Taylor's School of Engineering

Taylor's School of Engineering is part of Taylor's University (Malaysia). The school offers engineering programmes that range from the Foundation to PhD.

Philosophy and Purpose

The purpose of the School is to enable people to achieve their full potential. This includes students, staff and society at large. The School believes that holistic education can have a profound impact on transforming individual enabling them to recognise their strengths, identify their inner calling and develop the necessary mindset to achieve their full potential. The School adopts the latest findings in neuro-cognitive science to develop curricula, projects and learning spaces that enable the holistic development of the students and staff.

Academic Programmes

The School offers a full range of accredited and highly innovative engineering programmes including

  1. Foundation in Engineering Programme
  2. Bachellor of Engineering (Hons) in Chemical Engineering
  3. Bachellor of Engineering (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  4. Bachellor of Engineering (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
  5. Master of Science in Engineering
  6. PhD in Engineering

All the undergraduate programmes are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Council and they are recognised internationally under the Washington Accord.

Project Based Learning and CDIO

To provide a holistic students' learning experience, the School of Engineering at Taylor's adopted a Project Based Learning approach. The projects provide an authentic and personalised learning experience and enable students to develop important individual and interpersonal skills such as critical thinking, communication, negotiation and teamwork in a real life setting. The School is an official member of the CDIO International initiative that is aimed at developing well rounded engineers for the 21st Century.

Research Led Teaching

Research is a very important academic activity. It is aimed at discovery of new knowledge and application of existing knowledge to the betterment of humankind. Research is also an important character building exercise as it helps the development of critical thinking traits and teamwork. At Taylor's School of Engineering, research leads the learning experience of both students and staff.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Focused Research

All the research performed at the School is aligned to the Grand Challenges for Engineering identified by the National Academy for Engineering. These Challenges are given below

Energy and Environment

  1. Make solar energy economical
  2. Provide energy from fusion
  3. Develop methods for carbon sequestration
  4. Manage the nitrogen cycle
  5. Provide access to clean water


  1. Advance health informatics
  2. Engineer better medicines


  1. Prevent nuclear terror
  2. Secure cyberspace
  3. Restore urban infrastructure

Learning and Computation

  1. Reverse engineer the brain
  2. Enhance virtual reality
  3. Advance personalised learning
  4. Engineer the tools of scientific discovery

Engineering Undergraduate Research Catalyst Conference

EURECA conference is aimed at providing the engineering undergraduate students the opportunity to hone their engineering skills.

Academic Innovations

The School of Engineering at Taylor's University is at the forefront of academic innovation. Latest innovations include

Use of iBooks in Teaching

All the modules in the Foundation of Engineering Prgramme are offered using iBooks. This platform is proving to be a very powerful tool to unleash students' creativity and help them have a rich and enjoyable learning experience.

Massive Open Online Courses MOOCs

The School of Engineering at Taylor's University developed and successfully deployed the first MOOCs in the history of Malaysia. These two MOOCs, namely Entrepreneurship and Success, witnessed the enrolment of thousands of students from more than 115 countries and provided both the online student and on campus students opportunities to collaborate and develop valuable life skills.[1]

In November 2015, The school collaborated in organising Kuwait Global Technopreneurship Challenge (KGTC), which was available as a MOOC.


  1. Al-Atabi, M.T. and DeBoer, J. 2014 “Teaching Entrepreneurship using Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).” Technovation. In Press.

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