
Developer(s) Hang Si
Stable release 1.5 / 2013-11-04
Written in ANSI C++
Operating system Unix/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows
License Gnu Affero Public License v.3.0
Website http://tetgen.org/

TetGen is a mesh generator developed by Hang Si which is designed to partition any 3D geometry into tetrahedrons by employing a form of Delaunay triangulation whose algorithm was developed by the author.[1]

TetGen has since been incorporated into other software packages such as Mathematica[2] and Gmsh[3]


  1. Si, Hang (2015). "TetGen, a Delaunay-based Tetrahedral Mesh Generator". ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 41 (2): 11:1–11:36. doi:10.1145/2629697.
  2. "Wolfram Mathematica: introduction to TetGenLink".
  3. "Gmsh:6.1 Choosing the right unstructured algorithm".

External links

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