Temporal Naval Armaments Supplement Programme

The Temporal Naval Armaments Supplement Programme (マル臨計画, 情勢ニ応ズル軍備欠陥補充 Maru Rin Keikaku, Jōsei ni ouzuru Gunbi-Kekkan Hojū) is one of the armaments expansion plan of the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN).


In October 1940, the IJN schemed building of the submarines and auxiliary vessels because there was a shortage of them.

Table of vessels

Category Class Vessel number(s) Completed Converted Cancelled
Subchaser No.13 #184 194 No.17 (#184) to No.27 (#194)
Medium-sized submarine Ro-35 #201 209 Ro-35 (#201) to Ro-44 (#209)
Ro-100 #210 218 Ro-100 (#210) to Ro-108 (#218)
Combat support ship Ashizuri #219 220 Ashizuri (#219), Shioya (#220)
Subchaser No.13 #221 232 No.28 (#221) to No.39 (#232)
Combat support ship Sunosaki #233 236 Takasaki (#233) #234 236
Training cruiser Katori #237 #237
Motor torpedo boat No.1 #241 246 No.1 (#241) to No.6 (#246)
Auxiliary minesweeper Aux. No.1 #251 256 Aux. No.1 (#251) to Aux. No.6 (#256)
Auxiliary minelayer Aux. No.1 #257 260 Aux. No.1 (#257) to Aux. No.4 (#260)
Food ship Kinesaki #261 263 Hayasaki (#261), Shirasaki (#262), Arasaki (#263)

See also


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