=k and r=max(T).
Given a common vertex k-coloring function c: V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N} using the colors 1, 2,..,k. We define d: V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N} as
For every two adjacent vertices u and w of G,
\left | d(u) - d(w) \right |  = \left | (r+1)c(u) - (r+1)c(w) \right |
=(r+1)\left | c(u)-c(w) \right | \geq r +1
so \left | d(u) - d(w) \right |  \notin T.
Therefore d is a T-coloring of G. Since d uses k colors, \chi_{T}(G)\leq k =\chi(G).
Consequently, \chi_{T}(G)=\chi(G) â– 


For a T-coloring c of G, the c-span spT(c) = max {|c(u)-c(w)|} over all uw \in V(G).
The T-span spT(G) of G is min {spT(c)} of all colourings c of G. [1]
Some bounds of the T-span are given below:
For every k-chromatic graph G with clique of size \omega and every finite set T of nonnegative integers containing 0, spT(K\omega) \leqspT(G)  \leq spT(Kk).
For every graph G and every finite set T of nonnegative integers containing 0 whose largest element is r, spT(G)  \leq (\chi(G)-1)(r+1). \chi_{T}(G)=\chi(G).[4]
For every graph G and every finite set T of nonnegative integers containing 0 whose cardinality is t, spT(G)  \leq (\chi(G)-1)t. \chi_{T}(G)=\chi(G).[4]

See also


  1. 1 2 3 Chartrand, Gary; Zhang, Ping (2009). "14. Colorings, Distance, and Domination". Chromatic Graph Theory. CRC Press. pp. 397–402.
  2. ↑ W. K. Hale, Frequency assignment: Theory and applications. Proc. IEEE 68 (1980) 1497-1514.
  3. ↑ M. B. Cozzens and F. S. Roberts, T -colorings of graphs and the Channel Assignment Problem. Congr. Numer. 35 (1982) 191-208.
  4. 1 2 M. B. Cozzens and F. S. Roberts, T -colorings of graphs and the Channel Assignment Problem. Congr. Numer. 35 (1982) 191-208.
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