The Adventures of Hijitus
The Adventures of Hijitus is a Argentine animated series created in 1967 by Spanish cartoonist Manuel García Ferré. It was the first animated series in Latin America intended for television market, and has been considered the most successful series in the history of Latin American cartoons.
The series was first broadcast on August 7, 1967, by the Canal 13, in the form of firmware daily 1 minute in length, which was repeated throughout the day at different times, then coming to the cinema in film format.
The strip is starring Hijitus a street child who lives in a sanitary sewer in the city of Trulalá that is ravaged by the actions of Professor Neurus, among others. To defend Trulalá and particularly his friends (Oaky, Pichichus, Anteojito and Larguirucho), Hijitus becomes in Super Hijitus a superhero with great force, capable of flying.
Main characters
- Hijitus / Super Hijitus: Hijitus is a poor boy who lives on the street, within a sanitary sewer, with his dog pichichus. He has a gang of friends, composed Oaky, the pichichus own Largurucho. He is characterized by a sense of friendship, justice and solidarity and always wears a hat or blue bottomless galley. Hijitus can become Super Hijitus, passing through the hat and saying, "Hat, sombreritus, make me a Super Hijitus!". Super Hijitus is indestructible and can fly, facing the villain of the series, Professor Neurus. His favorite expression is " Ojalita , ojalata , chuculita , chuculata ; fufu ... and choo , choo , choo , choo."
- Pichichus: Is Hijitus dog and friend . You can also become Super pichichus if passes the hat that. Hijitus is adopted by the adventure called "A UFO Trulalá " defends Hijitus about stray dogs wild, becoming Hijitus mascot, and his faithful sidekick . No talking, but most of the characters in the series includes barking .
- Oaky : The son of the richest man in Trulalá, Gold Silver. He is a baby, and is Hijitus' main friend. Diapers and two pistols. His favorite motto is "shoot, mess and cosha golda". He is a very spoiled and pampered child who, on more than one occasion, led him to ally with Neurus. Despite this antagonistic tendency Oaky is a good-hearted boy in the background , and very brave for his age.
- Anteojito: A boy of about 8 years, wearing big glasses (hence his name), cheerful and positive, who lives with his uncle Antifaz. Both Anteojito as Antifaz had a separate development Hijitus Universe, living in another city (Villa Trompeta), besides having his own magazine (Anteojito Magazine) . However he used to appear on the adventures of Hijitus eventually.
- Larguirucho: A stupid mouse who friends with Hijitus and integrates his gang , but also participates in the side of the evil Professor Neurus, apparently without being fully aware of the evil of their deeds. Larguirucho is known for being a good friend with good feelings, but little intelligence to distinguish right from wrong. His favorite phrase when they call is to respond to the caller with "Blá má fuete, que no te ecucho". He is the only character who has appeared in every Manuel Garcia Ferre movie.
- Professor Neurus: The main antagonist of the series. He is an evil scientist, whose aim is to take power in Trulalá. It has to do with their inventions and integrated by Pucho and Saw, which eventually adds the Larguirucho gang. His favorite phrase is: "Shut up, Dumber!". Teacher Neurus is also memorable way to distribute his spoils after a criminal act, "One for you , two for me, one for you ten for me , another for you, everything to me". Professor Neurus uses a monstrous contraption called The Marañaza, for taking Gold Silver's fortune.
- Pucho: A henchman bear under the orders of Professor Neurus. Buenos Aires is a typical " inmate" of the slums, talking in slang and constantly has a "fag" (cigarette) in the mouth, which can transform into any object. Is a tango aficionado and permanently uses as crutch to start a sentence the words " This that ...".