List of vampire traits in folklore and fiction

The following tables compare traits given to vampires in folklore and fiction. Over time, some attributes now regarded as integral became incorporated into the vampire's profile: fangs and vulnerability to sunlight appeared over the course of the 19th century, with Varney the Vampire and Count Dracula both bearing protruding teeth,[1] and Murnau's Nosferatu (1922) the first vampire to be killed by daylight.[2]

Although Bram Stoker's novel is the best known vampire fiction of the 19th century, it is the aristocratic figure of Lord Ruthven who is thought to have inspired the elegant and suave creature of stage and film.[3]

The cloak appeared in stage productions of the 1920s, with a high collar introduced by playwright Hamilton Deane to help Dracula 'vanish' on stage.[4] Lord Ruthven and Varney were able to be healed by moonlight, although no account of this is known in traditional folklore.[5]


Setting Skin Colour Fangs Reflection Film Shadow Attractiveness When Dead
European folklore Ruddy or dark[6] Yes[7] Varies[8] Varies[8] Varies; historically, bloated corpses were mistaken for vampires
North American folklore Pale Yes No Yes Varies[9]
The Vampyre (1819) No Young, seductive, sexual and alluring
Varney the Vampire (1845) "White and bloodless"[10] Yes[10] Hideous, but has hypnotizing eyes[10]
Carmilla (1871)Pale Yes Yes Yes Unearthly beauty
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897) Pale YesNo[11] No[12] Dracula: Varies
Female Vampires: Beautiful to the point of hypnotic
Dust, except for newborn vampires, who become corpses
Nosferatu (1922) Pale Yes Yes Yes Yes Hideous[9] Dust
Dark Shadows (1966) Ordinary Retractable No Yes Ordinary
Blade Vampire: Pale/ordinary Yes Yes Yes Yes Varies Dust
Reapers: Pale Yes Yes Yes Yes Hideous Dust
Count Chocula (1971) Tanned Yes Yes Yes Cartoon person Chocolate cereal dust
Sesame Street (1972) Lavender Yes No[13] Yes Muppet
Dungeons & Dragons (1974) Pale YesNo No Ordinary, they have a predatory look compared to normal humans
Blade (1973) Ordinary/Pale Yes Yes Yes Ordinary but often somewhat above average
Ultraviolet (TV serial) (1998) Ordinary/Pale Yes No Yes Ordinary but often somewhat above average
Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles (1979) Pale, smooth, marble-like, gets whiter with age Yes Yes Yes All are beautiful. The transformation enhances their beauty. The older and stronger they get, the less human they look but still remain beautiful.
Bunnicula (1979) Furry Yes No Yes Adorable to all, intimately only with other rabbits.
The Hunger (1981) Pale No Yes Yes Alluring
Count Duckula (1983) Green Sometimes No No Cartoon duck
Young Dracula (2007) Pale Retractable Lost after age of 16 Implied that only digital cameras work[14] Yes Varies Dust
Vampire Hunter D (1983) Pale Yes No Yes (No in original novels. Dhampir shadow is faint) Possess a strange unearthly beauty
Necroscope (1986) Pale Yes Yes shows true self Yes Can make themselves beautiful or hideous
The Lost Boys (1987) Full vampires: Ordinary, a little pale Retractable No Yes Ordinary. Become quite ugly when about to attack and fangs appear.
Half-vampire (pre-turning): Ordinary Gradually gain No No As in life
The Little Vampire (TV series, 1986) Pale Yes Yes Yes Alluring
The Little Vampire (film, 2000) Pale Yes Yes Yes Alluring
The Vampire Diaries (Novel and television series) Ordinary Retractable Yes Yes typically beautiful (true vampire face is shown while feeding or thinking about blood; blood vessels under the eyes swell and turn red, eyes turn red, fangs grow) Gray corpse with swelled superficial veins (TV series), regular corpse (most vampires in books), dust (very old vampires in books)
World of Darkness (1992) Varies Retractable Yes - Lasombra, however, don't have them Yes for those with a reflection, No in other cases Yes Varies by bloodline, individual, and discipline. Most notably, Nosferatus are hideously deformed, while Toreadors are beautiful. Dust
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (movie) (1992) PaleYesNo Yes Ordinary Dust
Forever Knight (1992) Pale[15] Retractable[15] Yes[16] Yes[15] Ordinary
Discworld (1992) Pale Yes No ? Alluring Dust, can be revived with blood
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter (1993) Pale Yes Yes Yes Ordinary, but some bloodlines seem to get more attractive with age, some less, and many vampires are attractive as this was the reason they were sired
Preacher (1995) Pale No Yes Yes Ordinary (except eyes)
Legacy of Kain (1996) Varies Yes Yes Yes Ancient vampires were alluring while human turned vampire evolutions became more grotesque.
Night World (1996) Ordinary Retractable Yes Yes Alluring
Hellsing (1997) (2006-12) Ordinary Yes No Yes Alluring, some Vampires like Alucard can have maw of sharp teeth Burn in blue flames or turn to dust
Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series (1997) Ordinary Yes No Yes Yes Can appear as normal humans. However, when feeding or angry, they reveal their true vampire visage where their eyes turn yellow, their brow extends and they grow fangs and pointed teeth. Extremely old vampires are unable to take a human face. Turn to dust, including clothing
Night Watch (1998) OrdinaryRetractableYes, even if the vampire himself turns invisible Yes Ordinary
John Carpenter's Vampires (1998) Pale Yes Yes Yes Ordinary Catch on fire, then turn to dust
Den of Shadows Pale Yes Faint reflection that disappears with age Yes Beautiful
The Saga of Darren Shan (2000) Ordinary; Purple for vampaneze subraceNo Yes Cannot be recorded on film (vampire) or are blurry on film (half-vampire) Yes Ordinary, but vampaneze subrace become swollen and discolored from overfeeding
30 Days of Night (2002) Pale Yes Yes Yes Steve Niles mentioned that they have an alien-like appearance. They are also described as being gruesome yet attractive.
Let the Right One In (2002) Pale Retractable Yes Yes Ordinary, but appearance will deteriorate if deprived of blood. Appearance can also morph, and vaguely implied to be able to sprout wings.
Moon Child (2003) Ordinary Yes Ordinary, but some are above average.
Underworld (2003) Pale RetractableYes Yes Ordinary
Chibi Vampire/Karin (2003) Pale YesYes Yes Ordinary
Van Helsing (2004) Pale RetractableNo Yes Above average when in human form, but they turn into a winged bat/demon-like creature, which is possibly their true appearance. Bones
Supernatural (2005) Ordinary Retractable Yes Yes Ordinary Corpse
Batman & Dracula Pale Yes No Yes Grotesque
Twilight (2005) Pale, harder than diamonds, sparkles in sunlight No, their teeth are sharp and serrated and coated in venom, but not pointed Yes Yes Yes Alluring, inhumanly beautiful Corpses attempt to reconstruct themselves, unless burned to ash
Frostbiten (2006) Pale Yes, grows even bigger when attacking people No Yes Ordinary, but the "pill-vampires" turn monstrous when attacking people, while the supervampire shapeshifts into a demonic creature to hunt. The original vampires look human all the time. All the vampires have orange eyes that turn red when their bloodlust is awakened. The vampires also have exposed veins.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Ordinary Varies Yes Yes Varies
Vampire Academy (2007) Pale Yes Moroi yes, Strigoi no Yes Moroi are beautiful and Strigoi are beautiful too, but have red-ringed iris around their pupils
House of Night (2007) Blue Vampyres: Pale with sapphire markings Yes Yes Yes Alluring
Red Vampyres: Pale with red markings Yes Yes Unknown Depends: red fledglings are described as gross, but once they choose to be good and become an adult they can be alluring
Blindsight (2007) Pale YesYes Yes Tall, with a "predatory appearance"; baseline humans possess an instinctive panic response to them
True Blood (2008) Pale Retractable Yes[17] Yes Yes Ordinary, but humans can develop more attraction to them by drinking their blood, and also with the power to "Glamour" ordinary humans into enticement Black dust or bloody pulp
Being Human (BBC) (2008) Ordinary Retractable No Do not appear on film or video Yes Ordinary
Being Human (Syfy) Pale Yes Yes Yes Yes Ordinary Dust
Moonlight (2008) Ordinary Retractable Yes Yes Ordinary, but many are above average
The Parasol Protectorate (2009) Pale Yes ? ? Ordinary
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter (2010) Pale Retractable Yes Yes Very Beautiful. When enraged its eyes turn black.
Daybreakers (2010) Ordinary Yes No Unknown Normal, but with pallid skin and yellow eyes. However, if deprived of blood they become deformed, their ears grow, they lose their hair, grow claws and wings and become bat-like creatures called "Subsiders"
American Vampire (2010) Old World bloodline: Pale Yes ? ? Slightly distorted
American bloodline: As when alive Yes Distorted ? Usually normal, but severely distorted and animalistic when enraged
Dresden Files White court: ordinary No Yes Yes Extremely attractive
Red court: ordinary when human Yes ? ? Slimy and batlike, but with an attractive human "costume"
Black court: corpse-like No No ? Corpselike
Touhou PaleYes Unknown, probably yes Yes Unknown, probably yes Normal, but with red eyes and wings.
Fright Night (1985, 2011) PaleYes No Unknown Somewhat attractive. Demonic when enraged or in pain Catch on fire
Marvel Comics Pale Yes No ? Varies
We Are The Night (2010) Pale Yes No Yes Transformation turns them into the peak of their beauty
Blood: The Last Vampire Gray, except for Saya who is ordinary Except for Saya Yes Yes Yes Saya is ordinary, the other Chiropterans are monstrous, but can look like normal humans
Blood+ Ordinary, except fail chiropterans that have gray skin Only fail chiropterans and Chevaliers when they shape shift Yes Yes Yes Ordinary, except for fail chiropterans that are monstrous
Trinity Blood Methuselahs: Varies Yes Yes Yes Beautiful
Crusniks: Pale, except Lilith Retractable Yes Yes Varies
DC Comics Pale Yes No Yes Varies
Sanctuary Ordinary Full Vampires: Yes
Half-Vampires: No, teeth become serrated during transformation.
Yes Yes Varies
Rosario + Vampire Ordinary Yes Yes[18] Yes[19] Yes Beautiful, unless they absorb other monsters, in which case they became monstrous.[20] Corpse
Charmed Ordinary Yes ? Yes Ordinary Catch on fire
Wizards of Waverly Place Pale Yes No Yes Beautiful
Gantz Ordinary No Yes Yes Ordinary
Goosebumps (Welcome To Dead House) Pale No ? ? Ordinary, but the color of their eyes can change when they are angry or sad.
Adventure Time Blue-gray Yes No Yes Described as "Sexy".
Vampire Knight Pale Yes Yes Yes Beautiful, except for the Level E, which look like weak and sick humans.
Castlevania series Pale Yes In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow they do not have reflection Yes The Elder Vampires are beautiful, while the Vampire Warriors are bat-like creatures because they don't know how to shapeshift.
Split PaleYes If a vampire were to look into a mirror, their soul would be imprisoned in it. Breaking the mirror causes the vampire's soul to "break", killing the vampire Yes Beautiful
Tsukihime True Ancestors: Ordinary No Yes Yes Ordinary
Dead Apostles: Pale Yes Yes ? Ordinary, but their bodies are in constant degeneration.
Stargate White, green or blue No Yes Yes Hideous
Hollows (series) Living Low Blood: Ordinary No Yes Yes Ordinary
Living High Blood: Pale Yes ? ? Beautiful
Undead: Pale Yes ? ? Beautiful
Black Blood Brothers Vampires ordinary, but Kowloon Children are pale Yes ? Yes Vampires ordinary, but Kowloon Children have feral appearance
Stephen King Type One: Yellow Yes No Yes Extremely deformed
Type Two: Pale Yes No Yes Beautiful
Type Threes: Ordinary Yes ? Yes Ordinary
Vampirella Ordinary Yes ? Yes Inhumanly beautiful
The Elder Scrolls Pale Yes Yes Yes Feral-looking versions of humans; however, they can look more human if they drink human blood. Vampire Lords can assume a bat-like appearance. Corpse, but gradually crumbles to dust
My Babysitter's a Vampire Full vampires: Ordinary Retractable No ? Ordinary, but when angry, or about to fight someone their fangs grow, and their eyes either glow a yellowish color; or a dark blueish purple color.
Fledgling: Ordinary Yes Faded, or murky ? As in life
The Librarian Pale Yes ? Yes Old vampires are ordinary in appearance, but new ones are hideous.
David Wellington Pale Yes ? ? Hideous
Darkstalkers Pale Yes ? Yes His true form is demonic, but he can change into human form.
The Historian Pale Yes ? Yes Varies, but new vampires look like sick people
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Ordinary Retractable ? Yes Very Attractive
Monogatari Series Pale Yes No No Beautiful
Saga of the Noble Dead Pale Yes ? Yes Kind of beautiful
Doctor Who Great Vampires: Grey Yes ? Yes Bat like creatures
Vampires: Pale Yes Yes Yes Ordinary
Dance in the Vampire Bund Pale Yes ? Yes Different monstrous form, but they can look human
BloodRayne Pale Yes ? Yes They come in all shapes and sizes
Vamps Pale Yes No Yes Ordinary
The Strain Pale No In silver-backed mirrors their image is blurred and distorted Yes Horrible
Blood Alone Pale Yes No ? Beautiful
Anno Dracula series Pale Yes No ? Varies depending on the bloodline
Hotel Transylvania (2012) Ordinary Yes No Yes Varies
Vampireology Pale, becomes paler the longer a vampire goes without feeding Yes reflection becomes less opaque the longer a vampire goes without feeding Yes Belial: three horns on their heads
Ba'al: short and goblinlike
Moloch: bull-like head, hooves and claws
Blood Moon Pale Yes Yes, but their eyes reflect black instead of red Yes, but their eyes are depicted as black instead of red Yes Ordinary but often somewhat above average
Shadowspawn Normal ? ? ? Beautiful
Shadowrun Vampires: Pale Yes ? ? ? They look like sick people
Nosferatu: Pale Yes ? ? ? Kind of ugly Dust
AdventureQuest same as in previous life Yes ? ? same as in previous life
Vampire in Brooklyn Normal Retractable No Yes likely greater as happened with Julius Jones at the end
The Shadowhunter Chronicles (The Mortal Instruments) PaleYes Yes Yes Beautiful Dust
Penny Dreadful Pale Yes ? ? Yes Master vampires are hideous, but infected vampires are ordinary
Kate Daniels novels ? (frequently wearing purple sunblock)Yes ? ? ? Emaciated, increasingly nonhuman with age, eventually quadrupedal ?
From Dusk till Dawn Pale, with scales or flaked skin Yes ? ? Yes Monstrous with reptilian, bat or rat characteristics Turns to desert-like dust
Monster High Pale Yes No There's an app that does get them to show up on film Yes Beautiful
inFamous: Festival of Blood Pale Yes ? ? Yes Blood Mary is beautiful, but her true form and her underlings are monstrous; First Borns can take on a human appearance Dust
Kitty Norville novels ? ? Controllable ? As in life Decay rapidly, as if the body had been rotting since it became a vampire; older vampires become dust
American Horror Story: Hotel Ordinary/Pale No ? ? Yes Ordinary but often somewhat above average Corpse


    A "Yes" indicates a weakness to something, with fatal weaknesses being marked as such. Entries which are marked as "No" are not seen as weaknesses. "?" indicates a lack of information on whether this is a weakness or not; other indicates weaknesses that do not fit in one of the other categories.

    Setting Stake Sunlight Decapitation Drowning Fire Silver Garlic Holy Symbols Running Water Invitation Arithmomania Other
    European Folklore Fatal; ash,[21] hawthorn,[22] or oak[23] is preferred Nocturnal Fatal[24] Yes, but they will revive once removed Fatal SomeYes[25] Yes Yes, but they will will revive once removed[26] No[26] Yes[27] Various regional herbal weaknesses such as plants/woods of the hawthorn family, aspen, oak, ash, maple, dogrose, wild rose, holly, juniper, millet, linden, mayflower, roses, lemon, rowan, and wolfsbane
    North American folklore Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
    The Vampyre Fatal Healed by moonlight? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    Byzantium ? NocturnalFatal No Yes ? ? No No Yes ?
    DaybreakersFatal Fatal Fatal No ? No No No No No Sometimes
    Young Dracula Fatal Fatal ? ? After time No Burns skin Avoided, effect is unclear Yes YesOften yes Destroying a Blood Mirror turns all the vampires of a clan in human and kill the old vampires
    Varney the Vampire ? Healed by moonlight ? ? Commits suicide in Mount Vesuvius[10] ? ? No No ? ?
    Carmilla? Only weakened during daylight hours Fatal ? ? ?? Aversion to holy relics/charms ? Yes ?
    Bram Stoker's Dracula Fatal; white oak preferred Only weakened during daylight hours, though not at midday (at which time of day he becomes stronger) Fatal No Fatal No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Dracula has the mind of a child and is very obsessive; his own psychic powers can be used to hunt him
    Night World Fatal But it greatly weakens their powers Fatal Fatal Fatal No No No No No No Prolonged abstinence from blood can lead to asphyxiation and possibly death
    Nosferatu Fatal Fatal[28] ? No ? ? ? ? Yes No ?
    Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles No Fatal; older vampires have higher tolerances[29] Paralyzes most, but not fatal No Fatal (Stronger vampires have much higher resilience) No No No No No No[note 1] Blood from an already-dead creature induces temporary deathlike state.
    Count Chocula ? No ? ? ? ? ? ? No No No Gets soggy in milk
    Sesame Street ? Enjoys sunlight, sleeps at night ? ? ? No ? ? No ? Yes
    Batman & Dracula Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    Van Helsing Dracula: no No Yes ? No No No not fatal ? ? ? Werewolf bite
    Others: Fatal. Must be wood or silver Yes Yes ? No ? ? Fatal. ? ? ?
    Twilight No It causes them to sparkleIt paralyzes them, but it isn't fatal No Fatal No No No No No No
    Dungeons & Dragons Fatal, but will recover if the stake is removed Fatal, will survive very short exposure Fatal No ? Yes Keeps them at bay Keeps them at bay Fatal, will survive short exposure Yes No
    Blade Vampires: Fatal[17] Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal [17] Yes [17] Yes[17] No No No No They also can be killed by EDTA and the Daystar virus
    Reapers: Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No Their bodies start to consume themselves if they are unable to feed for a couple of hours
    Ultraviolet (TV serial)Fatal Fatal Fatal No Fatal Yes Keeps them at bay Psychosomatic No No No Charcoal
    30 Days of Night (2002) No When blood touches their ashes they will regenerate. Yes No Yes No No No No No No
    Bunnicula? Nocturnal ? ? ? ?Yes ? ? ? ?
    The Hunger? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?
    Count Duckula FatalFatal (although the incarnation featured in the series is immune to sunlight)NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo ?
    Vampire Hunter DFatal Fatal in direct light Fatal Immobilizes Fatal IronYes Yes Immobilizes No No
    Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter YesNot fatal. Weak during daylight hours. After a few years they begin to develop a resistance towards it, Other than that their eyes still react the sameYesNoYesYesNoNoNoNoNo
    The Lost Boys Fatal Fatal Fatal No ? Fatal through the heart No Holy water is fatal in large quantities ? Invitation makes vampire immune to weaknesses and vampire characteristicsNo
    The Little Vampire Fatal Fatal Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No
    The Vampire Diaries Novels: Yes Fatal. Special ring protects them Yes No Yes No No Boosts mental resistance if the user truly believes it works Yes. Worse for stronger vampires Yes No Heart extraction. Prolonged period without feeding
    TV Series, Originals: only a stake made of White Wood or its ashes No No No No No No No No Yes No When an Original dies, all vampires in their blood line also die
    TV Series, Others: Fatal Fatal. Daylight ring protects them Fatal No Fatal No No No No Yes No Heart extraction. Werewolf bite; Vervain and some magical objects weaken them.
    House of Night Blue Vampyres: Fatal No Fatal Fatal Fatal No No No No No ? If they don`t pass the Change when they are fledglings, sometimes they die
    Red Vampyres: Fatal Fatal ? ? Fatal ? ? ? No Yes ?
    Buffy Fatal, but only if made of wood. Older vampires require larger amounts of wood.[30] Fatal Special ring protects them[30] Fatal[30] No[31] Fatal No Shown as a prop on-screen, but never utilized Yes[31][30] No Yes[31] No Some poisons and drugs can affect them
    Discworld[note 2] FatalFatal[note 3] Fatal Fatal Fatal Yes Yes[note 4]Yes[note 5] Yes[note 4] Yes No
    True Blood Fatal, but only if made of wood Fatal; Younger vampires can survive short exposure, older vampires have lower tolerances; Fae/Fairy blood can eliminate weakness to sun for a short period Fatal No Fatal Yes No (mild irritant) No[17] No Yes (Only in private residences owned by humans) No Hepatitis D and Maenad Blood can weaken them. Exsanguination is mentioned to be fatal.
    Let the Right One In Fatal Fatal Fatal No Fatal No No No No Fatal, if invite remains absent for long enough Implied Blood with cancer hurts them, but it is still nutritious
    Preacher No Fatal Fatal No Fatal No No No No No No
    Vampire Academy Moroi: ? Makes them feel uncomfortable Yes ? ? No No No No No No Anything that would kill a human
    Strigoi: Turns the Strigoi into a Moroi if silver and charmed with spirit Burns them, but isn't fatal Fatal No Fatal Yes No Yes No No No
    American Vampire Old World bloodline: Fatal Fatal; ameliorable with protective measures Fatal Immobilizes Fatal Yes ? No Immobilizes No No
    American bloodline: Fatal, but only gold stakes No; possible dependency on moonlight – torpid and vulnerable during new moon Fatal No Fatal Gold No No No No No
    Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Fatal Generally fatal; some vampires are immune Fatal No Fatal Yes Yes Any religious iconography if wielded by a true believer No Yes No
    Hellsing Yes except for Alucard Non-fatal, but finds it extremely unpleasant No for Alucard yes No Blessed silver weakens Alucard, but does not kill him. Fatal for other vampires.[32] No It is not fatal, but it weakens them Except for Alucard No No
    The Saga of Darren Shan Fatal Highly susceptible to sunburns, eventually fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal No No No Superstitious[note 6] No ? The blood of snakes, rats, and cats are poisonous to them
    World of Darkness Immobilizes Fatal; certain disciplines can make them resistant or immune Usually Fatal No Fatal; certain disciplines can make them resistant or immune Immune unless with flaw Immune unless with flaw Immune unless with flaw or when wielded by someone with true faith Immune unless with flaw Immune unless with flaw Only if with flaw
    Being Human (BBC) Yes (Only way to permanently kill a vampire) No (More sensitive to sunlight and prefer to avoid it)Yes (Can be resurrected) No Yes (Can be resurrected) Yes (Causes fangs to appear, watery eyes, and sneezing) Yes(Doesn't work on old and powerful ones.) No Yes(Old vampires are excluded) No Werewolf blood can kill them
    Being Human (Syfy) Yes No (more sensitive to sunlight and prefer to avoid it)Yes ? ? No Yes (causes fangs to appear, watery eyes, and sneezing) No No Yes No Werewolf blood mutates them, consuming the juniper plant immobilize them and a mysterious new flu strain kill them
    Lord Erebus ? No No No Yes ? ? ? ? Yes ?
    Supernatural No Weakens them but not fatalFatal No No No No No No No No Dead man's blood can paralyze them, and the Colt, angelic touch and Vamp-Tonite can kill them
    Moonlight Causes paralysis It makes them progressively weaker and causes severe sunstroke Fatal No Fatal Yes, it is toxic and can eventually kill if left in too long No No No No ?
    The Parasol Protectorate Fatal Fatal ? ? ? No Yes Yes No Yes ? Hive tethered to a specific location shortly after the queen is turned, unless she swarms; the touch of a soulless or metanatural turns them human temporarily
    Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain Death-like state until removed Fatal to weaker vampires Fatal, but Vorador was resurrected after his execution Fatal to all except Rahabim vampires Fatal to most if not all No No Vulnerable to Hylden glyphs and Moebius's staff Fatal to most, but Vampires in Blood Omen 1 can "buy" a resistance to some forms of water, such as rain or snow No ? The Nexus Stone could send Kain in a coma for centuries; and sonic waves and the Moebius's Staff weaken vampires
    Night Watch ? Feels unpleasant ? No ? Yes No No No Yes ? Alcohol causes severe burns on contact, much like Holy Water in other settings
    Underworld Fatal They can became immune if they absorb blood with the Corvinus Strain Fatal They can became immune if they absorb blood with the Corvinus Strain Yes No No No No No No Werewolf bite can kill them
    Chibi Vampire/Karin Fatal Burns, death if exposed too long Likely Likely Likely No Only aggravates highly developed olfactory nerves No No No No
    Necroscope Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal Fatal Yes Yes No No No ? Starvation, suffocation, great levels of violence, leprosy or the Black Death also kill them
    Moon Child ? Fatal ? ? ? ? ? ? No ? ?
    Forever Knight Fatal; older vampires have higher tolerances[33] Fatal[15] Yes[33] ? Fatal; older vampires have higher tolerances[33] No[34] Yes[35] Can develop a tolerance[35] No[36] No ?
    John Carpenter's Vampires FatalFatal Fatal ? ? ? No Wielder has to possess faith No No No
    Dark Shadows (1966) Yes Fatal (except under the treatments of Dr. Julia Hoffman) ? ? ? Yes ? Keeps them at bay ? No No
    Frostbiten (2006) Fatal, although the supervampire had to be killed through a combination of several vampire weaknesses Implied; the supervampire was killed by strong light after being staked ? ? ? ? Yes Yes ? ? ?
    Dresden Files: White Court As for humans No As for humans As for humans As for humans No No No No No No The opposite of the emotion that they feed on
    Dresden Files: Black Court Yes No (weakened during daylight hours) Yes ? Yes ? Yes Affected by the faith of the user, not the inherent properties of the object; any holy symbol will work Yes Yes ? It is mentioned that they have the weaknesses as described in Bram Stoker's novel.
    Dresden Files: Red Court ? Yes ? ? Fatal Yes ? They are less affected than the Black Court ? ? ? Cutting their stomach open drains the blood they've eaten, this weakens them.
    Touhou Yes Weakened through sun exposure, a parasol seems to be enough protection, though ? ? ? Yes Yes No Yes, even rain is a problem No No roasted soybeans[37]
    Fright Night Fatal, but only through the heart Fatal ? ? Can't think clearly No ? Burns skin ? Yes ?
    Marvel Comics Yes Yes, except for pseudo-vampires Yes No No Yes, except for pseudo-vampires Yes, except for pseudo-vampires Yes, except for pseudo-vampires No Yes No The Bloodgem and the Montesi Formula incantation can kill them
    We Are The Night (2010) ? Fatal ? No ? ? No ? No ? ?
    Blindsight (2007) Fatal No, but light-shy and tends toward nocturnal activity Fatal Fatal Fatal No No No intrinsic aversion to religion in general, but "crucifix glitch" caused problems with crosses No Cannot approach any construction with right angles while eyes are open due to "crucifix glitch"; legend may have arisen from this condition Possible - altered brain structure provides omnisavantic pattern-matching and analytical skills Neurological "crucifix glitch" causes lethal seizures when perpendicular lines fill more than 30 degrees of visual field; seizures can be prevented by "anti-Euclidean drugs"
    Blood: The Last Vampire No No Yes ? Yes No No Distresses them No No No They can die if they lose a sufficiently large amount of blood
    Blood+ No Only the SchiffsYes ? Fatal No No No No No No The blood of one Queen can kill anything that her sister has created
    Trinity Blood Methuselahs: Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Yes No No No No No They have to eat normal food alongside blood or they die
    Crusniks: ? No ? ? ? ? No No No No No
    Rosario + Vampire Yes No[38] No Yes No Yes Yes[note 7] Yes Yes No No
    Charmed Fatal, except for queens Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No The Power of Three and demonic powers can kill them. Kill the Queen and the whole clan dies
    DC Comics Yes But it greatly weakens their powers Except for Cain No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Killing a vampire kills their entire clan if done during the first 48 hours of the creation of a new vampire
    Sanctuary No No? ? Yes ? No No No No No
    Wizards of Waverly Place ? Yes ? ? ? ? Yes ? No No No Pumpkin smell is repulsive to them, werewolf scratch take away their powers, and vampires powers are useless against plastic
    Gantz ? They can take a special medicine that toughens their skin, allowing them to walk around in the daylight Fatal ? ? No No No No No No
    Goosebumps(Welcome to Dead House) ? Fatal ? ? ? ? ? ? No ? No The light of a flashlight is also fatal
    Adventure TimeFatal Direct sunlight only; a simple parasol is enough to render the sun's light merely irritating ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? No[note 8] No Powerless against ghosts
    Vampire Knight Fatal Only cause burns and not actually harm themFatal No No No No No No No No Only anti-vampire weapons can kill a Pureblood
    Castlevania series Fatal Fatal ? No ? Yes Yes Yes No No No
    Split Yes No Yes Weakens them Yes Yes Yes No Weakens them No Yes Sea salt and spells hurt them, and a broken heart due to love kill them
    Tsukihime True Ancestors: No No Only if they are not powerful enough to regenerate No No No No No No No No Powerful magic and conceptual weapons can kill them, also dismemberment if they are not powerful enough to regenerate
    Dead Apostles: Fatal Fatal; powerful Dead Apostles can withstand it Fatal Yes Fatal No No No Yes No No Normal and magical weapons can kill them; and killing their creator also kill them
    Stargate No NoYes No Yes No No No No No No The Hoffan Drug can kill the Wraiths and if they are malnourished, more normal ways of killing can be effective
    Hollows (series) Living Vampires (Low and High Blood): Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No ? No They can die in any normal way
    Undead: Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes ? ? No The blood of an Undead is deadly to another Undead
    Black Blood Brothers Except for Jiro and Cassa Except for the old blood Yes Except for the old blood Yes Yes Yes Yes Except for the old blood Only to enter the Special Zone No
    Stephen King Type One: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No They are afraid of white eyes painted on black dogs
    Type Two: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Roses hurt them
    Type Three: Yes No Yes ? Yes No No ? ? ? No Normal weapons can kill them
    VampirellaFatal No Yes ? Yes No Contradictory information No No ? No
    The Elder ScrollsFatal Gradually kills them, except for the vampires of Skyrim who are only weakened; some gain greater resistance after feeding Fatal No Fatal Yes, except for the ancient vampires of the Illiac Bay One special case, but not most vampires Holy places, but only for the vampires of the Illiac Bay No No No The vampires of Arena could only be killed by magic, otherwise they were only subdued
    My Babysitter's a Vampire Fatal Non-fatal, but very irritable ? ? No No Non-fatal, but very irritable Can't come close to them ? Yes No Magical daggers, UV light sabers, spells can be harmful and the lucifractor can kill them
    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure No FatalNo No No No No No No No No Hamon (a martial art that produces UV rays)
    The Librarian Only stakes made of Aspen wood Yes Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes ? No No Drinking blood from a human with a blood disease gives the vampire that disease
    David Wellington Only if they don't have blood to regenerate They “die” when daylight rises, but relieve again every nightNo No No No No No No No No They get weak when they regurgitate blood
    DarkstalkersNo He can create an aura to protect him ? No Yes No No No No No No
    The Historian Fatal Fatal No ? No Yes Yes Yes ? No No
    Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi? No ? ? ? ? ? ? No ? ? Exsanguination (maybe)
    Saga of the Noble Dead No FatalIt paralyzes them, but it isn't fatal No Fatal No No No No No No The loss of their blood, the attacks of a Majay-hi and magical weapons weakens them
    Doctor Who Great Vampires: Yes No No No No No No No No No No Destroying their hearts
    Vampires: Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Yes Yes Yes No No Age rapidly to the point of death when their creator is destroyed.
    Dance in the Vampire BundFatal Fatal Fatal ? Fatal No No No No No No Severe damage to their bodies is fatal
    BloodRayne series Fatal FatalFatal Fatal Fatal No Yes Yes Fatal No No The poison of a dhampir is deadly for them
    Vamps Fatal FatalFatal ? Yes ? ? Yes No No No
    The StrainOnly if is made of silver Yes Yes ? ? Yes No No Unless is invited/assisted by a human No No Ultraviolet light and nuclear energy are fatal
    Blood AloneYes Yes ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes No ?
    Anno Dracula series Fatal Elder vampires have a greater tolerance Fatal Only some bloodlines Fatal Yes Only if the vampire believes is a weakness Only if the vampire believes is a weakness Only some bloodlines Only some bloodlines No Sick or a dead person's blood can hurt them
    Hotel Transylvania Yes Harmful, but not immediately fatal? ? Yes ? Discomforting, possibly harmful ? No No No
    Vampireology Immobilizes No Only to Ba'als Do not need to breathe Only to Molochs Yes Yes Not the holy symbol itself, but the faith of the person holding it No No Yes Vampires can only be permanently killed by the sword of Michael
    Blood Moon Fatal if made of silver Exposure causes dehydration, sunburn, and eventually death Yes Yes Fatal Fatal No No No No No Werewolf venom/saliva burns like silver
    Shadowspawn As for humans No As for humans As for humans As for humans No No No No No No If killed in the right way, they can become "Shadow form"
    "Shadow form" : not sure Yes? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    Shadowrun Yes, except Nosferatu Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Oxygen deprivation makes them fall unconscious
    AdventureQuest No Yes As for humans As for humans Yes No ? No No No No
    Vampire in Brooklyn Yes Exact effect unknown, but is avoided? ? ? ? No Yes ? ? ?
    The Shadowhunter Chronicles (The Mortal Instruments) Vampires: Yes Angel blood can eliminate weakness Yes No Yes Yes No Depending on the believes of the vampire No No No Seraph Blades or bleeding them dry can kill them
    Daylighter: Yes No Yes No Yes No No Depending on the believes of the vampire No No No Seraph Blades can kill them
    Penny Dreadful Yes ? Yes ? ? ? ? It´s bothered them ? No ? Hurting the brain or killing the vampire master is fatal for the infected vampires
    Nosflutteratu Fatal Exposure to sunlight weakens them but, it is not fatal Fatal No Fatal ? Yes ? Unlikely ? Unlikely Water that has been enchanted to store the heat of sunlight is fatal
    Kate Daniels novels ? Can be blocked with thick sunblockAs for humans ? ? ? ? No No No No Can be killed by gross physical trauma, such as gunfire
    Den of Shadows If isn’t powerful enough to regenerate ? If isn’t powerful enough to regenerate No Fatal No No ? No ? No Magic is harmful for them
    From Dusk till Dawn Fatal Fatal Fatal No ? No No No No No No Culebra venom incapacitate them
    Monster High ? Yes ? ? ? ? Yes ? ? Yes ?
    Kitty Norville novels Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ? Holy water ? ? ?
    American Horror Story:Hotel Yes Only weakened during daylight hours Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No They can be killed with firearms, due to hemorrhages and bleeding or after severe physical trauma; not feeding on blood causes their bodies to decay and their minds to become feral
    1. ↑ Although Lestat mentions that he develops a fondness for counting, it is not a true weakness
    2. ↑ Discworld vampires are immortal; even fatal weaknesses only reduce them to ash. A drop of blood can restore them to full health if it comes in contact with the ashes
    3. ↑ Cultural aversion to sunlight. Sufficiently bright light can also turn them to ash
    4. 1 2 Cultural aversion
    5. ↑ Cultural aversion to all religious symbols
    6. ↑ Vampires believe that dying in running water prevents the soul from entering the afterlife.
    7. ↑ In Rosario + Vampire Capu2 episode 8, Moka is repelled by Tsukune's body odor when he eats garlic. However it is not addressed as a vulnerability in the manga series.
    8. ↑ Marceline is seen entering people's houses uninvited but seems to have prior, largely unknown claims to extensive amounts of property across the Land of Ooo. In the Stakes miniseries, it is revealed that she possessed the power of a healing vampire, The Moon, allowing her to be unaffected by traditional vampire killing rituals.

    Supernatural powers

    Setting Immortal Enhanced Strength Enhanced Senses Enhanced Speed Unnatural Healing Flight Shapeshifting/Absorption Psychic Powers Psychokinesis Pyrokinesis Other
    European Folklore Implied Yes Yes Yes Yes Some Yes Some Some poltergeist-like activity No Various other powers based upon region such as control over nocturnal animals or the ability to spread plagues
    North American folklore Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Some Nocturnal animals, fog Yes No No ?
    Daybreakers Yes No Enhanced senses of smell No Yes No No No No No If they abstain from blood for too long they mutate into Subsiders
    Varney the Vampire Yes Yes ? ? Regenerates in moonlight[10] ? ? Yes ? No ?
    Bram Stoker's Dracula Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Wolf, bat (also giant bat), dust, fog - possibly dog as well. Can also impersonate Jonathan Harker. Can impersonate a coachman and a doorman (though it is not known if he only used darkness to disguise himself or a little magic as well in addition to that darkness) Yes, the hunters track Dracula through his telepathic link with Mina Improbable, as he would then have carried his boxes on his own (though he might still have been too weak to use that hypothetical magical power) Plausible, since he started a massive fire and the characters who were not present when he did it simply had to guess he may have used a match, but they cannot prove anything Control of nocturnal animals, wolves and rats mentioned specifically. At least one Vampire (if not all) is able to shrink to fit under a door. Hypothetical array of other powers (due to former magical scholarship - undocumented, and very briefly mentioned by Dr Van Helsing); Lizard-like climbing abilities
    Nosferatu Yes Yes ? Yes Yes ? Wolf ? Yes No Rats and plague follow the vampire
    Van Helsing Yes Yes Yes Yes, but it resembles teleporting Yes In winged creature form Winged bat/demon-like creature ? No No Vampires can walk on walls and ceilings
    Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Extremely old vampires No Most Very old vampires Very old vampires Most are able to walk on walls and ceilings. Children of the Millennia can cause blood vessels to rupture. All vampires have enhanced memories.
    Twilight Saga Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Gifted No Gifted Gifted vampires can have a variety of different abilities.
    Buffy Yes[31] Yes[31][30] Yes[31] Yes Yes[31][30] No[power 1] Only Dracula Gifted No No No
    Blade Yes Yes Yes; vampires can also see in ultraviolet Yes Yes; also, Frost/La Magra merger regenerates lost limbs instantly (see "other") No Only Dracula and La Magra, the latter can shed his skin, turning into a ball of fire to methodically stalk his prey. (Gained from the Ligaroo tribe) Only La Magra, which can control minds, matter and the elements. (Gained from the Faustinas tribe) No No Deacon Frost, when merged with La Magra was impervious to silver, able to day-walk due to Blade's blood, and can instantly turn any human in his path into vampires.[power 2]
    Ultraviolet (TV serial)Yes Yes Enhanced sense of smell Yes Yes No No No No No
    30 Days of Night (2002) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No ?
    Discworld Yes Yes Yes Yes Can be resurrected from ashes As a bat or as a "human" Yes Yes No No Overcome inherent weaknesses with psychological conditioning
    Batman & Dracula Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
    Vampire Academy Only the Strigoi Yes Yes Only the Strigoi[39] Spirit users can heal. No Yes Some, not all. No Vampires that are fire users. All Moroi have an extra power: water, earth, air and sometimes spirit.
    True Blood Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gifted Only if they had the power before they turned. Can "Glamour" humans, erase memories and bend their will No No Can feel the emotions of whoever has drank blood from them, such as if they are in danger. They can also feel when their "maker" is in trouble, and a maker can feel the same thing for their progeny (vampire children). Vampire blood can heal humans, and has drug-like effects.
    The Little Vampire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Can climb any surface and may hang from the ceiling to sleep
    The Vampire Diaries Novels: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes They can control the elements, animals and the weather
    Television Series: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Only in the first episode; retconned soon after No Vampires can compel humans. Originals can compel vampires, vampire/werewolf hybrids and humans. No No Dream Manipulation; vampire blood heals humans; can "turn off humanity"
    Count Chocula Yes Yes No Yes ? Yes Bat No Able to levitate marshmallows Electrokinesis Turns milk chocolatey, 15 vitamins and minerals
    Count Duckula?NoNoNoNoNoYes?NoNoTeleportation
    Vampire Hunter DYesYesYesYesYesGifted Some can turn into mistYesGiftedGiftedVarious other powers that vary greatly between individual members of the Nobility
    Sesame Street Yes No ? No ? No No Hypnosis, now discontinued ? Can generate thunder by counting Preternatural counting abilities
    Let the Right One In Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Limited Sending memories through kiss No No Are able to walk on walls
    Young Dracula Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes They have other abilities, like weather manipulation, among others
    Preacher Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Limited Yes No some Ability to walk on walls and ceilings, briefly read the minds of those they drink from, other unspecified abilities
    American Vampire Old World bloodline: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No ? No No No
    American bloodline: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
    Hellsing Yes Yes Long range vision Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Powerful vampires can pass through walls, shadow and blood manipulation, can summon the souls of those he has previously consumed
    Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, but wounds from silver heal slowly. Holy water inhibits healing Gifted Rare Telepathy is stronger after biting, can enthrall with eyes Gifted Gifted Call animals, drain power from sired vampires, rot without damage(dependent on bloodline)
    World of Darkness[power 3] Yes Gifted Gifted Gifted Yes Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted Vast number of potential Disciplines; Consumption of a vampire's blood 3 times causes blood bonding, an imposed state of intense love
    Being Human (BBC) Yes Yes Enhanced sense of smell Yes Yes No No Gifted No No ?
    Being Human (Syfy) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No ?
    The Saga of Darren Shan Extended Life Yes Yes Yes Saliva has healing powers No No Among higher ranking full vampires and briefly during transformation into a vampire; not exclusive to vampires Only illusion of telekinesis No Exhales gas that causes unconsciousness in humans, Runs at high speeds outside normal space
    Moonlight Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Can be developed with age No No ?
    The Parasol Protectorate Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
    Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain Yes Yes Mostly smell Yes Yes Ancient Vampires were able to fly, Kain can levitate, Raziel can glide Wolf, bat swarm, mist Gifted Gifted Gifted Corruptions caused some clans to gain abilities others did not. Some powers are also granted by the Reaver or by consuming the blood or the soul of some characters
    Night Watch Yes[power 4] Yes Yes[power 4] ? Yes[power 4] Gifted Gifted (giant bat) Yes[power 4] Yes[power 4] Yes[power 4] Ability to lure prey to the vampire
    Underworld Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Only Markus in his winged creature form Only hybrids Through drinking their blood No No Selene and her daughter can perceive through each other psychically. Can cling to surfaces.
    Chibi Vampire/Karin Extended life, potentially beyond 1000 years Yes Yes Yes Yes Some No Memory Erasure and hypnotic barriers No No Adult vampires and some children can control bats. Spring of Psyche vampires cannot control bats or erase minds, but produce blood rather than sucking blood.
    Night World Lamias: They are immortal if they want to Yes Yes Yes Yes No Only Maya Hearth-Woman Yes No No Maya can perform magic
    Made Vampire: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No
    Dungeons & Dragons Yes Yes Yes No Yes By shape shifting Bat, wolf, cloud of smoke Yes No No They can walk on walls and ceilings, are resistant to the cold and electricity and any magic associated with either, and command over nocturnal animals
    Forever Knight Yes[15] Yes[15] Heat/night vision[40] Yes[15] Yes[34] Yes[15] No Ability to persuade through mesmerism[15] No No No
    Necroscope Yes Yes Yes No Yes Some Yes Yes No No Killglance, Necromancy, Precognition
    Moon Child Yes Yes ? Yes Yes ? No No No No ?
    Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Some No No
    The Lost Boys Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No
    Dark Shadows (1966) Yes Yes ? Either this or teleportation Yes Yes Bat Hypnosis Yes No Time travel, necromancy, possibly teleportation
    House of Night Blue Vampyres: Yes Stronger than humans, but not unnaturally strong Yes Fast, but not unnaturally so Depends on vampire affinity No No No Depends on vampire affinity Depends on vampire affinity Most are specially talented or have an affinity for one thing or skill
    Red Vampyres: Yes ? Yes Faster than humans, but not unnaturally so Depends on affinity No No Yes Depends on affinity Depends on affinity Most are specially talented or have an affinity for one thing or skill
    Frostbiten (2006) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Vampires can scale walls and roofs with no support at all and talk to dogs
    Dresden Files: White Court No, but long-lived Only when boosted ? Only when boosted Only when boosted No No Induce and harvest emotions ? ? Normally about human in power, but can boost to superhuman using harvested emotional energy
    Dresden Files: Black Court Either immortal, or very long-lived Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? Can create thralls and "renfields" (insane, violent, permanent thralls) ? ? Can control or alter animals; at least one is a powerful magic user
    Dresden Files: Red Court Either immortal, or very long-lived Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Can change from human-looking to natural bat-like form by removing outer skin Potent narcotic, euphoric, addictive saliva ? ?
    Touhou Yes Yes Yes Yes Implied they can recover from anything as long as the head is undamaged Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Remilia Scarlet: fate manipulation; Flandre Scarlet: destruction of anything; magic
    Fright Night Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes By shape-shifting into a bat Bat, wolf, mist ? ? ? Stick to ceilings.
    Marvel Comics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Some vampires can control the weather and some animals; pseudo-vampires don't have these powers
    We Are The Night (2010) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Walk on walls.
    Blood: The Last Vampire Extended Life Yes Yes Yes Yes Except for Saya Except for Saya No No No ?
    Blood+ Only Queens and Chevaliers Yes Yes Yes Yes Only Chevaliers when they shape shift Only Queens and Chevaliers No No No
    Trinity Blood Methuselahs: Extended life Yes Yes Yes Yes Only a certain type called Fairies No No No Gifted Methuselah also possess varying individual abilities, like forming of a blades that comes out of the arms, claws or even prehensile hair; Some Methuselah have displayed an ability to control some elemental powers such as fire and ice
    Crusniks: Extended life/Immortal if 100% released Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No All Crusniks have a variety of different abilities
    Supernatural Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Only the Alpha Vampire No No ?
    DC Comics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Only Andrew Bennett No Andrew Bennett can do magic
    Sanctuary Yes Yes ? Yes Yes No No No No No They have the ability to understand another person's identity and native language by tasting their blood
    Rosario + Vampire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Some, when shapeshift into bat Gifted Yes No No
    Charmed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes In bat form Yes Yes No No They are immune to witches' powers and can hang or cling to ceilings
    Wizards of Waverly Place Yes Yes Smell Yes Yes By turning her arms into wings Yes No No No Sleep control
    Gantz No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Are able to spawn weapons from their bodies
    Blindsight (2007) No, but can hibernate for decades to avoid overhunting its food supply Yes due to increased ATP production Yes due to tapetum lucidum and tetrachromatic vision Yes due to thicker axons increasing nerve impulse transmission speed No No No No No No No
    Goosebumps (Welcome to Dead House)Implied; they do not age Yes Yes Yes ? Yes No ? ? ? They are able to go through walls
    Adventure TimeYes Yes Yes Yes Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted
    • Can drain the color red from objects instead of feeding on blood
    • Ability to become invisible
    • Ability to animate corpses
    Vampire Knight Only the Purebloods, the other levels are long lived Yes Yes Yes Yes Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted vampires can have a variety of different abilities
    Castlevania series Yes Yes Yes Yes Only the vampires in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Yes Yes No No Yes Some can manipulate electricity, black magic, summon bats and Dracula can resurrect every 100 years
    Split Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Some can possess people
    Tsukihime True Ancestors: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes ? ? Some can manipulate reality and move from one place to another by recreating their body
    Dead Apostles: Extended life Yes Yes Yes Their bodies turn their time backwards to a point in which they were unharmed No By absorbing mystical beasts Gifted No No Gifted Dead Apostles can summon familiars and become invisible; Mages that become Dead Apostles through magic, can still perform it afterwards
    Stargate Yes Yes Night and thermal vision Yes Yes No No Yes No No Wraiths can take or give life-force
    Hollows (series) Living Vampires (Low and High Blood): No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Living High Blood vampires are empath and pull an aura
    Undead: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No
    Black Blood Brothers Yes Yes ? Yes Yes No Only Cassandra Jill Warlock Yes Yes Only Zelman Clock The Dark Princess of the North can manipulate the weather
    Stephen King Type One: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Possibly; Barlow could cause an entire house to shake in the movie. No Can control magical bugs
    Type Two: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
    Type Three: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? No No
    Vampirella Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes NoNo Vampirella can manipulate shadows, blood and induce sexual arousal
    The Elder Scrolls Yes Yes, except for the vampires of Skyrim Sight Yes, except for the vampires of Skyrim Yes Gifted Only Vampire Lords Most vampire clans, but not all Only Vampire LordsOnly the vampires of Arena Various unique powers based on clan, such as invisibility, silencing mages, reanimating corpses, poisonous claws, summoning gargoyles, enhanced magic and skills, and numerous resistances
    My Babysitter's a Vampire Vampires: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Gifted No
    Fledgling: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Only by inserting a bit of own flesh into victim's head No No Dio Brando can shoot blood from his eyes at high speeds and freeze a person's blood by touching them.
    The Librarian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes In dust No No No Dreams manipulation
    David Wellington Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
    Darkstalkers Yes Yes ? No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes He can manipulate his cape, create protective auras and temporarily change the gender of male opponents
    The Historian Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes In animal form Yes No No No
    Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Possibly, or very long life. Do not age, and can change their apparent age to their liking. Yes ? ? Yes Yes No No No Yes Saitohimea has a lot of magic
    Saga of the Noble Dead Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Some vampires can control animals and all vampires have to obey the orders of the one who turned them
    Doctor Who Great Vampires: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
    Vampires: Extended life Yes Yes Yes Yes Some Some Yes Some No
    Dance in the Vampire Bund Extended Life Yes Yes Yes Yes If they have wings in their true form Yes Some No No Gifted vampires can have a variety of different abilities
    BloodRayne series Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gifted; in bat/raven form Gifted; Zerenski could turn into a flock of bats and Rayne gained the ability to become a raven Gifted; Rayne's ghostly double can enter and control others No No Gifted vampires and dhampir, like Kagan or Rayne, can have a variety of extra abilities others may not have
    Vamps Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Gifted vampires can have a variety of different abilities
    The Strain Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No They can transfer their consciousness from one human host to another
    Blood Alone Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No The elders have different special abilities
    Anno Dracula series Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gifted bloodlines Gifted bloodlines Gifted bloodlines Gifted bloodlines Gifted bloodlines Gifted bloodlines can have a variety of different abilities
    Hotel Transylvania Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mostly in bat form Bat; standard form can grow claws Powerful hypnosis; can control beasts or men, rewrite memories; requires eye contact Yes No Can walk on walls and ceilings in defiance of gravity; able to induce lasting paralysis in beasts or men.
    Vampireology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes in animal form Yes Yes No No
    Blood Moon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No Can swap locations with their Bat familiars, making it appear as if they turned into the animal
    Shadowspawn Very long-lived, "shadow form" is immortal or nearly so Yes Yes Yes Yes Only in some forms Yes Manipulation of chance Yes Yes Most or all of their powers derive from manipulation of chance
    Shadowrun (vampires and nosferatu) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gifted; in animal form Gifted Gifted Gifted Gifted Some of them can do magic
    AdventureQuest ? Yes ? No No No No No No No No
    Vampire in Brooklyn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Wolf, bat, fog, can shapeshift into other humans Yes Yes Yes Can cast spells of illusion, can possibly turn invisible or teleport
    The Shadowhunter Chronicles (The Mortal Instruments) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Can control certain mortals
    Penny Dreadful Yes Yes ? Yes Yes No No Only master vampires No No
    Nosflutteratu Yes Yes Yes Yes YesYesThey can shapeshift into a bat (they can't do this during the day) Yes ? ?
    Kate Daniels novels Immortal, or at least capable of reaching great ages Yes ? Yes ? No No Can relay communication from necromancer pilot No No Extraordinarily good climbers; non-sapient, telepathically piloted by a necromancer (bloodthirsty mindlesss monsters, otherwise)
    Den of Shadows Yes Yes ? Yes Yes As a winged animal Some Some ? ? They can teleport and some have special abilities
    From Dusk till Dawn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Those who has wings Yes Yes No No They are able to walk on walls and ceilings
    Monster High Yes ? ? ? ? In bat form In a bat ? ? ? Can control bats
    Kitty Norville novels Yes Yes ? ? Yes ? ? Can hypnotically control to some extent, if you meet their eyes ? ?
    American Horror Story:Hotel Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Implied No No
    1. ↑ In the film, vampires could levitate
    2. ↑ This is debated, since Dr. Karen Jenson was in the same area where La Magra and Blade's battle took place and was not instantly turned, though it's probable that La Magra needs to concentrate his powers in order to actually turn humans).
    3. ↑ Most vampiric powers in the World of Darkness are the result of Disciplines, which must be learned. Thus, while all the powers on this list are available to any vampire, immortality and unnatural healing are the only two they're all guaranteed to have
    4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Magical ability not limited to vampires

    Reproduction and feeding

    Setting Fertile Reproduce via bite Reproduce via transfusion Reproduce via consumption of vampire blood after bite Inhabited by demons Diet Effects on victims Other/notes
    European Folklore Yes Upon deathNo No Yes[41]
    Varney the Vampire ? Yes ? ? No
    Bram Stoker's Dracula Not stated by author but theories exist that he has a family [reproduction 1] No Yes Yes No Human blood
    Nosferatu ? Yes ? ? No
    Van Helsing Baby vampires are born dead and must be reanimated Yes ? ? No Human blood
    Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles No No Yes Yes Yes (Although their actions are not controlled by the spirit inhabiting them.) May feed on animal blood, but it is less nutritious.
    Twilight Male vampires can reproduce with female humans Yes No No No Human and animal blood
    Buffy No[31] No[31] Yes[31] Yes[31] Yes[31] Can consume human or animal blood Affects the pleasure centers of the brain
    Blade Vampires: yes Yes Yes ? No Human blood

    Extremely rarely, something goes horribly wrong in the transition from human to vampire, resulting in a “Revenant”, a malformed zombie-like creature. These "mistakes" are unpredictable not understood.. Some Pure-Bloods are born with an anomaly where a vampire became a ghoulish being without any regenerative capability

    Reapers: ? Yes No No No Human and vampire blood Inject a neurotoxin to paralyze their victims
    Ultraviolet (TV serial)No Yes Yes No No
    30 Days of Night (2002) No Yes Yes ? No Human blood Scratches
    Discworld Yes If desired ? ? No Human and animal blood
    True Blood NoNo No The human being turned must be buried alive in the ground afterwardNo Can consume human, animal, or artificial blood
    The Little Vampire No The victim becomes a mindless vampire No Yes No
    The Vampire Diaries (Novel and television series) No No If killed while vampire blood is still in the system ? No Novels: Human or animal blood; in the television series: human, animal and vampire blood; food gives them little nutrients Magic ritual
    Count Chocula ? ? ? ? No
    Sesame Street ? ? ? ? inhabited by a human hand
    Vampire Academy Moroi: Yes No No No No Human blood and food, but only blood gives them the nutrients they need Induces emotional and physical euphoria
    Strigoi: No No No Yes No Human, dhampir or Moroi blood Induces emotional and physical euphoria If Moroi purposefully kills another person while feeding turns into a Strigoi
    House of Night No No No No Human and blood Pleasurable for both human and vampyre, and may lead to a strong bond, called "Imprinting" Some teenagers are changed into vampyres when adolescent hormones trigger a strand of DNA. If they pass the Change, they become blue vampyres, otherwise if they die they can be somehow resurrected and become Red Vampyres
    Hellsing ? Provided the other is a virgin of the opposite sex; otherwise creates ghouls ? ? No Human blood and Flesh FREAKs (artificial vampires) are created by chips implanted in their bodies
    Young Dracula Yes Yes No No No Human blood
    Let the Right One In ? Yes Yes ? No Human and animal blood
    Count Duckula ? No Yes ? No
    Vampire Hunter D Yes Usually creates servants ? ? ?
    Night World Lamias: Yes No Turn the human into a made vampire; however if the human doesn't survive, becomes a ghoul No No Human blood or food
    Made Vampires: No No If the human doesn't survive, becomes a ghoul No No Human blood
    Batman & Dracula No Yes No No No Human and animal blood
    Preacher ? Yes ? ? No Human and animal blood, can drink any beverages that human can
    American Vampire Old World bloodline: No No Yes ? No Human blood
    American bloodline: Yes, but it creates humans with vampire characteristics, not new vampires No No Yes ? Human blood Injects a venom that has a paralyzing effect on people
    Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Only young male vampires can reproduce with a human mother, may cause extreme birth defects Yes ? ? No Human and lycanthrope blood feeds them, they can also drink animal blood but is not a sufficient diet
    World of Darkness Only "thin bloods", those of the 15th (and sometimes 14th) Generation removed from Caine; the offspring are natural ghouls, not vampires No No The victim must be drained to the point of death, otherwise it just creates a ghoul, a semi-immortal human All vampires must contend with "the Beast", an Id-like entity Can consume human or animal blood, need at least 1 point (~400 ml) /day; some can eat food Victims usually entranced Consumption of vampire blood without draining makes a human effectively immortal, and gives them some powers, but does not make them a vampire. The effect wears off in about a month without subsequent doses.
    The Saga of Darren Shan No, with exclusion of Destiny's "children" No Through cuts on fingers No No Vampires: Few drops of human blood and human food; they can even drink alcoholic beverages. vampaneze: all of the human blood
    Moonlight No No No The human must be near death No
    The Parasol Protectorate ? Only females can create new vampires, and only if the recipient has enough soul; it doesn't happen with every feeding, see notes No Sort of; see note No Making a new vampire involves simultaneously feeding (with feeder fangs) and injecting blood into the new vampire (with maker fangs); it doesn't always work.
    Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain No, due to Hylden curse No. Kain is able to bite (even kill) his enemies without infecting them Ancients infected humans with blood as did Human Hybrids besides Kain. The vampires of Kain's empire were never documented. ? No Human blood Kain himself was created using the Heart of Darkness and Necromancy. Because of this Kain had to create through a form of Necromancy, "breathing" his soul into a corpse, animating it and calling its soul back from the underworld. The soul was then itself vampiric, infected by Kain's.
    Night Watch A vampire can have one single human child More or less complicated procedure, implied that the victim has to agree, but might be unnecessary No ? No Human blood, food is tasteless
    Underworld Yes Yes Yes ? No Human and animal blood
    Chibi Vampire/Karin Only full vampires. Half-Human variants are sterile No No No No Young vampires and human-vampire hybrids can consume human food. Loss of taste for human food occurs in normal vampires at puberty; food begins to taste like sand. Following puberty, vampires and hybrids develop different 'tastes' for different (usually negative) traits/emotions in humans. Temporary removal of trait/emotion in bitten human. Human-vampire hybrids do not need to feed as often, but feeding causes the hybrid to be temporarily affected by all the weaknesses of full vampires.
    Being Human (BBC) No No No Yes No Human blood from a live human and food
    Being Human (Syfy) No No No Possibly No Human blood from a live human
    Dungeons & Dragons Yes Yes No ? No
    Forever Knight Vampires are sterile, and can cause the death of mortals if intercourse is attempted[42] If desired[43] ? ? No
    Necroscope Males can have one egg son, Females can produce a multitude of eggs in a mass birth If desired Yes ? No Blood and human flesh, but other creatures and human food too during parties Inhaling or absorbing the cloud of spores from the ‘mushrooms’ or by absorbing a leech’s egg
    Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter No No No Yes No
    The Lost Boys ? Yes ? Blood is given before death to create a half-vampire No
    Moon Child ? ? ? ? No
    Dark Shadows (1966) Yes Yes ? ? Human and animal blood Witch's curse and there is a debate about that the vampiric energy of Barnabas was transferred, curing Barnabas & bringing Adam to life
    Frostbiten (2006) ? Yes Yes Yes ?
    Dresden Files: White Court Born basically human, become vampire after first feeding (can become fully human instead) No No No Probably Feed off of emotions Victims are sexually aroused, or terrified, depending on what emotion the vampire feeds off of
    Dresden Files: Red Court ? ? ? Yes, with complications Yes Has an addictive effect on victims Multi-stage process; potential vampire is infected, and gains some powers, then becomes a vampire after first feeding
    Touhou ? Contradicting information[reproduction 2] ? ? Vampires are considered a kind of devil, but are not possessed[44]
    Fright Night ? Yes, if desired ? ? ? Human blood
    Marvel Comics No Yes No No ? Human blood; blood from animals or other vampires gives them little nutrients
    We Are The Night (2010) No Yes ? No No
    Blindsight (2007) Yes Potentially by lateral gene transmission No No No Can also be created by applying retroviral gene therapy to baseline humans
    Blood: The Last Vampire ? No With scientific assistance No No Human blood
    Blood+ Only Queens and Chevaliers No Only Queens blood No No Queens: Human or their Chevaliers blood; food gives them nutrients, but diminishes their powers, chiropterans: human blood, but chevaliers may be able to live with food
    Trinity Blood Methuselahs: Yes No No No No Human blood and food
    Crusniks: ? No No No No Vampire blood and food
    Supernatural No No Yes No No Human and animal blood
    DC Comics No Yes No No ? Human and animal blood
    Sanctuary Yes No Only in humans with vampire genes and in normal humans after electricity is used to revive them No No Human blood, but there is a special serum that can replace it
    Rosario + Vampire Yes No Yes No No Human blood and food transfusion may turn human into ghoul instead of vampire First Ancestor vampires can only be made by transfusing the blood of a First Ancestor vampire.
    Charmed No Yes No No ? Human blood
    Wizards of Waverly Place Yes No No No No Human blood and food
    Gantz ? ? ? ? No Human blood and food
    Goosebumps (Welcome to Dead House)? Yes No ? No
    Adventure Time? Yes ? No, however Marceline is of demonic descent Consume the color red Becomes white ?
    Vampire Knight Only the Pureblood Turn humans into vampires level D and E If a level E drinks the blood of the Pureblood that created them, the level E becomes a level C No No Human blood and blood tablets
    Castlevania series No Only in Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness Yes NoNo Vampirism can also be brought by curses or the use of the Ebony Stone
    Split Yes Yes No No No Human blood or "Doll-Bar"
    Tsukihime True Ancestors: Yes Turn humans into Dead Apostles No No No Human blood, however, it is just a psychological impulse The Earth and other True Ancestors can create more
    Dead Apostles: No No Yes No No Human blood Magecraft
    Stargate Yes No No No No Life force from living beings, but only human gives them the nutrients they need Victim ages artificially Humans with Wraiths DNA can be turned into Wraiths by science
    Hollows (series) Low Blood: ? No No No No Human blood or food, both of them gives them nutrients
    High Blood: Yes No No No No Human blood or food, both of them gives them nutrients If they die, they automatically become undead vampires
    Undead: ? Turns humans into living low blood vampires If a low blood drinks undead blood after their death, they become undead vampires No No Human blood Their saliva contains drugs that make the pain of a vampire's bite feel like pleasure and can also sensitize their victims so that only that vampire can affect the victim
    Stephen King Type One: No Turn humans in types two No No No Human blood
    Type Two: No Turn humans in types three No No No Human blood
    Type Three: ? No No No No Human blood or food Their bites contain an enzyme that causes temporary memory loss and disorientation in their victims
    Black Blood Brothers No Only the Kowloon Children Vampires and Kowloon Children No No
    Vampirella ? Yes ? ? No Human Blood
    The Elder Scrolls Vampires: Yes In select circumstances No No No Human blood, sometimes animal blood Transmitted as a disease by magic or physical contact with a vampire.
    Vampire Lords: ? In select circumstances No No No Human blood Can also be created through a ritual to Molag Bal.
    My Babysitter's a Vampire ? They become half-vampires No No No Can consume human or animal blood To become full-vampires, they have to drink human blood within 28 days of turning or they will die
    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure YesNo Yes NoNo Suck human blood through fingers
    The Librarian No Yes No No No Human blood
    David WellingtonNo No No No No Human blood To transfer the curse one must accept the vampire's invitation to undeath, and then kill one's self to be reborn.
    Darkstalkers Yes Yes No No No Human blood
    The Historian No Yes No No No Human blood
    Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi Possibly, since they used to have a world of their own. No ? ? ? Anything that humans can consume
    Saga of the Noble DeadYes ? ? ? ? Human blood, but some consume life essence
    Doctor Who Great Vampires: yes Turn humans into vampires No No No Blood from any living being
    Vampires: No Yes No No No Only human blood gives them the nutrients they need
    Dance in the Vampire Bund Yes Yes No No ? Human blood and a blood substitute
    BloodRayne series Yes ? ? ? No Human Blood
    Vamps No Yes No No No Human blood
    The Strain Only with humans and creates damphir No No No No Human blood Direct contact by a worm through a wound or orifice or using a stinger in their tongue to infects humans with the worm
    Blood Alone No No No Yes No Human blood
    Anno Dracula series No Yes No No No Human and animal blood
    Hotel Transylvania Yes ? ? ? ? Artificial blood substitute; human blood edible but unhealthy
    Vampireology No No No Yes No Only human blood may sustain them, though the Hunter somehow learned how to subsist on animal blood
    Blood Moon Yes True vampires can, but a puppet's bite is simply fatal ? ? No Human Blood If the victim is too old for transformation, the venom will burn and cause a painful death
    Shadowspawn Yes No No No No Eat normal human food, only really need blood to power abilities Feeding is addictive for victims It may be possible to make a human into a Shadowspawn through genetic manipulation, but the technology isn't presently available
    Shadowrun Vampires: ? Only humans, and sometimes some metahumans No No No Human blood
    Nosferatu: ? Only humans and elves No No No Human blood
    AdventureQuest Presumably No No No No blood, although they can eat human food, but to little effect leaves them more vulnerable to vampire curse, makes them woozy
    Vampire in Brooklyn Yes ? ? ? No Human Blood, can drink wine
    The Shadowhunter Chronicles (The Mortal Instruments) NoNo No Yes, with complications, see "other" No Most can consume human or animal blood, but they can learn to eat human food to keep up appearances Their saliva contains venoms that make the pain of a vampire's bite feel like pleasure and increase humans health for a short while For a human to be turned into a vampire, one must drink vampire blood, be bitten by other vampires, die, buried and then be reborn and brought back from the dead, then fed blood
    Penny Dreadful No Yes No ? ? Human blood
    Kate Daniels novels Unknown, but they are unlikely to try Likely, as with any virus Likely, as with any virus Likely, as with any virus No Human or animal blood, possibly other things Intentional infection
    Den of Shadows No No If the blood is given seconds before death. If isn’t do it right, the human became bloodbonded, not a vampire If isn’t do it right, the human became bloodbonded, not a vampire No Human blood
    From Dusk till Dawn No Yes No ? No Human blood Hallucinations, fever and sickness
    Monster High ? Yes ? ? No Human blood or iron supplements
    Kitty Norville novels ? No ? ? ? Human blood, a few mouthfuls a night is usually sufficient It takes several days for a new vampire to awaken
    American Horror Story: Hotel Human males can impregnate female vampires, the babies are horribly deformed No Yes ? No Human blood, they can eat food but don't need it
    1. ↑ Dracula and two of the three vampire sisters have "high aquiline noses, like the Count's" which some people believe hints that Dracula and these two are related. A scene between them also reveals that Dracula is capable of love and that they know it. These pieces of information may or may not show that Dracula is fertile and that he has transformed his own daughters into vampire by incestuous means. However, the author does not give any more information on that subject, so this remains only a theory.
    2. ↑ In the profile from The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, it is stated that Remilia's victims usually stay alive, which prevents her from increasing the numbers of her kind. In Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, humans sucked dry by a vampire are said to turn into zombies.

    Setting characteristics

    Setting Progenitor Source Dracula Supernatural Creatures Non-Vampire Lovers Rest in Coffins Vampire Society or Organizations Known to Human Society
    Carmilla ? ? No No Yes Yes Hidden
    Bram Stoker's Dracula ? ? Title character
    • Werewolves (implied)
    • Witches (mentioned)
    Yes Yes Dracula and Brides. Also, gypsies are loyal to the count Yes, villagers are aware (to some extent, at least) of the count's nefarious nature and try to protect Harker (by partly warning him and offering a religious object)
    Young Dracula ? bite Father of Title Character
    • Werewolves
    • Zombies
    • Ghosts
    Yes Yes All Vampires are subjects of the 'Grand High Vampire' and Vampire Council
    Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles Akasha Demonic hybridization with humans No
    • Psychics
    • Witches
    • Taltos
    • Werebeasts/Werewolves (Possibly; they are mentioned to exist in one novel, but these may have only been rumors)
    • Mummies
    • Spirits
    • Ghosts
    • Angels
    • Demons
    • God
    Yes Yes They are mostly anarchic, but eventually the First Brood act as kings and queens Hidden, Lestat tried to out them
    Twilight ? Believed to evolve alongside humans No style="background:#9F9;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;" class="table-yes"| Yes They never sleep The Volturis create and enforce all their laws Hidden
    Van Helsing The Devil (Dracula) Dracula's bite (Brides, other vampires) Main villain
    • Werewolves
    • Frankenstein's Monster
    • Warlocks (mentioned)
    • Demons (The Devil exists)
    • Angels (Said to exist)
    • God (The Christian God)
    Yes ? Dracula, Dracula's brides, other vampires, Dr. Frankenstein, Igor, Velkan Valerious (as a werewolf)
    Hellsing ? ? Title character
    • Werewolves
    • Catboy
    • Ghouls
    • Hellhound (hound of the baskervilles)
    • Demons (1997 anime)
    • Baobhan Sith (1997 anime)
    Yes Yes They serves different organizations, like the Hellsing Organization Hidden
    Nosferatu ? ? Count Orlok (Dracula appears in the remake)
    • Werewolves
    No Yes Count Orlok only, but in the remake, Harker becomes a vampire after Van Helsing kills Dracula (Orlok)
    The Hunger ? Evolved humans whose blood acts as virus in normal humans No ? Yes? Hidden
    Buffy Maloker Demonic hybridization with humans Yes[30] Many Yes Only Dracula Usually live in packs The majority of humans remained unaware or in denial of the existence of vampires, until Season Eight when the existence of vampires became public knowledge
    Blade Vampires: Dracula / Dagon / Drake Supernatural virus Yes
    • Werewolves
    • Revenants
    Some No Vampire society is broken up into houses and the combination of this houses form the Vampire Nation Hidden
    Reapers: Jared Nomak Genetic sequencing of vampire DNA Yes No No They follow Nomak Extinct
    Night World Maya Hearth-Woman Spell No
    • Werewolves
    • Witches
    • Ghouls
    • Shapeshifters
    Yes No Patriarchal Hidden
    Ultraviolet (TV serial) ? Virus No No Yes ? Hidden
    30 Days of Night (2002) Vincente and his lover Lilith claimed that they were the parents of all other vampires. Being described as some kind of virus ? No In some cases ? Know with humans then became hidden.
    Discworld ? ? No
    • Werewolves
    • Witches
    • Zombies
    • Igors
    • Numerous others
    Yes Some Several organizations, most prominently the Vampire League of Temperance Yes
    True Blood (possibly) Lilith ? In the books
    • Maenads
    • Shapeshifters
    • Witches
    • Weres
    • Fairies
    • Demons (books)
    Yes They can choose to rest in coffins or beds They have a hierarchy with The Authority at the top, magisters in the middle, kings and queens in third place and sheriffs at the bottom Out since invention of Trublood
    The Little Vampire ? A comet of soul which fell to the earth hundreds of years ago No No Yes ? Hidden
    The Vampire Diaries Novels: The Old Ones ? No
    • Werewolves
    • Kitsune
    • Phantoms
    • Angels
    • Malach
    • Witches
    Yes No ? Hidden
    Television Series: The Originals A ritual spell cast by a Witch ?
    • Werewolves
    • Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
    • Ghosts
    • Doppelgänger
    • Heretics (Vampire and Witch)
    • Witches
    Yes No ? Hidden
    Count Chocula ? ? Brief cameo
    • Werewolves - Fruit Brute
    Children as part of this complete breakfast ? ?
    Sesame Street ? ? Is a comical reimagining No ? Out
    Count Duckula ? ? Yes
    • Werewolves
    No ? Hidden
    Vampire Hunter D ? ? Most honored member of Nobility; D's father Many Yes ? Highly advanced society, now in steady decline
    Let the Right One In ? ? No No Yes No Hidden
    House of Night Nyx (possible) ? No
    • Gods
    • Deity
    • Raven Mocker
    • Tsi Sgili
    • Angels
    Yes Only red vampyres Matriarchal Hidden
    Batman & Dracula ? ? Yes Werecat YesYes They follow some kind of master, either vampire or human Hidden
    Preacher ? ? ? Yes ? Hidden, only 3 shown
    American Vampire Old World bloodline: ? ? Yes Humans with vampire characteristics Yes No They usually follow a vampire leader Hidden
    American bloodline: Skinner Sweet Evolution of the European vampires Yes Yes No Hidden
    Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter ? ? Using the name Dracula has been banned
    • Wereanimals
    • Ghouls
    • Zombies
    • Naga
    • Fey
    • Mer-people
    Yes ? Out
    Being Human (BBC) Two brothers Deal with the devil No
    • Werewolves
    • Zombies
    • Ghosts
    • Succubi
    • Demons (implied)
    Yes No Under the ruling of the Old Ones Hidden, but some wish to out themselves and enslave humans
    Being Human (Syfy) ? ? No
    • Werewolves
    • Zombies
    • Ghosts
    • Witches
    Yes No Under the ruling of the Mother and The Dutch Hidden
    The Saga of Darren Shan ? Vampires believe they are descended from wolves; most vampire powers were added to the race by Des Tiny after their genesis No Yes Yes Yes Divided into Vampire and Vampanese races/cultures Hidden to most humans
    Moonlight ? ? No Yes ? ? Hidden
    World of Darkness Caine Divine curse Member of the Tzimisce clan Many Yes Yes Divided into clans and sects depending on setting Hidden
    Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain Ancient vampyres The blood curse No Many Yes They never sleep At first they follow a vampire council and later a vampire king They start being one of the dominant species of the planet, later become hunted to near extinction and when they come back they rule the world
    Night Watch ? ? Probably existed in the universe, but not plot-relevant
    • Werewolves
    • Others
    Yes ? Hidden
    Underworld Markus Corvinus Virus No
    • Werewolves
    • Lycans
    • Immortals
    • Hybrids
    Yes Only the vampire elders while another vampire elder rules Ruled by Vampire Elders and a Council They were hidden during the first three films, but their existence became public in Underworld: Awakening
    Chibi Vampire/Karin ? Vampire's are a species of the Homo genus, separate from Homo sapiens, but capable of producing sterile hybrid children with Humans Brief cameo of Bram Stoker's book Yes ? Clans/Families control various territories with treaties and all-clan-meetings once a year Hidden within Japan
    Vampire Academy ? ? No
    • Damphir
    • Witches
    • Alchemist
    Yes No Monarchy Hidden
    Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter Elizabeth Báthory Demonic Hybridization with humans No ? Yes ? Hidden but wants to take over the world
    The Lost Boys ? ? No Hellhounds None shown ? Gang run by sire Hidden
    Dungeons & Dragons By individual campaign or setting; Strahd von Zarovich in Ravenloft Negative Material Plane No Many Yes ? By campaign/setting
    Forever Knight ? ? No No Yes[45][42] ? Hidden
    The Parasol Protectorate ? Implied to be virus or similar, only works on those with excess soul ?
    • Werewolves
    • Ghosts
    • Soulless
    • Metanaturals
    • Other shifters
    Yes ? Most vampires are in hives, led by a single queen, the only female Out in Britain and help in the government, hidden (but known) in many other countries
    Necroscope Shaitan Vampiric leech No
    • Werewolves
    • Necroscopes
    No ? Divided on two different "factions", with lords and ladies on top
    Moon Child ? ? No No Yes ? Hidden
    Daybreakers A Vampire bat Virus No No ? No Out, run society
    Dark Shadows ? Witch's Curse; Vampire Bat No
    • Witches
    • Wizards
    • Satanic Warlocks
    • Demons, Ghosts
    • Werewolves
    • Naga
    • Frankensteinian Hominids
    • The Phoenix
    Yes Yes Yes
    Frostbiten Maria is the progenitor of the Swedish vampires, but there are older ones Believed to be a virus but implied to be supernatural No ? No Yes The vampire horde made up of Sebastian, John and the other teens. Annika and Maria. The films ends with the vampires taking over the entire Norrland
    Dresden Files ? ? Mentioned to still be alive
    • Wizards
    • Werewolves (several types)
    • Fae (many types)
    • Angels
    • Demons
    • Dragons
    • Ghosts
    Definitely for White Court, probable for Red Court, unknown for Black and Jade ? Formal vampire courts: White, Red, Black, and Jade. No
    Touhou ? ? Remilia claims to be a descendant, although she is not ? Yes There is no secret about the mythological creatures who live in Gensokyo, Gensokyo itself is isolated from "our" world, though
    Marvel Comics Varnae Spell from the Darkhold Yes ManyYes ? Divided on Vampire Sects Hidden
    Fright Night ? ? No Familiars/Ghouls Yes Yes Jerry Dandrige controlled all the vampires he created Hidden
    We Are The Night ? ? No ? Yes No Louise coven. Possible others around the world
    Blindsight (2007) Homo sapiens vampiris coevolved with baseline humans as predator; speciation occurred around 400000–500000 years BP X-chromosome mutation No No Likely, not documented ? Originally solitary predators, became extinct due to "crucifix glitch" and proliferation of perpendicular lines due to human technology. Species fully recreated in late 21st century and eventually reestablished position as apex predator on a virtual reality-befuddled humanity
    Blood: The Last Vampire ? The original Chiropterans evolve alongside humans, while the actual are human/chiropteran hybridization No No Yes No Hidden
    Blood+ ? Believed to evolve alongside humans No No Yes No Hidden
    Trinity Blood Methuselahs: ? Injection of the Bacillus nanomachines in human bodies No No Yes No The Methuselahs have their capital in Byzantium Yes
    Crusniks: All four Crusniks were created around the same time Installation of the Crusnik nanomachines in the bodies of four test tube babies No No Yes No They have gained a high position of power, as Commanders during the Human-Methuselah war and as leaders after the war No
    Supernatural The Alpha Vampire The power of Eve No Many Yes No Organized into nests No
    DC Comics Cain Divine curse ? ManyYes No Ruled by a vampire king or queen No
    Sanctuary ? Evolve alongside humans No Many Yes ? Monarchy Used to rule the world until humans rose up against their oppressors and hunted them to extinction
    Rosario + Vampire Dracula ? Alucard Many Yes No Families are headed by a First Ancestor Hidden
    Charmed ? ? No ManyYes No Ruled by queens No
    Wizards of Waverly Place ? ? No ManyYes Yes Hidden
    Gantz ? They are the result of numerous nanomachines within the human body No Aliens Yes No They are members of some criminal organization Hidden
    Goosebumps (Welcome To Dead House) ? Chemical accident No No No They don't sleep Like a club with a Watcher Hidden
    Adventure Time ? ? ? ManyYes ? Marceline is "The Vampire Queen" as she was in the grand meeting of Ooo royalty Yes
    Vampire Knight Ancestors Pureblood descended from the Ancestors No Vampire Hunters Yes Sometimes A Senate was established to govern them Hidden
    Castlevania series In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Carmilla In Lord of Shadows, Carmilla was half good and half evil, after her death, her evil half stay on earth as the first vampire Yes Many Yes Yes Ruled by Dracula ?
    Split ? ? No
    • Vampire/humans hybrids (Splits)
    • Demons
    Yes No Organized by a Vampire Council, a council of vampires with the authority to judge and define laws, which has to obey the Blood Chosen's rules Hidden
    Tsukihime True Ancestors: Crimson Moon Brunestud Created by the Earth as a defense mechanism against humans, but were born with a flaw: thirst for blood There are two versions of him: one based on Vlad II; and the other on Count Dracula
    • Aristoteles
    • Familiars
    • Demons
    • Humunculus
    • Phantasmal Species
    • Spirits
    • Mages
    Yes No ? Hidden
    Dead Apostles Created to act as counter-measures in the case of a True Ancestor being overwhelmed by his or her thirst for blood No Yes No The Twenty Seven Ancestors of the Dead Apostles act as a form of ruling body Hidden
    Stargate Ancients Human/Iratus Bug hybridization No
    • Aliens
    • Robots
    Yes They hibernate on hibernation pods Hive society Their existence is public in the Pegasus Galaxy, but on Earth only few humans know they exist
    Hollows (series) ? Virus No
    • Inderlanders
    • Ghosts and spirits
    • Gods and goddesses
    • Weres
    Yes No Organized in camarillas with a vampire master at the topOut since the Turn
    Black Blood Brothers ? ?No No Yes No Divided into Vampires and Kowloon Children cultures Hidden to most humans
    Stephen King ? Descended from the PrimNo Many Yes Yes Types one usually control the other types Hidden
    Vampirella Lillith Children between Lillith and demons Yes Many Yes ? ? Hidden
    The Elder Scrolls Molag Bal Magical ritual, disease No Many Yes Yes Divided in various clans and factions Yes
    My Babysitter's a Vampire ? ? No style="background:#9F9;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;" class="table-yes"|
    • Witches
    • Weres
    • Ghosts
    Yes No The Vampire Council Hidden
    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Pillar Men Stone Mask No
    • Pillar Men (beings that prey on vampires)
    • Stand users
    • Ghosts
    • Aliens (Possibly)
    Yes Yes No
    The Librarian Judas Iscariot Divine Curse Yes Many Yes No Dracula wants to control all of them Hidden
    David Wellington ? ? No Undead Yes Yes They follow a vampire elder But believed to be extinct
    Darkstalkers ? ? No Many Yes ? He is the king of all his servants Yes
    The Historian Vlad Ţepeş Magical ritual (possibly)Yes ? YesYes Dracula control all of them Hidden
    Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi ? Their own world No
    • Demons
    • Elves (manga)
    Yes No Not anymore, since Saitohimea is the last surviving vampire Only to certain organizations. (the Church, the military, etc.)
    Saga of the Noble Dead ? ?No Many Yes No Covens Hidden
    Doctor Who Great Vampires: ? Evolved in their home planet Yes Aliens Yes No ? No
    Vampires: Great vampires Great vampire bite Yes Aliens Yes No They live in covens No
    Dance in the Vampire Bund ? Evolved humans No Werewolves Yes ? Monarchy Yes
    BloodRayne series ? ?No
    • Dhampir
    • Daemites
    • Maraisreq
    • Diseased
    • Mutates
    • Demons
    Yes No Ruled by some superior vampire Hidden
    Vamps ? ? No No Yes No Covens Hidden
    The Strain The Ancient Ones From the body of an archangel that was cut into seven parts No
    • Archangels (mentioned only)
    • Damphir
    Yes ? Each strain follows the Ancient that created it Out since The Night Eternal
    Blood Alone ? ? There are elements based on Dracula, like characters and terms style="background:#9F9;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;" class="table-yes"|
    • Renfields
    • Witches
    Yes No Ruled by vampire elders Hidden
    Anno Dracula series Yes Many Yes Yes Divided in bloodlines Out
    Hotel Transylvania ? ? One of main characters style="background:#9F9;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center;" class="table-yes"| Yes Yes Dracula and his family; his castle is also a haven for other supernatural creatures Hidden
    Vampireology Belial, Ba'al and Moloch Bloodthirst No
    • Werewolves
    • Ghouls
    • Zombies
    • Angels
    • God
    • Dragons
    • Griffins

    (if considered canonical with the rest of the Ology series, many more)

    Yes No ? Hidden
    Blood Moon ? Virus/Evolution No
    • Werewolves
    • Witches (mentioned)
    Yes No Territorial Covens Yes
    Shadowspawn ? Genetics Mention was made of Stoker being "useful", implying that Dracula is fictional halfbreeds Yes No Yes Hidden
    Shadowrun ? Magical virus No Many Yes No Out since the return of magic to the Earth
    AdventureQuest possibly Safiria curse No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
    The Shadowhunter Chronicles (The Mortal Instruments) Vlad III and members of his court Hecate powers Yes
    • Shadowhunters or Nephilim
    • Warlocks (term used for both sexes).
    • Werewolves
    • Endarkened
    • Ghosts
    • Fay
    • Forsaken
    • Angels
    • Demons
    • God
    • Fay/Nephilim hybrids
    Yes No Loosely organized geographically into covens. Hidden
    Penny Dreadful Fallen Angel Divine curse There are elements based on Dracula; and a character that maybe Dracula Many Yes No Packs Hidden
    Kate Daniels novels ? Virus ? Many, including shifters, necromancers, and mages Nonsapient, they would probably eat anyone that tried No No intrinsic society, but the necromancers who control them, the People, are highly organized Yes
    Den of Shadows Siete Nyeusi blood No Many Yes No Divided in five linajes Hidden
    From Dusk till Dawn Believed to descend from the Aztec snake god ? No ? ? ? Hidden
    Monster High ? ? Yes Many Yes Yes ? Hidden
    Kitty Norville novels ? Lucifer ?
    • Lycanthropes
    • Human magic users
    • Demons
    • Ghosts
    • others
    ? ? Most cities have Masters Recently revealed
    American Horror Story: Hotel ? Supernatural virus No
    • Ghosts
    • Demons
    • Witches
    • Voodoo Zombies
    Yes They can choose to rest in coffins or beds ? Hidden

      See also


      1. ↑ Skal, V for Vampire, p. 99.
      2. ↑ Skal, V for Vampire, p. 104.
      3. ↑ Skal, V for Vampire, p. 175.
      4. ↑ Skal, V for Vampire, p. 62.
      5. ↑ Silver & Ursini, The Vampire Film, pp. 38-39.
      6. ↑ Barber, Vampires, Burial and Death, pp. 41–42.
      7. ↑ Barber, Vampires, Burial and Death, p. 2.
      8. 1 2 Maberry, Jonathan (2009). They Bite: Endless Cravings of Supernatural Predators. Citadel Press. p. 12.
      9. 1 2 Skal, V for Vampire, p. 155.
      10. 1 2 3 4 5 Skal, V for Vampire, p. 211.
      11. ↑ Silver & Ursini, The Vampire Film, p. 25.
      12. ↑ Bram Stoker (1897). Dracula: a mystery story. [Google Books], pp. 38, 239.
      13. ↑ "The Count counts letters to himself". Retrieved 2009-11-19. At 0:26
      14. ↑ Season 4, episode 3, "Storm in a Blood Cup"
      15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Forever Knight: Season 2, Episode 25, "Close Call".
      16. ↑ Forever Knight: Season 3, Episode 1, "Black Budda"
      17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Beam, Christopher (November 20, 2008). "I Vant To Upend Your Expectations: Why movie vampires always break all the vampire rules". Slate Magazine. Retrieved 2009-07-17.
      18. ↑ In Rosario + Vampire anime episode 6 and Rosario + Vampire Season II manga, volume 4, extra chapter - Moka looks at herself in the mirror.
      19. ↑ Rosario + Vampire Capu2 anime episode 1 - appears in Polaroid pictures
      20. ↑ Rosario + Vampire season2, volume 9
      21. ↑ Alseikaite-Gimbutiene, Marija (1946). Die Bestattung in Litauen in der vorgeschichtlichen Zeit (in German). Tübingen. OCLC 1059867. (thesis)
      22. ↑ Vukanović, T.P. (1959). "The Vampire". Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society 38: 111–18.
      23. ↑ Klapper, Joseph (1909). "Die schlesischen Geschichten von den schädingenden Toten". Mitteilungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde (in German) 11: 58–93.
      24. ↑ Barber, Vampires, Burial and Death, p. 73.
      25. ↑ Barber, Vampires, Burial and Death, p. 63.
      26. 1 2 Golden, Bissette and Sniegoski, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Monster Book", p.145.
      27. ↑ Barber, Vampires, Burial and Death, p. 49.
      28. ↑ Skal, David J. (1996). V is for Vampire. Plume/Penguin. p. 104. ISBN 0-452-27173-8.
      29. ↑ Nina Auerbach (1981) Our Vampires, Ourselves: 119–47.
      30. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Truett, Larry. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Retrieved 14 September 2009.
      31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 "Vampires in the Buffyverse". Retrieved 14 September 2009.
      32. ↑
      33. 1 2 3 Forever Knight: Season 1, Episode 2, "Dark Knight".
      34. 1 2 Forever Knight: Season 3, Episode 10, "Night in Question"
      35. 1 2 Forever Knight: Season 1, Episode 3, "For I Have Sinned"
      36. ↑ Forever Knight: Season 2, Episode 5, "Hunted"
      37. ↑
      38. ↑ Hogset, Stig. "THEM Anime Reviews 4.0 - Rosario + Vampire". THEM Anime Reviews. Retrieved 2013-12-16.
      39. ↑ Missing or empty |title= (help)
      40. ↑ Forever Knight: Season 1, Episode 1, "Dark Knight"
      41. ↑ Barber, Vampires, Burial and Death, pp. 50-51.
      42. 1 2 Forever Knight: Season 2, Episode 24, "Baby, Baby"
      43. ↑ Forever knight: Season 1, Episode 9, "I Will Repay"
      44. ↑
      45. ↑ Forever Knight: Season 1, Episode 22, "Love You To Death"

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