Telecommunications in Grenada

Communications in Grenada


Country Code: +1473
International Call Prefix: 011 (outside NANP)

Calls from Grenada to the US, Canada, and other NANP Caribbean nations, are dialed as 1 + NANP area code + 7-digit number. Calls from Grenada to non-NANP countries are dialed as 011 + country code + phone number with local area code.

The entire country uses the St. George's rate centre.

Number Format: nxx-xxxx

Telephones - main lines in use: 32,700 (2004)

Telephones - mobile cellular: 43,300 (2004)

Telephone system: automatic, island-wide telephone system
domestic: interisland VHF and UHF radiotelephone links
international: new SHF radiotelephone links to Trinidad and Tobago and Saint Vincent; VHF and UHF radio links to Trinidad


Radio broadcast stations: AM 2, FM 13, shortwave 0 (1998), includes ZBF-AM (Klassic AM)

Radios: 57,000 (1997)


Television broadcast stations: 4 (2008)

Televisions: 33,000 (1997)


Internet Service Providers (ISPs): Two (2010) - LIME (Cable & Wireless - and Flow (Columbus Communications -

Internet subscriptions: 13,000 (December 2009)

Internet users: 40,000 (December 2009)

Country code (Top-level domain): GD


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