TV 2 Charlie

TV 2 Charlie

Launched 1 October 2004
Network TV 2 Denmark
Owned by TV 2 Denmark
Picture format 16:9 / 4:3
Audience share 2.4% (2008, [1])
Slogan "Nærmest voksen", "God gedigen underholdning"
Country Denmark
Broadcast area Denmark
Headquarters Copenhagen, Denmark
Sister channel(s) TV 2
TV 2 Zulu
TV 2 Film
TV 2 News
TV 2 Sport

TV 2 Charlie is a Danish television channel owned by TV 2. It was launched on 1 October 2004. The channel shows own productions and British criminal dramas (like Dalziel and Pascoe, A Touch of Frost and Silent Witness.) It broadcasts from 8:00 in the afternoon to 02:00 in the night, and is available by digital antenna (DVB-T/T2 & MPEG4), cable and satellite. The channel is funded by usage fees and advertising. The commercials appear between the programmes only.

On satellite, TV 2 Charlie (as well as TV 2 Zulu and TV 2 Film) was initially exclusively available via Canal Digital. The competing Viasat platform started broadcasting the channels in January 2009.[2]

Notable programs


External links

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