The Age of Wonder

The Age of Wonder
Author Richard Holmes
Language English
Subject History of Science
Genre Non-fiction
Publisher HarperCollins
Publication date
Pages 554 pp
ISBN 978-0-00-714952-0

The Age of Wonder: How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science is a 2008 popular science book about the history of science written by Richard Holmes. In it, the author describes the scientific discoveries of the polymaths of the late eighteenth century, and describes how this period formed the basis for modern scientific discoveries.[1] It won the 2009 Royal Society Prize for Science Books.[2] and the 2009 National Book Critics Circle Award for General Nonfiction.


In this book, Holmes focuses particularly on the work of Sir Joseph Banks, William Herschel and Humphry Davy. The book also describes the relationships between the scientists of that time, and the early days of the Royal Society.[3]


The book received very good reviews, with Mike Jay of the Daily Telegraph writing: "Scientists, like poets, need a sense of wonder, a sense of humility and a sense of humour. Holmes has all three in abundance".[4] Peter Forbes of The Independent wrote of the book:

"Its heart – the linked stories of Banks, Herschel and Davy – is thrilling: a portrait of bold adventure among the stars, across the oceans, deep into matter, poetry and the human psyche"[5]

See also


External links

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