Takatsukasa Kanetada
In this Japanese name, the family name is Takatsukasa.
Takatsukasa Kanetada (é·¹å¸ å…¼å¿ , 1262 – 1301), son of Kanehira, was a court noble (kugyo) of the Kamakura period. He held the regent positions of Kampaku from 1296 to 1298 and Sessho since 1298. In 1301 he retired and became a priest. Regent Fuyuhira was his son. His other sons include: Fuyutsune (冬経, 1282-1319) and Motonori (基教, ?-?); they did not become kampaku or sessho. Also, Motonori was Fuyutsune's adopted son.
External links
- http://nekhet.ddo.jp/people/japan/fstakatukasa.html
- http://www015.upp.so-net.ne.jp/gofukakusa/daijiten-konoe-takatukasake.htm
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