Conversion of units of temperature

This is a compendium of temperature conversion formulas and comparisons among eight different temperature scales, several of which have long been obsolete.

Celsius (centigrade)

For more details on this topic, see Celsius.
from Celsius to Celsius
Fahrenheit [°F] = [°C] × 95 + 32 [°C] = ([°F]  32) × 59
Kelvin [K] = [°C] + 273.15 [°C] = [K]  273.15
Rankine [°R] = ([°C] + 273.15) × 95 [°C] = ([°R]  491.67) × 59
Delisle [°De] = (100  [°C]) × 32 [°C] = 100  [°De] × 23
Newton [°N] = [°C] × 33100 [°C] = [°N] × 10033
Réaumur [°Ré] = [°C] × 45 [°C] = [°Ré] × 54
Rømer [°Rø] = [°C] × 2140 + 7.5 [°C] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 4021


For more details on this topic, see Fahrenheit.
from Fahrenheit to Fahrenheit
Celsius [°C] = ([°F]  32) × 59 [°F] = [°C] × 95 + 32
Kelvin [K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 59 [°F] = [K] × 95  459.67
Rankine [°R] = [°F] + 459.67 [°F] = [°R]  459.67
Delisle [°De] = (212  [°F]) × 56 [°F] = 212  [°De] × 65
Newton [°N] = ([°F]  32) × 1160 [°F] = [°N] × 6011 + 32
Réaumur [°Ré] = ([°F]  32) × 49 [°F] = [°Ré] × 94 + 32
Rømer [°Rø] = ([°F]  32) × 724 + 7.5 [°F] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 247 + 32


For more details on this topic, see Kelvin.
from Kelvin to Kelvin
Celsius [°C] = [K]  273.15 [K] = [°C] + 273.15
Fahrenheit [°F] = [K] × 95  459.67 [K] = ([°F] + 459.67) × 59
Rankine [°R] = [K] × 95 [K] = [°R] × 59
Delisle [°De] = (373.15  [K]) × 32 [K] = 373.15  [°De] × 23
Newton [°N] = ([K]  273.15) × 33100 [K] = [°N] × 10033 + 273.15
Réaumur [°Ré] = ([K]  273.15) × 45 [K] = [°Ré] × 54 + 273.15
Rømer [°Rø] = ([K]  273.15) × 2140 + 7.5 [K] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 4021 + 273.15


For more details on this topic, see Rankine scale.
from Rankine to Rankine
Celsius [°C] = ([°R]  491.67) × 59 [°R] = ([°C] + 273.15) × 95
Fahrenheit [°F] = [°R]  459.67 [°R] = [°F] + 459.67
Kelvin [K] = [°R] × 59 [°R] = [K] × 95
Delisle [°De] = (671.67  [°R]) × 56 [°R] = 671.67  [°De] × 65
Newton [°N] = ([°R]  491.67) × 1160 [°R] = [°N] × 6011 + 491.67
Réaumur [°Ré] = ([°R]  491.67) × 49 [°R] = [°Ré] × 94 + 491.67
Rømer [°Rø] = ([°R]  491.67) × 724 + 7.5 [°R] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 247 + 491.67


For more details on this topic, see Delisle scale.
from Delisle to Delisle
Celsius [°C] = 100  [°De] × 23 [°De] = (100  [°C]) × 32
Fahrenheit [°F] = 212  [°De] × 65 [°De] = (212  [°F]) × 56
Kelvin [K] = 373.15  [°De] × 23 [°De] = (373.15  [K]) × 32
Rankine [°R] = 671.67  [°De] × 65 [°De] = (671.67  [°R]) × 56
Newton [°N] = 33  [°De] × 1150 [°De] = (33  [°N]) × 5011
Réaumur [°Ré] = 80  [°De] × 815 [°De] = (80  [°Ré]) × 158
Rømer [°Rø] = 60  [°De] × 720 [°De] = (60  [°Rø]) × 207


For more details on this topic, see Newton scale.
from Newton to Newton
Celsius [°C] = [°N] × 10033 [°N] = [°C] × 33100
Fahrenheit [°F] = [°N] × 6011 + 32 [°N] = ([°F]  32) × 1160
Kelvin [K] = [°N] × 10033 + 273.15 [°N] = ([K]  273.15) × 33100
Rankine [°R] = [°N] × 6011 + 491.67 [°N] = ([°R]  491.67) × 1160
Delisle [°De] = (33  [°N]) × 5011 [°N] = 33  [°De] × 1150
Réaumur [°Ré] = [°N] × 8033 [°N] = [°Ré] × 3380
Rømer [°Rø] = [°N] × 3522 + 7.5 [°N] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 2235


For more details on this topic, see Réaumur scale.
from Réaumur to Réaumur
Celsius [°C] = [°Ré] × 54 [°Ré] = [°C] × 45
Fahrenheit [°F] = [°Ré] × 94 + 32 [°Ré] = ([°F]  32) × 49
Kelvin [K] = [°Ré] × 54 + 273.15 [°Ré] = ([K]  273.15) × 45
Rankine [°R] = [°Ré] × 94 + 491.67 [°Ré] = ([°R]  491.67) × 49
Delisle [°De] = (80  [°Ré]) × 158 [°Ré] = 80  [°De] × 815
Newton [°N] = [°Ré] × 3380 [°Ré] = [°N] × 8033
Rømer [°Rø] = [°Ré] × 2132 + 7.5 [°Ré] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 3221


For more details on this topic, see Rømer scale.
from Rømer to Rømer
Celsius [°C] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 4021 [°Rø] = [°C] × 2140 + 7.5
Fahrenheit [°F] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 247 + 32 [°Rø] = ([°F]  32) × 724 + 7.5
Kelvin [K] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 4021 + 273.15 [°Rø] = ([K]  273.15) × 2140 + 7.5
Rankine [°R] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 247 + 491.67 [°Rø] = ([°R]  491.67) × 724 + 7.5
Delisle [°De] = (60  [°Rø]) × 207 [°Rø] = 60  [°De] × 720
Newton [°N] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 2235 [°Rø] = [°N] × 3522 + 7.5
Réaumur [°Ré] = ([°Rø]  7.5) × 3221 [°Rø] = [°Ré] × 2132 + 7.5


Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Rankine Delisle Newton Réaumur Rømer
300.00 572.00 573.15 1031.67 −300.00 99.00 240.00 165.00
290.00 554.00 563.15 1013.67 −285.00 95.70 232.00 159.75
280.00 536.00 553.15 995.67 −270.00 92.40 224.00 154.50
270.00 518.00 543.15 977.67 −255.00 89.10 216.00 149.25
260.00 500.00 533.15 959.67 −240.00 85.80 208.00 144.00
250.00 482.00 523.15 941.67 −225.00 82.50 200.00 138.75
240.00 464.00 513.15 923.67 −210.00 79.20 192.00 133.50
230.00 446.00 503.15 905.67 −195.00 75.90 184.00 128.25
220.00 428.00 493.15 887.67 −180.00 72.60 176.00 123.00
210.00 410.00 483.15 869.67 −165.00 69.30 168.00 117.75
200.00 392.00 473.15 851.67 −150.00 66.00 160.00 112.50
190.00 374.00 463.15 833.67 −135.00 62.70 152.00 107.25
180.00 356.00 453.15 815.67 −120.00 59.40 144.00 102.00
170.00 338.00 443.15 797.67 −105.00 56.10 136.00 96.75
160.00 320.00 433.15 779.67 −90.00 52.80 128.00 91.50
150.00 302.00 423.15 761.67 −75.00 49.50 120.00 86.25
140.00 284.00 413.15 743.67 −60.00 46.20 112.00 81.00
130.00 266.00 403.15 725.67 −45.00 42.90 104.00 75.75
120.00 248.00 393.15 707.67 −30.00 39.60 96.00 70.50
110.00 230.00 383.15 689.67 −15.00 36.30 88.00 65.25
100.00 212.00 373.15 671.67 0.00 33.00 80.00 60.00
90.00 194.00 363.15 653.67 15.00 29.70 72.00 54.75
80.00 176.00 353.15 635.67 30.00 26.40 64.00 49.50
70.00 158.00 343.15 617.67 45.00 23.10 56.00 44.25
60.00 140.00 333.15 599.67 60.00 19.80 48.00 39.00
50.00 122.00 323.15 581.67 75.00 16.50 40.00 33.75
40.00 104.00 313.15 563.67 90.00 13.20 32.00 28.50
30.00 86.00 303.15 545.67 105.00 9.90 24.00 23.25
20.00 68.00 293.15 527.67 120.00 6.60 16.00 18.00
10.00 50.00 283.15 509.67 135.00 3.30 8.00 12.75
0.00 32.00 273.15 491.67 150.00 0.00 0.00 7.50
−10.00 14.00 263.15 473.67 165.00 −3.30 −8.00 2.25
−20.00 −4.00 253.15 455.67 180.00 −6.60 −16.00 −3.00
−30.00 −22.00 243.15 437.67 195.00 −9.90 −24.00 −8.25
−40.00 −40.00 233.15 419.67 210.00 −13.20 −32.00 −13.50
−50.00 −58.00 223.15 401.67 225.00 −16.50 −40.00 −18.75
−60.00 −76.00 213.15 383.67 240.00 −19.80 −48.00 −24.00
−70.00 −94.00 203.15 365.67 255.00 −23.10 −56.00 −29.25
−80.00 −112.00 193.15 347.67 270.00 −26.40 −64.00 −34.50
−90.00 −130.00 183.15 329.67 285.00 −29.70 −72.00 −39.75
−100.00 −148.00 173.15 311.67 300.00 −33.00 −80.00 −45.00
−110.00 −166.00 163.15 293.67 315.00 −36.30 −88.00 −50.25
−120.00 −184.00 153.15 275.67 330.00 −39.60 −96.00 −55.50
−130.00 −202.00 143.15 257.67 345.00 −42.90 −104.00 −60.75
−140.00 −220.00 133.15 239.67 360.00 −46.20 −112.00 −66.00
−150.00 −238.00 123.15 221.67 375.00 −49.50 −120.00 −71.25
−160.00 −256.00 113.15 203.67 390.00 −52.80 −128.00 −76.50
−170.00 −274.00 103.15 185.67 405.00 −56.10 −136.00 −81.75
−180.00 −292.00 93.15 167.67 420.00 −59.40 −144.00 −87.00
−190.00 −310.00 83.15 149.67 435.00 −62.70 −152.00 −92.25
−200.00 −328.00 73.15 131.67 450.00 −66.00 −160.00 −97.50
−210.00 −346.00 63.15 113.67 465.00 −69.30 −168.00 −102.75
−220.00 −364.00 53.15 95.67 480.00 −72.60 −176.00 −108.00
−230.00 −382.00 43.15 77.67 495.00 −75.90 −184.00 −113.25
−240.00 −400.00 33.15 59.67 510.00 −79.20 −192.00 −118.50
−250.00 −418.00 23.15 41.67 525.00 −82.50 −200.00 −123.75
−260.00 −436.00 13.15 23.67 540.00 −85.80 −208.00 −129.00
−273.15 −459.67 0.00 0.00 559.73 −90.14 −218.52 −135.90
Celsius Fahrenheit Kelvin Rankine Delisle Newton Réaumur Rømer

Comparison of temperature scales

Comparison of temperature scales
Comment Kelvin Celsius Fahrenheit Rankine Delisle Newton Réaumur Rømer
Absolute zero 0.00 −273.15 −459.67 0.00 559.73 −90.14 −218.52 −135.90
Lowest recorded surface temperature on Earth[1] 184 −89.2[1] −128.6[1] 331 284 −29 −71 −39
Fahrenheit's ice/salt mixture 255.37 −17.78 0.00 459.67 176.67 −5.87 −14.22 −1.83
Ice melts (at standard pressure) 273.15 0.00 32.00 491.67 150.00 0.00 0.00 7.50
Triple point of water 273.16 0.01 32.018 491.688 149.985 0.0033 0.008 7.50525
Average surface temperature on Earth 288 15 59 519 128 5 12 15
Average human body temperature* 310 37 98 558 95 12 29 27
Highest recorded surface temperature on Earth[2] 331 58[2] 136.4[2] 596 63 19 46 38
Water boils (at standard pressure) 373.1339[3] 99.9839[3] 211.97102[4] 671.64102[4] 0.00 33.00 80.00 60.00
Titanium melts 1941 1668 3034 3494 −2352 550 1334 883
The surface of the Sun 5800 5500 9900 10400 −8100 1800 4400 2900

* Normal human body temperature is 36.8 °C ±0.7 °C, or 98.2 °F ±1.3 °F. The commonly given value 98.6 °F is simply the exact conversion of the nineteenth-century German standard of 37 °C. Since it does not list an acceptable range, it could therefore be said to have excess (invalid) precision.[5]

Some numbers in this table have been rounded.

Graphical representation

Comparison of temperature scales blank.svg
Rankine (°Ra)
Kelvin (K)
Fahrenheit (°F)
Celsius (°C)
Réaumur (°Ré)
Rømer (°Rø)
Newton (°N)
Delisle (°D)
Absolute zero Lowest recorded surface temperature on Earth[1] Fahrenheit's ice/water/salt mixture Melting point of ice (at standard pressure) Average surface temperature on Earth (15 °C) Average human body temperature (37 °C) Highest recorded surface temperature on Earth[2] Boiling point of water (at standard pressure)  

Conversion table between different temperature units

Rankine scale
Rømer scale
Newton scale
Delisle scale
Réaumur scale

See also

Notes and references

  1. 1 2 3 4 The Coldest Inhabited Places on Earth; researches of the Vostok Station recorded the coldest known temperature on Earth on July 21st 1983: −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F).
  2. 1 2 3 4 World: Highest Temperature; an Italian weather station in al 'Aziziyah (Libya) measured a temperature of 58 °C (136.4 °F) on September 13th 1922. "Although this record has gained general acceptance as the world's highest temperature recorded under standard conditions, the validity of the extreme has been questioned."
  3. 1 2 The University of Alabama in Huntsville - Temperature scales – Celsius, centigrade, and kelvin
  4. 1 2 Tampile - Temperature Conversion Scales
  5. "Temperature of a Healthy Human (Body Temperature)". Retrieved 2010-09-16.

External links

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