Telephone numbers in Hungary

Hungary telephone numbers
Country Hungary
Continent Europe
Access codes
Country calling code +36
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 06

Hungary area codes

In Hungary the standard lengths for area codes is two, except for Budapest (the capital), which has the area code 1. Subscribers' numbers are six digits long in general; numbers in Budapest and cell phone numbers are seven digits long.

Making calls within and from Hungary

Calls within local areas can be made by dialling the number without the area code, such as 123-4567 in Budapest or 123-456 in other areas. However, this is not permitted in mobile phone networks.

Domestic calls to all other area codes must be preceded with 06 + area code. For example, a call from Budapest to Monor (area code 29) would be made as 06 29 123-456 and a call from Monor to Budapest (area code 1) would be made as 06 1 234-5678. When using mobile phones, the international format can be used instead: +36 1 234-5678.

Calls to international destinations are in the format 00 + country code + number. On mobile phones, + can be used instead of 00.

The country code for Hungary is 36.

Short numbers

Certain services can be called with a short number, ignoring the above scheme.

List of area codes

Mobile phone codes

In ascending numeric order

Mobile Providers with own Networks
Provider Code
Telenor 20
T-Mobile 30
Tesco Mobile and several other providers 31
Vodafone 70

Note: After April 1, 2004, the phone numbers can be carried from network to network. That means any of the previous codes can refer to any mobile provider.

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