Tenodesis grasp

Tenodesis grasp and release is an orthopedic observation of a passive hand grasp and release mechanism, effected by wrist extension or flexion, respectively. It is caused by the manner of attachment of the finger tendons to the bones and the passive tension created by two-joint muscles used to produce a functional movement or task (tenodesis).[1] Moving the wrist in extension or flexion will cause the fingers to curl or grip when the wrist is extended, and to straighten or release when the wrist is flexed.[2][3]

The tenodesis grip and release mechanism is used in occupational therapy,[4] physical therapy[5][6] and rehabilitation of fine motor impairment, typically various levels of spinal paralysis,[7][8] and in kinesiology and sports mechanics that are concerned with efficient grasp and release mechanics. Wrist extension is noted for bat grip in baseball.[9] Wrist extension is also noted in the form of grip used in most schools of Japanese swordsmanship or kenjutsu.


  1. Jeff G. Konin, (1999) Slack, Inc., Practical Kinesiology for the Physical Therapist Assistant, p. 19.
  2. Tenodesis Grip Exercises - https://patienteducation.osumc.edu/Documents/TenodesisGripExer.pdf
  3. Susan L. Roberts, Kinesiology: Movement in the Context of Activity, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2005, p. 135.
  4. Pedretti, L., & Zoltan, B. (1990). Occupational Therapy: Practice skills for Physical Dysfunction, 3rd Ed. CV Mosby Company p. 589,590.
  5. Frank, C., Akeson, W.H., Woo, S.L-Y, Arniel, D., & Coutts, R.D.(1984). Physiology and therapeutic value of passive joint motion. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 185, 113-125.
  6. Pedretti, L., & Zoltan, B. (1990). Occupational Therapy: Practice skills for Physical Dysfunction, 3rd Ed. CV Mosby Company p. 589,590.
  7. Tierney, N. (1982). The development of tenodesis or a 'trick' pincer grip by the C6 quadriplegic. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Vol.1., Hamburg, WFOT, p351
  8. Harvey, L. (1996). Principles of Conservative Management for a Non-orthotic Tenodesis Grip in Tetraplegics. Journal of Hand Therapy, 9, 238-242.
  9. Tusakguchi, 2011: A Hitting Odyssey, Ch. 6 Batting Stance, -- http://rhm001.blogspot.com/2011/12/chapter6-batting-stance_1300.html. "[A] cocking grip leads flexion of fingers because tendon of palm side is stretched by wrist-dorsiflexion. fingers are flexed by tension of tendon. And this phenomenon is called as a tenodesis-action in anatomical terms. By means of the tenodesis-action, we can hold our bat without gripping strongly by muscle contraction. As a result, our grip get the softness and stability at the same time. In this case, our palm is flexed along the lines of palm. It is the proper manner of finger flexion and baseball grip."

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