Tadeusz Parpan
Tadeusz Piotr Parpan (born November 16, 1919 in Kraków, died April 21, 1990, also in Kraków) was a Polish soccer player, also a graduate of the Kraków Technical University (Politechnika Krakowska).
Parpan represented Cracovia (1945–1950), Garbarnia Kraków (1951–52) and the Polish National Team, he played in midfield, later - as a defender. With Cracovia, in 1948 was the champion of Poland, with the national team played in the late 1940s in 20 games, most of them as the captain. He was also one of candidates to play in the team of Europe in 1947. During Second World War was a member of the Armia Krajowa (Polish Home Army). After finishing career, worked as a coach and a teacher at Politechnika Krakowska. Up to this day Parpan is a well-remembered symbol of Cracovia's greatness.
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- Calder (1908–11)
- Koželuh (1911–12)
- Pozsonyi (1921–23)
- Kimpton (1923)
- Koželuh (1924)
- Koželuh (1926)
- Kałuża (1927–28)
- Hierländer (1929–31)
- Fleischmann (1932–33)
- Pulpittel (1934–35)
- Kossok (1936)
- Zastawniak (1937)
- Plattkó (1938)
- Chruściński (1945–47)
- Kubiński (1947)
- Průha (1948)
- Malczyk (1948–49)
- Jesionka (1950–52)
- Tobik (1952)
- Łańko (1953)
- M. Jabłoński & Szewczyk (1954)
- M. Jabłoński (1954)
- Parpan (1954)
- Żelazny (1955)
- Wilczkiewicz (1955)
- Finek (1956–1957)
- Skoraczyński (1958)
- E. Jabłoński (1958)
- Matyas (1959–61)
- Finek (1961)
- Tobik (1962)
- Dziwisz (1962–63)
- Niemiec (1964–67)
- Durniok (1967)
- Matyas (1968–69)
- Meus (1969–1970)
- M. Jabłoński (1970)
- Meus & Miksa (1970–71)
- Woźniak (1971–72)
- Matyas (1972–73)
- Durniok (1974–75)
- Adamczyk (1975–76)
- Hradecki (1976–78)
- Kolasa (1978)
- Tobik (1978–79)
- Meus (1979)
- Polakow (1980)
- Stroniarz (1980–83)
- Mikołajczyk (1983)
- Walczak (1983)
- Baran (1983)
- Walczak (1983–84)
- Baran (1984)
- Durniok (1984)
- Warchala (1984)
- Stroniarz (1984–85)
- Warchala (1985)
- M. Jabłoński (1985)
- Szymanowski (1985–86)
- Karelus (1986)
- Adamus (1986–87)
- Piotrowski (1987–88)
- Cygan (1988)
- Zapalski (1988–89)
- Sputo (1989)
- Mrugalski (1989)
- M. Jabłoński (1990)
- Moskal (1990)
- Sputo (1990–91)
- Bahr (1991)
- Podedworny (1991)
- Franczak (1991–93)
- Bahr (1993–94)
- Adamus (1994–96)
- Łysko (1996–97)
- Kocąb (1997–98)
- Kmita (1998–99)
- Adamus (1999–2000)
- Karelus (2000)
- Bahr (2000–01)
- Kmita (2001–02)
- Hajdo & Kwiatkowski (2002)
- Stawowy (2002–06)
- Mikulski (2006)
- Białas (2006)
- Majewski (2006–08)
- Płatek (2008–09)
- Lenczyk (2009–10)
- Ulatowski (2010)
- Sadko (2010)
- Shatalov (2010–11)
- Pasieka (2011–12)
- Kafarski (2012)
- Stawowy (2012–)